The meal that gathered representatives from all parties in the domestic mobile phone industry and semiconductor industry is over.

Ye Cheng's goals were all achieved.

First of all, after the delivery, the final payment of the two shipments from each company, which allows him to continue to purchase more raw materials for chip production, in addition, it also proves that he will be able to obtain greater profits, which Let him have sufficient reasons to go to the bank to get a loan. The four major banks in Huaguo each have a loan of several hundred million dollars. Isn't it a big problem?

The second is to show the chip workshop. I believe that through the mouths of these companies, the news will reach the ears of the whole country in a short time.

This is also the reason why he dared to go to the bank to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars.

The country's only top wafer foundry on the mainland, the country can't support him or something?

Maybe billions of dollars is not impossible. The country spends tens of billions of money on chips every year. Now his company is the first and only breakthrough. It is not too much to ask for money, right?

For the current development of Zhiqi, his biggest problem now is always the lack of money.

In addition to the above two points, in the end, it was the cooperation he proposed.

This is what he thinks is the most important thing right now.

Before, he thought that the system gave him all the technology to produce chip raw materials was completely redundant, and he felt that foreign countries would not even supply raw materials.

But now that he has seen the insidiousness of the three companies of Xiaotong, he gave up his fantasy and decided to speculate abroad with the greatest malice.

Therefore, he cannot bet that those foreign raw material suppliers will not stop supplying.

Therefore, he must start the layout of the chip industry in advance.

Around his chip production factory, a chip industry chain covering the whole country has been established, from upstream to downstream, and all possible foreign "stuck necks" have been removed.

There is no way, Huaguo's technology must compete with the whole world.

This is why he wants to cooperate with so many companies at the dinner.

He provided the technology, and those companies provided the money. He selected several of these companies to be responsible for the production of several materials, and then let these companies responsible for the production of raw materials supply all of his chip factories.

It is also necessary to find those companies to cooperate with.

He wants to take it all and keep all the profits for himself, but there is no way, he can't spend so much money to build a raw material production plant, and he doesn't have so many contacts in the industry, so he wants to quickly find all kinds of products in the country. It also takes a lot of time to obtain various approvals from the government, but he doesn't know when people from abroad will take out the big stick of sanctions.

And if he finds those companies to cooperate with, it will be different. Among these companies, except for the few mobile phone manufacturers, those companies engaged in the semiconductor industry are basically domestic representative companies, and many of them are state-controlled enterprises. .

These companies are basically not short of money and contacts. When the time comes, they will spend money, people and venues, and they will be able to build factories one by one in a short time. Ye Cheng is sure that within three months, Huaguo will be able to create The miracle of the chip world.

Only rely on one country, one nation, to create a chip.

This pearl of wisdom that should belong to all mankind.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement in his heart.

And the most important thing is that when the time comes, those companies will not only no longer regard him as a competitor, but will regard him as a benefactor. , until the branches and leaves flourish.

"Phew, what a great and exciting idea."

Ye Cheng let out a long breath and couldn't help expressing emotion.

"What idea?"

The seductive voice of Yujie sounded at this moment, interrupting Ye Cheng's thoughts.

Ye Cheng came back to his senses, then waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about it."


Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Okay, Xiaobai, I have a task for you."

"Missions! Xiaobai likes missions the most!" Xiaobai's tone immediately brightened.

When the master gives it a task, it means that it can help the master to share the work, which is the biggest role of intelligence.

"Give me an analysis of the dozens of materials for chip production, which materials I hand over to which companies to cooperate with, which can ensure that our company has the greatest control, and at the same time, those companies will not refuse and can work hard to complete it? "

Ye Cheng believes that with this rather complicated problem, it is enough to kill Xiaobai for a long time.

"Okay! I understand!"

Xiaobai responded immediately, and then fell silent.

Ye Cheng shook his head, this guy.

However, at this time, he finally had some leisure to pay attention to the new reward that the system gave him today.

This reward naturally comes from a new achievement he completed called [Breakthrough Difficulties].

What the difficulty is, naturally needless to say, in comparison, Ye Cheng's interest in that new reward is obviously greater.

Li-air battery technology!

Looking at the U disk in his hand, Ye Cheng felt a burst of excitement.

Because he knows very well what a precious technology is hidden in it.

Lithium-air battery, known as the final form of lithium battery, can be regarded as a pearl in the battery industry.

This is almost a technology that is no different from a chip, and even to some extent, this technology is more difficult than a chip.

After all, chip technology was born as early as the last century, while lithium-air battery technology is still far away at present.

Lithium-air batteries, strictly defined, should be lithium-oxygen batteries. As the name suggests, it is a technology that uses lithium metal as the negative electrode and oxygen as the positive electrode.

The infinite oxygen in the air means that this battery does not require positive electrode materials, which brings lighter weight, less environmental pollution, and lower cost to the battery.

And its energy density is as high as 3500Wh/kg, so once it appears, it means that the battery market of hundreds of billions of dollars will be killed by a wolf like a sheepfold.

Because the energy density of the most popular ternary lithium power battery barely exceeds 300Wh/kg, and the cobalt oxide lithium capacity battery used in electronic equipment is only 700Wh/L.

Lithium-air batteries, with their lighter weight and higher energy density, can kill all of these batteries.

An order of magnitude difference, which completely means a revolution in the energy world.

And the same, for Ye Cheng, this is a huge killer.

This is different from the chip technology he has acquired before.

Chip technology already exists abroad, and even if he obtains it, it will only break through the foreign technology blockade and allow Huaguo to produce its own chips.

However, lithium-air battery technology is a technology that is not available in foreign countries and will soon be available in China.

It can be called the technology of the future.

However, with the technology, how to put it into production?

Ye Cheng is once again stumped by banknotes

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