Johnson Rockefeller shook his head slightly, feeling once again that such a company could appear in Huaguo, which made them feel unbelievable. Even now, a lot of people questioned that the boss of Zhiqi Company was an alien, or someone from the future Those who come back from time travel, as for those who doubt that he has a system, that is a characteristic of Huaguo. People from abroad don't know what a system is.

At this time, he suddenly received a call.

After connecting, he was stunned when he heard some news from the other side.

"Organ cloning? Possible in humans?"

The person on the opposite side said: "Now the experiment is conducted on mice. According to what the author of the paper said, they will conduct experiments on primates in the next stage. If the experiment on primates is successful, the next step is Clinical trial, if successful, I believe you should know what it means." 7K 妏敩

Rockefeller became short of breath.

If the technology works, doesn't that mean he can live for a while longer?

There is such a rumor that a member of the Rockefeller family spent hundreds of millions of dollars on six heart replacements, thus living more than a hundred years old.

There is no need to say more about the specific truth, and no one knows whether it is fabricated, but there is no doubt that it reveals a message, that is, organ replacement can bring about a longer life span.

No expert can give a clear answer on how long the human brain can last. Some say 150, some say 200, and some even say 400 years.

Most of those old people who died of old age, or died of natural old age, were mostly due to the irreversible aging of key organ cells, which eventually led to their complete death. It had nothing to do with their brains. At most, it was Alzheimer's disease, or dementia. It will affect their brains, but not every elderly person will get Alzheimer's disease, it is just a disease that is more common among the elderly population.

Because of this, there is the term brain death, because as long as brain-dead people are not too old, their organs are basically healthy and large, and most of the brain cells of people with aging organs are still healthy.

So, this brings inspiration to people, does this mean that if an organ fails, just replace this organ with a new one, and you can live longer? This is clearly possible and highly probable.

Of course, this does not mean that you will be able to live longer if you change your organs. You must know that some organs cannot be replaced, such as the brain, such as the stomach, etc. In addition, with the aging and reduction of human stem cells, human aging is also Irreversible, when those stem cells are exhausted, people will also be doomed to die.

However, for Rockefeller, just being able to clone kidneys and hearts was enough, and he just wanted to live longer.

Even if it costs 100 million to live one more day, Johnson Rockefeller is willing to pay this money. The wealth of the Rockefeller family can easily allow him to sublimate his second, or even third, fourth life...

After all, for a world chaebol like him, life span is forever, and living is the eternal right.

It's ridiculous to say that according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, survival is originally the lowest level of physiological needs, and the highest level of needs is self-actualization. For people like Rockefeller, they are born at the third level of needs In fact, Johnson Rockefeller can now become the head of the Rockefeller family. Obviously, he has completely satisfied all the levels of needs. However, for such a him, now there is a need for survival.

This is the shackles humans face.

Recovering from the fantasy, Johnson Rockefeller immediately said to the phone: "Which company is that project? I want to invest in this company... No, you wouldn't be so kind to tell me this news, if you knew , must have invested in it long ago.”

"Hehe, Old Locke, it seems that your thinking is quite quick." A smile came from the opposite side, and then continued: "This project is a project of Zhiqi Company. Although their papers have not yet been published, but I've heard the news."

"Zhiqi Company?!" Johnson Rockefeller was stunned for a moment, and his brows immediately frowned.

Although Zhiqi Company has encroached on many aspects of the Rockefeller family's interests, but compared to Rockefeller's size, it just feels a little painful. If the other party is a company established in a western country, it is estimated that they have already been swallowed up by these chaebols. It's exhausted, but now, the other party is relying on another political system, which is not easy to mess with, and they can only give up this part of their interests.

However, longevity is an area that the Rockefeller family cannot give up. In the 20th century, the Rockefeller family, in addition to oil, also had a huge influence in biomedicine. Founded with support from the Rockefeller family.

Faced with such a technology that had the potential to give him a longer life, Johnson Rockefeller fell silent.

It seems that in terms of the virtual reality network, he must use some snacks.

"I see, Mellon, this matter seems to require our cooperation."

After hanging up the phone, the person who called him was a member of the Mellon family, the same American chaebol, the behind-the-scenes shareholder of the Federal Reserve.

It seems that the old guy also has some ideas about this technology that can improve life expectancy.

Rockefeller shook his head, and began to think about how to plan for the virtual reality network in the future. By targeting the virtual reality network, and then let Zhiqi Company hand over the technology that can clone organs in the future, even if it can be realized, it is another matter. But what if?

He has lived for more than 60 years, but he has seen with his own eyes that the average life expectancy of human beings has risen from 60 to 70 years, so that various countries have even begun to worry about the issue of pension insurance reserves.

But when he was thinking about the plan, he thought that Zhiqi Company belonged to Huaguo, and he felt a headache again. The country that gives them the biggest headache for chaebols is undoubtedly Huaguo. No matter how they use capital to pry open the door of this country, they will not be able to expand enough influence in this country.

Take Joaquin Corporation for example. At the beginning, the old Morgan did not know how to establish this company with Huaguo, but he had to be kicked out of the ranks of shareholders. Remembering Morgan's anger at the time, Johnson Rockefeller still felt a little bit when he thought about it. gloat.

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