"Well, let's take it step by step. At least they haven't succeeded yet...Maybe they succeeded in mice, but they won't succeed in humans?"

This high-ranking old man sighed, called someone, and began to discuss the preparations for the future.


Americans unite quickly.

After all, according to their assessment, the actual value of the virtual reality network, this second world, is no less than a trillion dollars, and as more and more people join it and the running time becomes longer and longer, its actual value will It is getting higher and higher, and it will loot many economies in the real world in the future, and even produce a siphon effect. It is not impossible for its total value to exceed ten trillion U.S. dollars until more than ten years later.

Therefore, such a huge benefit has caused almost every upper-class person in the United States to take action. They have also united with the bourgeoisie in other countries to launch a campaign against virtual reality networks.

On one of the most popular talk shows in Mimi.

The host, Cui Wa, changed from her humorous expression to a sad face: "Today, I want to tell you a sad news."

When arousing the audience's curiosity, he said: "Our thoughts are being monitored."

"Of course, if someone said that in the past, I would definitely let Uncle Baker next door kick his ass hard."

"But now, I have to believe it."

"Yes, our minds are monitored!"

"And we have to be monitored, because I can't help but want to be monitored, it's like a big M, it's too scary."

"Speaking of which, you may want to ask, who is monitoring our thoughts, oh, fortunately, it is a Huaguo company, otherwise, after I say it, I will definitely have a brain hole tomorrow..."

"That's right, Huaguo Company, which monitors thoughts, is obviously the famous Zhiqi Company!"

"According to the survey, 50 million people in the United States have purchased Zhiqi's virtual reality helmets, 50 million people! There are only more than 330 million people in the United States, and nearly one-sixth of the people have played this Something, I want to know how many of these 50 million people have seriously read the agreement that Zhiqi Company asked you to agree to when you landed in the world called 'Xinyuzhou'."

"In this agreement, Zhiqi Company told us very clearly that when we play games in the virtual world, they may read our thoughts!"

Cui Wa opened her hands and made a very exaggerated expression, showing his shock and anger.

Then, a picture was displayed next to him.

The above is a certain clause in an agreement, which reads: [In order to ensure that you can have a more realistic experience in virtual reality, we need to monitor your brain wave information, which mainly includes the information you control yourself. A message that the body is acting, don't worry, it won't affect you badly. 】

"Look! Brainwave information! Information that controls our body's movements! They told us so in the agreement, they want to read our brainwaves!"

Cui Wa put her head in her hands and said: "Oh! God, I can't believe it, although I swear I have never stared at Ah Zi's ass in virtual reality, and I have never thought about sleeping with Ah Zi, but What if? What if I do this and think so..."

Speaking of this, he spread his hands and said: "Well, I have indeed done this and thought about it. After all, Ah Zi was selected as the number one most beautiful character. I believe that no matter you are LGBT or a sexual majority group, it should be difficult Avoid. But even though many of us have thought about it, it doesn’t mean that we want to be known by others that we have thought about it, and Zhiqi Company has been collecting our brainwave signals, our thoughts, doesn’t it mean So, we don't have any secrets in front of Zhiqi Company?"

"For example, you have never expressed racism on the surface, but you saw a black man in the new universe and said "Nige" in your heart, so Zhiqi Company knew that you were a racist. .”

"Our Mr. President was thinking of using B2 to bomb Xiongguo when he was playing the game, but Zhiqi Company told Xiongguo the news. Is it true that Xiongguo should act first and send their swan bombers to blow us up? ?”

"Think about it, what a scary thing it is! Then Zhiqi Company will be able to analyze the characters of all of us, and even understand ourselves better than ourselves."

"So, I hope the government can help us! Its temptation is too great, like a drug, which makes it difficult for us to give up, so only the government can force the virtual reality network to shut down! Of course, there is another way to make it Don't get shut down, at least I still want to play, but only if-"

"That Zhiqi company is willing to hand over the control of the virtual reality network to everyone! Not such a private company!"


In the United States, Europe and other countries, due to unknown reasons, the number of people watching this talk show reached 20 million.

More than 20 million people have heard the host's complaints about Zhiqi Company and his criticism of Zhiqi Company's surveillance thinking.

In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that there are more than 50 million people in the United States, more than 40 million people in Europe have bought virtual reality helmets, so that some of them who would have watched this talk show ran into virtual reality to play games The reason is that the number of people watching this talk show is probably far from only 20 million.

Of course, more than 20 million people are still a lot, and Cui Wa, who was once listed by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018, his remarks quickly spread.

Can a virtual reality network collect players' thoughts?

Everyone felt incredible when they heard the news.

In fact, during the period before and after the release of the virtual reality headset, some people raised this issue, but it did not attract attention. At most, some people discussed it. After all, there were not many people behind it.

But now, there are so many consortiums behind it, and some experts have endorsed it on the bright side. Anyway, the virtual reality helmet can indeed collect brain waves, and the content of the agreement is indeed there. This does mean that this thing can read the brain. radio waves.

As for how many brain waves it can read, no one cares. Anyway, for most people, being able to read brain waves means that it can collect thoughts.

Under this kind of large-scale publicity, people who bought virtual reality helmets suddenly panicked.

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