In this way, a week has passed, and more and more people on the foreign network expressed that they do not want to play the new universe helmet.

Of course, this is just the rhetoric on the Internet, but the actual data is a bit unexpected.

Johnson Rockefeller's villa.

Johnson Rockefeller frowned and looked at the report in his hand: "The number of people who continued to play dropped to the lowest point on the third day and decreased by 35%, but as of yesterday, it returned to the original 90%? Among them, even 5% are the number of people who have naturally decreased? Then the propaganda we have spent so much energy on has become a joke.”

The blond middle-aged man from before appeared in this villa again.

He said with a wry smile: "There is no way to do this. The attraction of virtual reality is still too great. Too many people say that they can't leave it, and even say that their thoughts are monitored. They think that even if the virtual reality network is exchanged Give everyone control, and it has nothing to do with them, and you will always be watched by others."

Johnson Rockefeller frowned, but he had to admit that this is indeed a fact. If Zhiqi Company really handed over this thing to the so-called 'owner' to manage its surveillance ideas, it will actually be able to manage it in the end. People who are still at the top of society like them.

This is a fundamental contradiction and will always exist in human civilization.

However, putting aside these issues, the so-called handing over the power of surveillance thinking to everyone is nothing more than a thing they invented.

Those at the top of society like them all know that this new universe helmet can’t read the complex thoughts of human beings at all. It can only read the actions and thoughts of people’s brains at most, and there is no way to solve the complex thoughts in the heart, at least at present. .

Johnson Rockefeller shook his head: "These ordinary people can still think at this level."

The blond middle-aged man said helplessly: "Now I can only hope that you and the others will implement the second plan."

"Okay." Johnson Rockefeller nodded.

The second plan is to restrict people in the United States from playing virtual reality helmets by introducing policies.

Of course, first put forward the proposal, and then look at the reaction of Zhiqi Company. If Zhiqi Company is willing to negotiate, then everything will be fine. If Zhiqi Company is unwilling to negotiate, then this proposal will most likely become a reality soon.

Although those in the White House are likely to be unwilling, because once this policy is passed, according to the survey just now, among the votes represented by more than 50 million users who play virtual reality headsets, 90% of them estimate that Will not vote for the current ruling party.

However, considering the approval rating of the current administration, Johnson Rockefeller sneered.

Why do they still think they can be selected?

It's better to memorize all the scapegoats honestly.

Maybe seeing that this government is obedient, these chaebols will also give some money to help during the election?

As for who will be elected, Rockefeller doesn't care, no matter who is elected, he will definitely listen to them honestly.


November eleventh.

In response to the trend of Double Eleven, the Huaguo virtual reality helmet has been sold at a price reduction of 500 yuan, and it is a global price reduction. It is called, so that foreigners can also celebrate Double Eleven. Of course, it will be adjusted according to the exchange rate.

This price reduction naturally stimulated some people who were waiting and watching, or missed the first discount, and have been waiting for the Double Eleven discount.

However, on this day, news came from a media outlet in the United States.

[According to the information disclosed by House member Thomson Hank, he put forward a proposal on restricting Zhiqi’s virtual reality network today. It is reported that he has paid attention to the recent incident that virtual reality helmets can monitor thoughts. He believes that many people’s demands are It makes sense that a private company should not be allowed to monitor our thoughts, but this power should be given to everyone, so he believes that until Zhiqi company gives up this power, citizens of the United States who bought virtual reality helmets should be avoided live under such surveillance. Below is an interview with Thomson Hanke. 】

As soon as the video turned, a man with the appearance of a Slav appeared on the screen.

Apparently he was the member of the House of Representatives.

The reporter behind the camera asked: "Mr. Congressman, what do you think of the virtual reality universe?"

Thomson Hanke said with a smile: "I have to admit that the virtual reality universe can undoubtedly be listed as the most important invention of this century. It has brought us a more free world, and this freedom , not only freedom of action, but more importantly, it brings freedom to our minds again. For example, when we looked at the universe before, we would only say 'oh my god, look at the universe, how amazing it is' , but now, we look at the universe in the sky in virtual reality, but we say, 'the universe is so big, I'm going to see it'."

"It unlocks the shackles of our minds restricted by technology, allowing our minds to think more. This is exactly the true freedom we pursue in the United States. All our technologies are for our greater freedom. Try it, that's it."

The reporter smiled and said, "Since you praise it so much, why do you propose to ban it? Isn't this restricting our freedom?"

Thomson Hanke waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, this is not a restriction of freedom, it is actually a better protection of our freedom."

"Independent and private thought is our most fundamental freedom. Without it, our freedom is not freedom, because it is a freedom that is always watched by others. Do you think this is also freedom? "

The reporter applauded, seeming to agree with what the congressman said, but then the reporter said: "However, we found on the Internet that many citizens expressed dissatisfaction with your proposal, and many expressed their willingness to continue playing virtual reality online. , don't want to see it banned, what do you think about that?"

Thomson Hanke showed helplessness on his face, and spread his hands: "Because of this, I have to do more. When everyone is compromising and heading towards the abyss, someone must step on the brakes to stop this situation, even if it's dangerous, and I, as a Republican, have to do it." 7K 妏敩

The reporter said: "It seems that every Republican is as brave as you."

Thomson Hank laughed, "Of course."

Obviously, this is a media that supports the Republican Party.

However, Thomson Hanke's speech in the interview quickly attracted the attention of many people.

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