Surgery is still going on.

However, the rest is just the finishing stitches. For Dean, it is not too simple. These doctors can only see Dean's hand moving casually in the surgical wound, and the suture is completed. The suture used is An absorbable suture that is slowly absorbed by the patient's body after suturing, so there is no need to remove the sutures later.

After the suturing was completed, Dean dropped the needle in his hand and said, "Okay, help the patient pull up the clothes and enter the observation period."

The assistant next to him immediately went to finish the finishing work.

There were also some young doctors around, who were pulled over to learn. They saw Dean's surgical skills just now, and their faces couldn't help being excited, as if the surgeon was their own.

And the old doctors around couldn't help admiring again in their hearts, this doctor Di's skills are really good.

After all, Zhiqi Company has never found this kind of doctor, and I have never heard of his name in China before. Could it be that he came from a foreign country.

Of course, although they were puzzled in their hearts, these doctors didn't ask directly, they just praised Dean.

"Dr. Di is very skilled."

"Which hospital did Dr. Dean work in?"

"Do you want to come to our hospital?"

Some people even want to poach the corner of Zhiqi Company.

And in front of Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and when he came up, he said, "Okay, doctors, Dean should be tired now, let's all go and observe our patients together, and if you have any questions, it's convenient for everyone to help out."

Boss Zhiqi said so, the doctors gave up and began to wait for Liu Depei to wake up.

General anesthesia was used in the kidney transplant operation, so Liu Depei didn't know anything during the operation. Otherwise, if he heard the doctor say that it was a murder, he would probably get out of bed in shock and perform a wave of medical miracles.

Time passed quickly, and Liu Depei woke up, but his body could not move because the anesthesia effect was still there.

He stared blankly at the ceiling. The feeling of not feeling anything made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he had lost control, but the pain from his abdomen let him know that the operation was probably over.

He opened his mouth, and he said hesitantly, "Yi Sen...are you alright?"

At this time Ye Cheng came up, looked at Liu Depei, and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, the operation was successful, how do you feel now?"

Liu Depei's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Cheng, the richest man in the world!

It can be seen that for businessmen, even at this time, they will care about each other's status.

He faltered and said: "Ye Dong... hello, is the operation over?"

Ye Cheng nodded and said, "How do you feel now? Can you tell me?"

"I feel... okay."

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait for the anesthesia to pass first, then let's watch it again."


Liu Depei nodded and said no more.

And the doctors around looked at Liu Depei's appearance, it seems that there is no problem?

Generally speaking, people like Liu Depei who have not taken rejection drugs will definitely have problems after transplantation, such as inflammation and rejection.

This made them discuss again.

Could it be that what Ye Cheng said is true?

Did they really clone this patient's kidney?

More than ten minutes passed, and by this time, the effect of the anesthesia was almost gone, and it would no longer affect Liu Depei's movements.

And at this time Liu Depei suddenly said: "Doctor, I'm going to the bathroom! I need to pee!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the doctors were shocked again.

A patient with advanced kidney failure suddenly wants to go to the toilet to urinate?

Patients with kidney disease are generally anuric, or rarely urinate.

But Liu Depei wants to pee now.

Doesn't this mean that his kidney function has recovered?

Ye Cheng also showed a smile on his face, and then called the nurse next to him to help Liu Depei.

Because Liu Depei couldn't get out of bed just after the operation, he used a catheter directly.

And Liu Depei was also very excited, he also knew what his sudden need to urinate meant, his kidney function really worked again!

I can continue to live again!

He was extremely excited, if he hadn't been unable to stand up, he would be able to kowtow to Ye Cheng directly now.

At this time, the doctors also surrounded Ye Cheng and Dean, all asking about their cloning technology.

"Mr. Ye, how is your cloning technology? Is it convenient to visit?"

"Mr. Ye, has your cloning technology been completed? Or is it just a special case now?"

"Mr. Dean, do you know this technology?"

"Mr. Dean..."

During the process, some people also remembered the paper that Dean once published on "Cell", and then confirmed that this Dean was Pideon, which made them even more excited for a while. After all, that paper was about But it was a cloned organ, and it was a mouse, which caused a lot of shock at that time.

And Ye Cheng looked at the doctors in front of him who were thirsty for knowledge, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. If he hooked his hands, these big hands from well-known hospitals in the magic city would join him in the company?

It is estimated that those hospitals will be in a hurry with him by then.

Of course, in this regard, there is no need for Zhiqi Company. At least some big doctors should be reserved for those patients.


After the operation was completely over, Liu Depei was transferred to his previous single ward. After several days of observation, his condition also improved visibly.

He used drugs such as vitamin C to speed up the healing of the surgical wound. In addition, his urination gradually returned to normal, and various functions of the kidneys began to operate normally, and even his blood pressure began to drop. Decreased, incomplete renal function can also lead to high blood pressure.

And this case, under Ye Cheng's intention not to stop it, or even to promote it, gradually spread the news.

It didn't take long for many people to know the news.

Zhiqi Company has realized kidney cloning technology.

This is a more rigorous statement, because now people only know that Zhiqi Company has successfully cloned a kidney and successfully transplanted it, making the patient's condition recover.

But in people's eyes, this is organ cloning technology.

Thus, the world boiled.


Rockefeller family estate.

Johnson Rockefeller held the report in his hand, his face full of disbelief: "Zhiqi Company successfully cloned the kidney, and the transplant was successful?"

"Didn't any rejection occur?"

"Jesus Christ!"

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