Johnson Rockefeller looked at the statement in the report in shock, including various photos and videos, mainly showing the comparison of Liu Depei's condition before and after the transplant, including the recovery of various physical indicators after the transplant.

At the same time, according to the investigation, Liu Depei did not use any anti-rejection drugs. According to the order of anti-rejection drugs in the hospital, it was not found that Liu Depei had purchased anti-rejection drugs at all.

These circumstances all show that Zhiqi Company has really developed organ cloning technology.

Johnson Rockefeller frowned deeply.

"Didn't it mean that they still want to conduct experiments on primates? Why did they directly conduct clinical trials?"

He asked the subordinate who gave him the report.

The man said with a wry smile: "This matter was jointly carried out by the Huaguo government and Zhiqi Company in secret. Even their officials have not released relevant documents, and Zhiqi Company also did it very secretly. We can only find out More than three months ago, Zhiqi Company contacted Liu Depei. Although we had doubts at that time, we did not find any contact with them after more than a month, so we did not continue to investigate until more than three months later. It was only when they started doing transplants a few days ago that they reconnected."

"No contact for more than three months?"

Johnson Rockefeller snorted coldly, and immediately made a judgment: "It is obvious that Zhiqi Company has completed organ cloning in the past three months."

"I really didn't expect them to move so fast and with great confidence. Their technology may have matured and they can carry out large-scale sexual organ cloning."

Only met once, then started organ cloning, and directly carried out transplantation technology the second time, which of course made Johnson Rockefeller think that Zhiqi Company was very confident.

If you don't have confidence, you won't do it.

He pondered for a moment, and finally felt helpless.

People have already made this technology, which means that they have no way to get involved in the research and development process now.

Not getting involved in the research and development process obviously means that the final result will have nothing to do with them.

Of course, you can also buy the final result directly, but that is Zhiqi Company.

Johnson Rockefeller didn't think they could grab a bite from Zhiqi Company.

He waved his hand, indicating that this subordinate could leave. As for the following investigation, there was no point in continuing.

"Got to get in touch with those old guys."

The ones he wants to contact are naturally those families who are also chaebols.

These top chaebols, especially the chaebols in the United States, have contact information, and the Rockefeller family, as one of the most powerful families among them, can be regarded as the leader, so as soon as he contacted those chaebols, he quickly got responded.

Of course, the reason why those people responded immediately was because they guessed the reason why Johnson Rockefeller initiated the meeting.

Soon, an online meeting between the century chaebol families began.

Johnson Rockefeller, as the initiator, took the lead and said: "Okay, everyone, I believe everyone should know the reason for inviting you. Zhiqi Company in Huaguo has completed the kidney cloning technology. As for whether they can clone other organs, we have yet to know." On the other hand, I believe in kidney cloning. You should have your own thoughts, right? Morgan, I remember that your son had uremia? Now you have to go to the hospital often for a kidney replacement. If you can clone a kidney, no can solve this problem?"

The current controller of the Morgan family, Rolls Morgan, when he heard Johnson Rockefeller mentioning his son's illness, his complexion became ugly. This is exposing scars.

"Old Locke, if you bring up this matter again, believe it or not, I will let my company buy other people's oil?"

Johnson Rockefeller snorted coldly: "Old Morgan, you are still as small as ever."

"Okay, both of you, our topic is not about whether this technology can cure the problem. Johnson, you invited us here, shouldn't you be talking about this kind of thing?" At this moment, the Rothschild family interrupted them .

Johnson Rockefeller leaned back, and said: "Yes, of course I am not here to talk. Everyone should know that this technology is more important than the virtual reality network, and I believe that among the people present, there should be some At least it was because of this technology that I thought about dealing with Zhiqi's virtual reality network?"


These chaebols responded one after another.

Johnson Rockefeller nodded and continued: "Then, we should now think of a way together, how to obtain this technology, although some people may think that it is better if we spend money to enjoy the technology of Zhiqi Company, why should we Are you trying your best to develop this technology?"

He said coldly: "Then let me tell you, the reason why the Rockefeller family wanted to develop in the medical field was that they didn't want to put their lives in the hands of others."

Rolls Morgan said: "Okay, don't brag about your family. To put it bluntly, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Morgan!" Johnson Rockefeller's face darkened.

The Mellon family said: "Okay, stop chatting, if we want to get this technology from Zhiqi Company, we need a long-term plan, but we need to make it clear that we cannot force Zhiqi Company to hand over the technology. technology."

"Then there is only an exchange of benefits."

These people began to discuss how to exchange benefits at an acceptable price.

Obviously, each of them cares about their lifespan very much.

Even if they don't get organ diseases, there are many people who have checked their bodies and found that there are certain problems in their organs. Those problems are the problems that people are destined to face during the aging process. Even if they have a lot of money and can enjoy The world's top treatment plan has no good way to deal with this kind of problem.

And today's organ cloning technology obviously gave them a way.

The older you get, the more afraid you are of death, not to mention people like them who control an incomparably huge amount of wealth.

There is a 28/20 rule between the poor and the rich, and among the rich, there is also the 28/20 rule. The poor can barely survive, let alone them?


The discussions of the chaebols will naturally not be known to outsiders. Of course, Xiaobai is not a human being.

And because of Xiaobai, Ye Cheng is clear about the plans of these chaebols. However, he is not too concerned. No matter what these people think, it is impossible to exchange this technology with others, at least not now. That will have to wait until Zhiqi Company has mastered other more advanced medical technologies.

With the realization of kidney cloning technology, Zhiqi Company was once again pushed into everyone's sight.

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