Many people want to find Zhiqi Company to treat themselves or their relatives with this technology, and many people want to get this technology.

Regarding the former, Zhiqi Company certainly said that there will be opportunities in the future. After all, this technology is a new technology and cannot be pushed to the market.

As for the latter, it can only be said that he wants to fart.

However, there are too many people like this, no matter whether they are foreign or domestic, people know that this technology means too many things. In China, it is unknown how many important people suffer from related organ diseases .

At the same time, people on the Internet have also started various discussions.

On Zhihu, there are many questions about organ cloning on the hot search list.

For example [How to evaluate the organ cloning technology of Zhiqi Company? ], 【What changes will organ cloning technology bring to society? ], [Is the organ cloning technology of Zhiqi Company real? 】

Some of these answers also aroused the approval of many people.


The organ cloning technology of Zhiqi Company is real. I am a doctor at Ruijin Hospital, and I was watching when the operation was performed.

PS: Zhiqi Company has not prohibited the disclosure of these information.

At that time, the patient was a wealthy man with advanced kidney failure. He spent 15 years to extend his life, but had not found a suitable kidney for transplantation. Then the patient found out that Zhiqi Company was recruiting clinical volunteers for organ cloning technology, and said To be honest, I didn't even know about it, and I never heard anyone mention it.

But that’s not the point. Let me just talk about the operation process. The doctor who performed the operation is called Dean. If there are people in our industry, they may have read the paper published in "Cell" last year, which is about mice. Organ cloning and transplantation, the author of that paper is this Dean. To be honest, this Dr. Dean’s academic level and his surgical skills are all amazing, at least better than all the kidney transplants I have seen. The chief surgeons are much more powerful, and the whole transplant process takes less than two hours, one hour of which is due to the time for the anesthesia to take effect.

But during the process, I discovered a problem. This doctor didn’t use anti-rejection medicine at all. I asked at the time, but I didn’t ask because I thought he was a big boss. But later, Dr. Dean wanted sutures. At that time, Dr. Dai Guochao from our hospital was also watching, so he stood up with another Dr. Baishan and asked that Dr. Dean.

As a result, people directly said no.

Good guy, we were shocked at the time that kidney transplants don’t require anti-rejection drugs. Dr. Dai said he was killing people.

But at this time, a hot man appeared, yes, the boss of Zhiqi Company, Ye Cheng, who was also in the operating room at the time, and finally told us that this is their organ cloning technology. (we didn't know they were using organ cloning)

After that, everyone should be clear. After the patient was replaced with a kidney, nothing happened to his body. All the indicators were normal, and there was no sign of immune rejection. You know, this patient did not have any symptoms. Those who have used any anti-rejection drugs, if the transplanted kidney is allogeneic, it is estimated that they will not be able to bear it at all. And after about two hours later, this patient suddenly had the urge to urinate. Everyone should know that in the late stage of renal failure, oliguria or even anuria is usually present, and this patient has had renal failure for many years. , basically can only rely on dialysis, and it is difficult to urinate once a month.

Therefore, from these performances, it can basically be explained that the kidney cloned by Zhiqi Company can indeed perfectly replace the function of the human kidney. Now the patient is about to be discharged from the hospital, and he has eaten some salty food recently. There are also foods such as high protein, which cannot be eaten by patients with kidney failure, so I can only say, Zhiqi Company YYDS. 』

This answer received more than 10,000 likes and thousands of comments. 7K 妏敩

However, someone asked the respondent a question in the comments: "May I ask if the respondent knows the cost?" 』

The respondent also answered: "As for the cost of the operation, it usually depends on the hospital. The cost of the operation in our hospital is generally 40,000 to 100,000, depending on the situation. As for the cost of cloning organs, I heard from the person in our hospital. Dr. Dai said that Zhiqi Company spent more than 800,000 yuan just to grow such an organ. If the specific charges are charged, it should be more expensive than this, so it is not impossible for the total cost to be more than 1 million yuan. 』

This answer immediately attracted people's attention.

"Good guy, more than a million, then I might as well die"

"Sure enough, this kind of technology cannot be enjoyed by everyone, only the rich can use it"

"More than one million yuan, Zhiqi Company is crazy about money, right? 』

"Where is the idiot, how much do you think Zhiqi Company has invested in researching this technology?" How many consumables does it take to grow an organ? It takes fifteen years for normal human organs to grow. How much do you think Zhiqi Company spent to make the cultured organs grow rapidly in just a few months? Does Zhiqi Company still want to give you money to raise your organs? 』

"Hey, how about making money for a group? And speak for capitalists. 』



"It is foreseeable that this technology will cause the gap between the rich and the poor to widen again. When the rich people get older, they can replace their old organs to gain a longer life, but the poor people lose this ability. Chance. 』

"I think you are too pessimistic. The problem in the past was that there was no such technology. Now that there is such a technology, the price will always come down in the future. After a few decades, maybe the cost of this technology at that time It has reduced a lot, and each of us may be able to enjoy it. Back then, Gleevec cost more than 20,000 yuan a box, but now after 20 years, isn’t it only 800 yuan a box? 』

"Can more than one million be reduced to tens of thousands? joke! 』

"It's almost enough to drop to hundreds of thousands. Maybe in a few decades, we can basically have a monthly salary of tens of thousands?" 』


There was a lot of discussion, and a new and important technology always gets people talking.

As the initiator of these discussions, Zhiqi Company is still operating normally, but this time, the country has negotiated with Zhiqi Company about this technology.

"We hope that Zhiqi Company can provide technology related to organ cloning. Of course, in exchange, we will not use this technology for commercial activities, and we will not compete with you. In addition, we also..." The representative sent by the country Said.

But Xu Xin just waved his hand and said: "We, Zhiqi Company, will also give you a condition. After our technology matures, the government will be able to enjoy 50 priority treatment policies every year. In exchange, the government will need support and Help us promote our technology, and in addition, in the future, the clinical trial application of our Zhiqi company should be approved first and soon.”

The representative frowned and said, "This won't work!"

Xu Xin smiled slightly: "You can guess why we need the clinical trial application to be approved as soon as possible."


And Ye Cheng, who rarely appeared in the company meeting, replied: "Because our Zhiqi company has many medical technologies that are planned to be researched, believe me, they will allow human beings to evolve."

"Become a longer-lived creature."

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