Several representatives had been away for a long time this time, and when they came back, the news they brought was as expected by Ye Cheng.

Zhiqi Company cannot have security forces with guns. However, they can pay to hire soldiers from nearby military regions. These soldiers can take on corresponding tasks. Of course, that requires them to change their names to official names, such as changing Under the name of Chenghua Academy of Sciences, so that the soldiers can protect them in an upright manner. Otherwise, the army can be hired with private money, which will definitely arouse a wave of public opinion.

For this reply, Ye Cheng has no regrets. Of course, the government under their system will not agree to this kind of thing.

As for the matter of mercenaries, Ye Cheng just thanked them for their kindness and did not agree.

If the name becomes official, then any technology developed by Zhiqi Company in the future will need to be shared with Fang Ping, the official. Maybe people will also know about the honors and technologies that Zhiqi Company obtained before. It is believed that this was developed with the support of the government and was led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Not to mention that Ye Cheng refused to agree to this point, neither would anyone else in Zhiqi Company. The company's reputation in the society is also a criterion for attracting people to join the company. No employee is willing to divide these reputations for no reason. give to someone.

Of course, Ye Cheng had to express his dissatisfaction if it was not achieved: "Guns are not allowed. What if some people in our company are in danger? I remember that the government listed some for us more than a month ago. The list, saying that these are professional commercial spies sent by some foreign governments? If these spies resort to violence, how will our safety be guaranteed.”

This is also true. There are more and more spies near Zhiqi Company. After all, Zhiqi Company has so many advanced technologies, it is normal for others to covet them. Ye Cheng asked Xiaobai to call the police to catch these spies. .

One of the representatives also knew about this matter, so he had to say: "Then tell me a solution, and we will discuss it later."

Ye Cheng said: "First of all, I should be able to hold a gun, right? I always need to have the ability to protect myself. In addition, I need at least two bodyguards who can hold guns, and my wife."

He glanced at Xu Xin next to him and said, "Boss Xu should also have this kind of protective power. The two of us, four bodyguards, and six gun licenses, are we okay? In addition, I also hope that we can Possess some special weapons, such as nest-type drones, our company has participated in the research and development of this thing, so we should be able to use it ourselves, right?"


Six licenses to carry firearms, and even access to special weapons like nest drones, once again stumped the delegates.

However, everything can be discussed. These representatives contacted their superiors again, and finally brought good news.

"Our leader agreed to your request, Mr. Ye, but we need you, Mr. Xu, and your four bodyguards to become non-staff members of our national security department, so that you can legally hold guns. In addition, after your bodyguards leave, That is to say, after they are no longer your bodyguards, we will cancel their identities. Of course, we will always keep these places. As for the nest drones, our leaders have also agreed, but we can only provide two sets at most. , and it cannot include some large-scale destructive models, such as missiles, which can only carry sniper rifles and machine guns at most. In addition, we need to maintain supervision of them. If you use them without a legitimate reason, we will take back the right to use them.”

Ye Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "It's so best."

No matter how you think about it, this kind of smart weapon is still handsome. When the time comes, it will be like Wan Jian Guizong. With a wave of his hand, a bunch of flying swords in the shape of drones will rush up.

As for what the other party wants to keep in the background, Ye Cheng doesn't bother to care about it, Xiaobai can make them not find anything.

Seeing Ye Cheng nod, several representatives were relieved again, and then continued to talk about another condition that Ye Cheng had said before.

"Also, regarding the purchase of land by Zhiqi Company, our leader has also agreed and is willing to support it. The leader specifically emphasized that if you really want to build that large scientific research center, we are willing to provide enough land and guarantee the purchase The preferential strength of the land, as well as tax incentives and other aspects.”

Ye Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I see."

"Then do you have any other requirements?"

Ye Cheng thought for a while and said, "Not for now. If there is, I will contact you in the future."


Several representatives breathed a sigh of relief, and Ye Cheng agreed, and this matter was considered a success. Although their original goal was not achieved, they were also not surprised, and they directly handed over the technology. The company will not agree, and now it can get 200 priority places, which can be regarded as fulfilling expectations.

After that, the government helped Zhiqi Company to continue clinical trials of other organ transplants.

According to the law, all three phases of clinical trials must be carried out.

And there are many organs that can be transplanted, such as lungs, livers, pancreas transplants, etc., and Dean can do the cloning of these organs.

However, different organs also have different requirements for the cultivation environment, so their plans have to be slow.

In this way, another three weeks passed, and the heart transplant operation was successful. After the news spread, it caused another shock, and at the same time, it finally attracted the contact of the American chaebol.

The chaebols in the United States have been discussing how to exchange benefits with Zhiqi Company, so they have not contacted Ye Cheng.

The success of the heart transplant this time caused the patriarch of the Rothschild family to directly call Ye Cheng.

"I'm Joseph Rothschild, Mr. Ye, I've known you for a long time." 7K 妏敩

The other party spoke Chinese, and these chaebols probably learned Chinese, the most difficult language, when they were bored, but they were still not proficient in pronunciation.

Of course, the head of the Rothschild family is willing to speak to Ye Cheng in Chinese, which is obviously an expression of goodwill.

Ye Cheng responded with a smile: "Mr. Rothschild, I didn't expect you to call me."

"Oh? Mr. Ye doesn't doubt my identity?"

Ye Cheng said indifferently: "I never answer unidentified calls."

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