Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 344 Achievement Reward: Evolutionary Virus

Hearing Ye Cheng's response, Joseph Rothschild frowned on the other end of the phone.

Ye Cheng's words were very simple, but Joseph Rothschild knew that there might be many meanings in it, either Ye Cheng knew that he would call him a long time ago, or he knew his phone number.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the other party is pretending to be a ghost. After all, after the call was connected just now, he was the one who spoke first.

But for the time being, Joseph Rothschild was not in the mood to explore this issue. He called Ye Cheng, and it was not because of this issue.

A few years ago, he suffered from a relatively serious heart attack, which was almost life-threatening. Fortunately, he found a heart that could be transplanted through Rothschild's huge influence. For a big capitalist like him Speaking of it, it is very easy to buy a heart, even if it is to kill people directly, Rh negative blood type can be obtained through this method, after all, there are many places in the world where it is difficult to solve a case by killing someone.

Of course, the source of his heart is still legitimate, anyway, it is not difficult to match his heart.

However, the transplanted heart will eventually have problems. After a heart transplant, it is possible to die suddenly. Although the probability of such an event is very small, there is such a possibility after all, and Joseph Rothschild A person like De is unwilling to accept such a possibility, which even leads him to prepare a will for himself at all times to avoid his sudden death and unclear distribution of inheritance, which leads to the collapse of the huge Rothschild family.

Therefore, as soon as Zhiqi Company's heart cloning operation was successful, he immediately had a thought.

Even if he can't get this kind of technology, he still has to replace it with such a heart that belongs to his genes first.

So he said: "Mr. Ye, well, let's not talk about other things for now. What I want to talk to you is, what is the success rate of your company's heart transplant technology?"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. Of course he knew the purpose of Joseph Rothschild looking for him, and he was a little surprised when he received his call just now.

However, since there is something to be asked of him, then of course he has to cheat the other party well.

"The success rate depends on what price Mr. Rothschild is willing to pay. The success rate naturally fluctuates between 0% and 100%. Of course, 200% is not impossible."

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, Rothschild couldn't help scolding the greedy guy secretly.

Talk about the price directly when you come up, this is clearly to cheat him.

Also, it fluctuates from 0% to 100%, obviously there are only two possibilities of 0% and 100%, all of which are within Ye Cheng's whim.

When Joseph Rothschild did not give a price, the success rate is the quantum cloud state, and the success rate is in a superposition state from 0% to 100%. Once he gives a price, the wave function collapses, or 0% , or 100%.

Of course, scolding is scolding, and what should be accepted still has to be accepted.

However, the only thing that puzzled Joseph Rothschild was, did Ye Cheng know that he had undergone a heart transplant?

This matter is not widely spread, and basically only those chaebols in the United States know that Zhiqi Company, a company that has only risen for a few years, should not know this news, and he did not disclose this in what he said just now. information.

He decided to try it out.

"Hehe, Mr. Ye, I just want to know your success rate, and then consider whether to cooperate with Zhiqi Company in the future. You want me to pay the price now, don't you think it's too early?" 7K 妏敩

Ye Cheng smiled, too lazy to chat with this guy, and said directly: "If Mr. Rothschild doesn't want to talk about business, then forget it, hang up the phone, and you don't have to think about calling me in the future."

Joseph Rothschild frowned suddenly.

I was a little sullen in my heart. Since he was born, many US presidents had to visit their home after taking office, so as to talk to him well. Later, after he took control of the family power, those presidents became more careful when talking to him.

As a result, this Chinese man, according to the investigation, is estimated to be only 30 years old this year. How can he not feel uncomfortable when he can directly say to him, "Don't even think about calling me?"

Moreover, there was another person's heart in his chest, which immediately caused his carotid artery to distend, his heart rhythm was unbalanced, and it was difficult to breathe.

But soon, he thought that the other party could save his life, so he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

No matter what, Ye Cheng's words also let him know that this Chinese man really knew that he had a heart transplant.

Joseph Rothschild sighed and said, "Okay, Mr. Ye, what price do you think I should pay?"

Ye Cheng said indifferently: "I don't have any needs. Let's see if you can give me a good price. Of course, don't make me feel that you are teasing me, Mr. Rothschild."

Joseph Rothschild frowned again, this man is really a bit difficult to deal with.

If the other party bids first, then the other party's price may be lower than his psychological price, so of course he can agree to it, but now the other party asks him to bid first, and reminds him not to quote low prices randomly, which means that he may make a bid. At least in his mind, it was a high price.

He thought for a while and said, "Mr. Ye, you should tell me. If you don't tell me, how would I know what you need?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said: "Mr. Rothschild, it seems that you haven't made up your mind yet, so let's talk about it later. I still have something to do, so I will hang up first."

Then, the phone hung up directly.

Joseph Rothschild's eyes widened when he heard the call ending sound from the mobile phone.

That Chinese man actually hung up his phone.

In addition to being angry in his heart, he also felt helpless.

For this situation, his century chaebol family has no other way. The other party has a powerful force and what he dreams of.

He can only give in.


Ye Cheng hung up the phone and smiled lightly.

There is nothing to talk about with this kind of chaebol. Interests and the strength to protect them are the core points.

He has both, so he is destined to have an absolute advantage.

As for what conditions the other party will give in the end, although he is a bit looking forward to it, he is not in a hurry.

He will definitely take advantage of this wave of bargains.

Therefore, instead of paying attention to this matter, he paid more attention to an achievement he completed again after the heart clone was completed.

【Clone of Life Engine】

Reward: E virus (evolution virus).

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