This reward was obtained after a successful heart transplant operation. After seeing this reward, Ye Cheng couldn't help but jump in his heart.

In the system mall before, he saw the GOD virus that sold for 500 million points, and he was surprised at the time that there really was such a 'crazy' thing.

And this time, after completing the achievement, he actually gave himself such a reward. Although it is not called a GOD virus, this reward also has the word 'virus' on it, which proves that it is not a good thing, and it may be very dangerous.

In addition, what this thing rewards is not technology, but real objects, that is to say, it will directly reward the physical objects of this evolutionary virus, so you have to be more careful.

Who knows if it leaks out, it will set off a terrible disaster in the world?

In all kinds of human wars, in addition to fighting against the sky, the earth, and people, it is also necessary to fight against these tiny things.

Ye Cheng can't guarantee whether this thing is really safe, whether it is contagious or not.

This also made Ye Cheng feel a little helpless, but if you change the name, for example, it is easy to say something called Evolution Potion, at least it will not make him frightened, but he has to be careful with this thing.

So, he came directly to their BSL-2 laboratory and prepared to take it out here. In fact, even if it is a BSL-2 laboratory, he can't guarantee it. After all, he can go to a BSL-3 laboratory, right?

But there is no way, the conditions are limited, so in order to ensure safety, he asked someone to clean out a sterile room in the laboratory, re-sanded it, and then put on perfect protective equipment, and then took it out of the system. Evolve virus.

The virus taken out was placed in a small test tube with a volume of 10ml and a black liquid inside, only about 5ml.

The liquid inside seems to be alive, even if it is left still, it looks like it is rolling, which looks very dangerous.

Ye Cheng looked at it, and thought of the system's introduction to the evolutionary virus in his mind.

Evolution virus, is a filovirus.

Like the Ebola virus, it belongs to the filovirus, and among the viruses, the filovirus is undoubtedly a virus that is very deadly to humans. They will lie dormant and then burst out suddenly. Ebola virus is like this, lurking in the In the human body, until the day of the sudden outbreak, and the fatality rate is very high, the highest can reach 90%, the average fatality rate is also 50%, and the death of the infected person is also extremely miserable. If you use one way to describe it, it is melt in front of you.

The evolutionary virus is different. After it infects the human body, it will first parasitize the host body. All genetic genes will be integrated with the host gene and passed on to the daughter cells, but it will not affect the visible traits expressed by the original cell genes. That is to say, it will not turn human beings into monsters like tyrants, whatever it should be, at most it will affect the appearance of the surface cells of the human body.

However, it will not affect the traits visible to the naked eye, but the traits that are invisible to the naked eye, it will bring a lot of influence.

First of all, the toughness of various cells in the human body will be greatly enhanced. For example, skin cells, as the first line of defense against external forces, skin cells will gradually become very strong. The connection between cells is also locked. The protein in the zonule will also be greatly strengthened, so that it can easily withstand the 9.1mm bullet fired by the Desert Eagle 20 meters away without damage.

Secondly, the activity of the cells will also be enhanced, the cells will be full of vitality, and have an extremely powerful metabolism. After a person eats, almost all food will be completely digested and absorbed, and the energy of the food will supply the activity of the cells.

These two points also mean that the various joint cells of the human body will become stronger, and the host will be able to use more powerful power, gain stronger resistance to blows, and have more durable power. The accumulation of lactic acid in the body will be quickly metabolized, and the cells can also store more power, so as to prevent people from feeling tired.

At the same time, it can also strengthen human brain cells, reduce the death of brain cells, and increase the degree of neuron connection, and the higher the degree of neuron connection, the higher the degree of brain development, making the brain smarter.

Finally, the virus is able to control telomerase in the body, enhancing its activity. And what is telomerase? That is an enzyme responsible for telomere extension in the human body. It can repair the telomere that has been reduced by human cells due to division and restore its length.

The activity of telomerase in the human body is extremely low, and it can only function in some cells that need to constantly divide, while in other cells, it basically seems to be non-existent, becoming a kind of waste, unless It becomes very active when these other cells become cancerous.

The evolutionary virus can control telomerase in the human body, making telomerase active when it should be active, and inactive when it should be inactive, thus greatly extending the lifespan of the host.

Judging from these points, this evolved virus is completely harmless to the human body.

Otherwise, the virus will break out.

This virus is very smart, and it does not aim to kill the host cell, because this virus seems to have a desire to survive, hoping to live, and when the host dies, it also dies.

However, since it wants to live by itself, it needs enough energy to provide power for its own survival. Once the host cannot replenish the energy it needs, it will affect the behavior of the host and let the host eat. During this process, you will not feel that you are affected by the virus, but you will only feel that you are very hungry and need to eat.

And so, with more and more times, the energy needed to evolve the virus will be more and more, until finally, it will completely control the host, turning the host into a monster that only knows how to eat, it will not infect, Because this virus does not want to make itself too much, in that case, the energy originally belonging to it will be eaten by other hosts who infected it, and it is selfish, and of course it does not allow this situation.

Next, it will eat all the things it sees and can eat. At the same time, in order to protect the host from losing its ability to move, it will strengthen the host again, turning the host into a more terrifying monster and becoming a monster. Tyrants are not out of the question either.

And when it manipulates the host to feel the threat of complete death, it will completely let go of itself and let itself infect it. It will be able to survive in the air for 60 days, and can follow the trade wind belt of Huaguo, drifting across the ocean. Over the sea, over the mountains, and finally spread to the whole world.

Facing this kind of infection route, human beings will have almost no way to prevent it from destroying human civilization.

So, this is a world-killing virus.

However, since it was rewarded to Ye Cheng by the system, of course it would not cause such dangerous consequences.

Because it is exclusively for Ye Cheng.

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