In the system's introduction to the virus, it was specially marked in red at the end: it cannot be used by others, only the host can use it. This evolved virus completely matches the host's genes, and the host can completely control it. It will not affect the host's thoughts.

A perfect match between the gene and the host will prevent the host from being controlled by the virus.

However, even though the system said so, Ye Cheng still maintained a certain degree of caution.

No matter what, this kind of thing is injected directly into his body, so he must be careful.

Therefore, before injecting himself, he has to experiment first, of course, he can choose not to use it.

But after all, this is something rewarded by the system, and its reliability is very high. He experimented just in case. Besides, the effect of this thing is too powerful, which makes Ye Cheng a little greedy.

No wonder it is called an evolutionary virus. The effect is entirely on the evolution of human beings. It has a longer lifespan. Ye Cheng estimates that if he uses it, his lifespan will be greatly extended. This is what he hopes most. Things, as for other enhancements to his personality, he doesn't care.

These days, who still relies on personal qualities to fight? It's not Star Wars. The Star Destroyer has been researched, and they still play cold weapons.

Ye Cheng stopped thinking about it and was about to start the inspection.

The method of using the virus is to inject it directly, and it can only take effect if it is injected into the body, because this virus can only have the ability to spread through the air after it has undergone early development and evolution in the host.

Therefore, the evolutionary virus at this time is almost completely harmless, it will not be infected through the respiratory tract, and it will not even be transmitted sexually. It only needs to be injected into the human body and flow through the host's body through the blood before it can infect the host. The host's cells incorporate their own genes into it.

Therefore, Ye Cheng doesn't have to worry about any problems when conducting experiments. Of course, he still has to be careful.

Afterwards, he put the test tube into the test tube rack next to it, and then took a new test tube, separated 2ml of the evolved virus, and put it into the new test tube.

Although there is only 2ml, it is enough, and the remaining 3ml is enough for him to use for himself. In fact, even one milliliter is enough, and the usual vaccine is less than one or two milliliters. The biological level of replication, Don't care how much there is at first.

The next step is to put things under a microscope, measure their genetic sequence, and so on.

Of course, Ye Cheng didn't fight alone, he also called Dean and asked him to test it with himself.

Of course Dean was very interested in this kind of thing, so he started experimenting with Ye Cheng.

The test on the first day is very simple. To determine the environment in which this thing can survive, take 0.5 ml, and then divide it into many parts, and then conduct long-term storage experiments at high temperature, low temperature, room temperature and other temperatures.

Under the high temperature test, this thing can persist for an hour at 60 degrees Celsius and then die completely. If it is 70 degrees Celsius, it will lose its activity in an instant. This kind of virus can't escape the characteristics of being based on carbon and being afraid of high temperature .

But being able to last an hour at 60 degrees Celsius is pretty impressive, at least not for ordinary humans.

As for the low temperature, it can only reduce the activity and it is difficult to kill it.

On the other hand, it takes a certain amount of time to determine the base sequence.

The test time passed quickly, and Ye Cheng left the laboratory five hours later.

Unlike Dean, who doesn't need to eat and rest, and has always been able to have enough energy, he is only a human right now.

However, he was a little excited when he thought of the effect that the evolutionary virus could bring to him.

The human body infected by the evolutionary virus will have extremely powerful functions of digestion and energy storage.

In terms of digestion, each cell of the stomach and intestines invaded by it will be strengthened, and the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa will be able to secrete a stronger acid, and the pH value will be as low as 0.5, and the secretion will be large. Any food eaten will be corroded and digested by this brand new gastric acid in a very short period of time, and the strengthened gastric cells will certainly not worry about this strong acid, or in other words, Ye Cheng will not use it all over his body Worried about strong acid and strong alkali, maybe concentrated sulfuric acid was poured on his head, and his hair and eyebrows were not taken off.

Nutrients digested and absorbed by the intestines and stomach will also quickly pass through the body's circulatory system and be used by major cells. Ordinary human cells mainly obtain energy through the hydrolysis of ATP, but evolutionary viruses have brought a more powerful storage The energy form is called adenosine nonaphosphate, which is adenosine with nine phosphate groups.

ATP has only three phosphate radicals, and each time it is hydrolyzed, one phosphate radical is broken to provide energy for the human body, while adenosine nonaphosphate can break seven phosphate radicals, and the energy released is seven times that of ATP. In turn, it can store The energy is seven times that of ATP.

Because there are enough phosphates, adenosine nonaphosphate can store more energy, but generally speaking, things like nonaphosphate are very unstable and basically impossible to exist, but evolutionary viruses can provide a An environment for storing nonaphosphate, allowing it to exist for a long time.

Therefore, after being infected with the evolutionary virus, Ye Cheng can have a big meal and turn it into the energy stored in his body, so that he does not need to eat for a long time. Of course, he also needs to add more phosphorus, otherwise , the phosphorus in his body is not enough.

"Based on this, wouldn't I be about the same as those laborers?"

Ye Cheng suddenly thought about it.

Don’t those laborers just eat one meal and then work for three days? It’s just that they eat relatively little. However, considering that they digest all the food they eat and don’t need to use the bathroom, the energy of the food they eat is completely If it is used, it is enough for an ordinary person to live for three days.

So is there a difference between evolutionary viruses and these labor forces?

At this moment, Ye Cheng's phone rang.

Xiao Bai's voice came: "Master, it's Joseph Rothschild's call."

Ye Cheng took out his phone and looked at the phone number in the United States.

It seems that the other party has already figured out the conditions.

Smiling slightly, he then connected the phone.

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