The patriarch of the Rothschild family who spared his life, of course, emptied everything he could think of for his own life.

"I'm willing to take 200 million U.S. dollars to sponsor Zhiqi's various advanced technologies, and at the same time donate another 500 million U.S. dollars to the Zhiqi Charity Fund. For charity, our family is quite supportive of such things."

"In addition, according to the information I have learned, Zhiqi Company asked about a series of experimental instruments related to the BSL-4 laboratory. Does this mean that your company wants to build a BSL-4 biological laboratory? This On the one hand, I can also help Zhiqi Company to contact the sellers who sell these things, as well as the instruments and equipment needed for the biological laboratory, as well as the most professional team."

Hearing the other party mention this condition, Ye Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It was a bit surprising that the other party still knew about it, but it was also reasonable.

The bio-experimental equipment company that Zhiqi inquired about was related to the Rothschild family, so it was normal for the other party to find out.

However, this also shows one thing. In the middle of a few hours, the Rothschild patriarch still tried his best to find news.

He said with a smile: "Mr. Rothschild is really a generous person. It is a great honor for Zhiqi Company to accept such generous funding from you."

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, Joseph Rothschild finally showed a smile on his face, and it seemed that he had succeeded.

However, this is just his overthinking.

Ye Cheng then said: "However, besides this, I also hope that Mr. Rothschild can help me with one more thing."

Joseph Rothschild was taken aback for a moment. This guy really wasn't so easy to dismiss. He asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, Mr. Ye."

"I heard that the Rothschild family has invested in many countries in Africa, such as Nigeria? I hope that with the help of the Rothschild family, I can get some convenience in Nigeria."

"Nigeria?" Joseph Rothschild was taken aback for a moment, and thought about it quickly. Could it be that he is interested in niobium mines in Nigeria?

The composition of room-temperature superconductor is niobium-titanium alloy. This matter is well known. Although everyone is wondering how niobium-titanium alloy can become a room-temperature superconductor, Zhiqi Company has already developed it, and everyone can only start from the article published by Ye Cheng. Find a solution in the paper, but it is only a theory after all. People still can't find a solution, so they can only buy Zhiqi company.

Therefore, if Zhiqi Company wants to produce room-temperature superconductors, it needs to buy niobium-titanium alloy, which requires niobium, and Nigeria has relatively rich niobium ore. If Zhiqi Company wants it, it is relatively normal.

But the question is, more than 90% of the world's proven niobium reserves are in Brazil, and Nigeria's richness is only relative to other countries in the 10%. Why doesn't Zhiqi Company directly invest in Brazil? ?

However, this question only flashed in Joseph Rothschild's mind. Because Nigeria has been chaotic in recent years, it is not an important place for a businessman like him who likes order. Since Ye Cheng wants to If you want, then he will give it.

"Of course no problem, but it depends on what convenience Mr. Ye needs."

"Hehe, it's very simple, I need the support of the Nigerian government."

Joseph Rothschild raised his brows, and then said, "Yes, of course no problem."

"Then thank Mr. Rothschild."

"Mr. Ye, shouldn't you also agree to my request?"

Ye Cheng smiled, "Of course it's no problem, but I have one more point. Regarding your funding, I don't want US dollars. The sponsorship of 200 million US dollars, I hope that it can be directly exchanged for the materials needed to build the BSL-4 laboratory The above, and the donation of another 500 million US dollars, I also hope to exchange it for other forms, not just US dollars."

Rothschild frowned suddenly, but finally replied: "No problem."

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, "Then thank you for your understanding."

It is easy to understand that the Rothschild family, as the Plutocrats of the Federal Reserve Bank of America, has a part of the dollars printed by the money printing machines in the United States flow into his family every year.

Therefore, for the Rothschild family, regardless of the hundreds of millions of dollars, they are just things produced from waste paper. The production cost of a 100 dollar bill is only 0.196 US dollars.

So Ye Cheng might as well just let him get him some things he needs, saving the intermediate steps. In order to get treatment as soon as possible, Joseph Rothschild will definitely do his best to do this.

Rothschild also knew what Ye Cheng meant, which was no problem for him, but the process was a little more complicated.

Then he asked the question he was most concerned about: "So, Mr. Ye, when can you perform a transplant operation for me?"

Ye Cheng smiled slightly and said: "First of all, we need to collect your cells, or you can find someone to collect them yourself, and then send them to Huaguo. After that, we will start cloning your heart, if you want to replace your lungs by the way , we can also clone a lung for you, heart-lung combined transplantation is relatively common now... Of course, the price will be calculated separately."

Rothschild's eyes lit up when he heard that a lung could be cloned, but when he heard that the price was extra, he vented his anger. This guy is simply worthless.

Ye Cheng continued: "As for when the transplant operation will be performed, we will have to wait for Mr. Rothschild's generosity to arrive before we can arrange it."

"I see." Rothschild said, "Then Mr. Ye, why don't we talk about the cloning of lungs."

The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth curled up: "Of course it's no problem."


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