Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 348 For Example, One Hundred And Eighty Years Old?

In the end, for the cloning of the lungs, Ye Cheng successfully obtained a condition worth 500 million US dollars, oh, it should be 'generosity', and at the same time, he did not forget to ask Joseph Rothschild to pay for the cloned heart and lungs, four Millions of soft sister coins.

This is called different pricing for different people.

Anyone who has a relatively large background and can be used by Zhiqi Company must accept some extra price, otherwise, Zhiqi Company will use 'queuing' as an excuse. Of course, if you really want to queue up honestly , Zhiqi Company will not cheat people.

However, for Joseph Rothschild, it is obvious that he cherishes his life even more, so he is naturally unwilling to queue up. What's more, this technology has not yet been launched on the market. If he wants to enjoy the technology in advance, he will naturally have to pay more the price.

After confirming the details of the transaction, the next step was to wait for Joseph Rothschild to send his cells to Huaguo.

Including after growing the organs, he also plans to come to Huaguo Xiangjiang in person, and then hire a doctor to help him perform surgery. The Rothschild family also has an industry in Xiangjiang. After all, the original Rothschild family itself was born country's fortune.

However, after talking about this matter, Ye Cheng didn't intend to just hang up the phone.

"Mr. Rothschild, we're done talking about the business, let's talk about other things."

Joseph Rothschild was taken aback, what the hell is this cunning Chinese man planning to do?

He felt that all the embarrassment of his life was spent today.

He held back his breath and said, "Tell me, what else does Mr. Ye want to say?"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to ask, Mr. Rothschild is not interested in other projects of our company?"

Joseph Rothschild was taken aback, other projects?

Could it be that this Chinese man still wants to cooperate with him?

These chaebols have been coveting Zhiqi Company's other projects for a long time.

"What project is Mr. Ye referring to? Room-temperature superconductors? Or a virtual reality network?"

Ye Cheng laughed and said: "Mr. Rothschild was joking. I am not referring to these technologies, but some life science technologies under research. These technologies, like organ cloning technology, can continue to extend human life."

Joseph Rothschild's breathing suddenly became short of breath: "Really? Mr. Ye, are you going to cooperate with the Rothschild family?"

"Of course." Ye Cheng said with a smile: "However, don't think too much about it. This kind of cooperation does not give you shares or technology, but you give Zhiqi company money and various conveniences, and then Zhiqi The company can give your family priority treatment, organ cloning technology is of course included, as well as our other technologies in the future."

Joseph Rothschild heard the conditions given by Ye Cheng. Sure enough, it was impossible to get shares, and Zhiqi Company probably didn't need these things.

Of course, it is also very good to be able to enjoy the priority of treatment. He does not have the concept of Rockefeller that he must be in his own hands.

But if you think about it this way, isn't the price he spent on cloning the heart and lungs in vain?

However, he didn't worry about these small money issues. The money he spent before was for himself, and the money he spent now was for his family.

Of course he still asked: "What if I agree to your conditions, but you have not been able to come up with new technologies?"

Ye Cheng smiled lightly: "You will be able to meet in September this year."


Joseph Rothschild thought about it, it was almost April now, that is to say, there were still five months.

"Could it be convenient for you to disclose what technology you are currently researching?"

Ye Cheng smiled slightly and said, "A kind of nutrient solution, of course it's not those deceitful health care products. All in all, you will know after September. Now I can only reveal that this kind of thing can improve cell activity."

Joseph Rothschild thought for a while, and finally thought of the advanced technology that Zhiqi Company could produce in just three days. Since Ye Cheng's tone sounded so confident, he believed it.

"Then tell me first what needs the Rothschild family to do."

"Ten billion dollars or equivalent per year depends on the needs of our Zhiqi company. In addition, when Zhiqi company needs help, the Rothschild family should help us."

Joseph Rothschild suddenly frowned and said, "Ten billion dollars a year? Still want to help you?"

"Mr. Ye, do you regard the Rothschild family as a place where you can get anything you want?"

"Hehe, don't worry, of course I don't think so. The total assets of the Rothschild family should be 70 trillion US dollars now? Zhiqi Company is far behind."

Rothschild was surprised, how did Ye Cheng know their total assets?

According to their investigation, the total assets of the family this year amount to 70 trillion U.S. dollars, of which the apparent assets are only hundreds of billions of dollars, and the rest is hidden wealth.

This kind of data is naturally quite secretive, and it is impossible to disclose it, so that the outside world almost thinks that their family is lonely. How could Ye Cheng know?

Although he was surprised in his heart, he remained calm on the surface and said: "Hehe, Mr. Ye was joking. Although Rothschild has accumulated wealth for hundreds of years, seventy trillion is still impossible. Over the years, our development has not been satisfactory. Mr. Ye will never trust the author of "Currency War"?"

Ye Cheng smiled and did not expose his words. Although there are many untenable theories in "Currency War", how many facts in the world are covered up?

He continued: "No matter what, you just need to believe that when you are one hundred and forty years old, you will definitely not regret the conditions you promised me today."

"One hundred and forty years old?!" Joseph Rothschild was startled, "Mr. Ye, what you...are you saying is true? Can I live to be one hundred and twenty years old?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Maybe? Or why don't you continue to imagine to a higher point? For example... one hundred and eighty years old?"

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