Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 352 A Back Road, The Evolution Virus Experiment Is Completed

At twelve noon, you can start eating lunch, and there is basically an hour of lunch break after lunch.

All in all, after changing the headquarters, Zhiqi Company has fully paid for its employees.

This makes employees working here almost entirely supported by Zhiqi Company. Every dollar they earn can be used for their additional consumption, or to send money to their families, or to save for a down payment.

Moreover, the salary of every regular employee working in Zhiqi headquarters is basically no less than 20,000 yuan, including other subsidies and six insurances and one housing fund.

In terms of salary, Zhiqi adopts the same hierarchy as civil servants. The higher the grade, the higher the salary, while the grade is related to the employee's performance and qualifications. The higher the seniority, the better the salary.

However, Zhiqi Company has only made a fortune for a few years after all. In terms of seniority, it is estimated that they are those old employees. The geniuses who come in may be well-known figures in the industry. However, Zhiqi Company never treats the old employees badly.

Of course, Zhiqi Company can give these benefits, which is completely inseparable from today's strong earning power.

In 2023, Zhiqi Company has completely occupied the whole world due to the Taibai structure and lithium-air batteries, so that the net profit has successfully surpassed the fruit company, that is, it is still inferior to the State Grid and the two sales giants in terms of turnover.

Therefore, it is very normal to give such treatment.

All in all, there is no company in China that can compare with Zhiqi Company in employee treatment.

Ye Cheng parked the car in the underground garage, and then went up from the elevator in the underground garage.

A company pass is required to get on the elevator, which can also be unlocked with your face.

Naturally, Ye Cheng's face has already been entered into the system, of course it doesn't need to be entered. No electronic combination lock in this world can stop him.

After entering the elevator, the elevator does not use a row of more than one hundred buttons, but a display screen, which can be activated only through face recognition or verification of the pass and password.

Ye Cheng still passed the face verification, and then chose the 102nd floor, not the highest floor, the highest floor is his office, and Xu Xin's office is on the 107th floor.

Above the 102nd floor, it is not the office floor, but the floor that belongs to him and Xu Xin, which is equivalent to another house for them.

Because of this, this elevator can't go directly to the 102nd floor, and you have to go through another special elevator to get upstairs. Only he and Xu Xin can take that elevator. If others need to report something, they need to Only by applying can one go to the 107th or 108th floor, and from the 103rd to the 106th floor, no one can enter. Even if it is a safe passage, only Ye Cheng and Xu Xin can enter.

No one can deny this point, who let the company belong to Ye Cheng completely, and no shareholders will object, and Ye Cheng, as the big boss of Zhiqi Company, needs some force.

Of course, although there is a special elevator, Ye Cheng does not intend to take it, he wants to try the ordinary elevator and experience it.

Soon, the elevator went up.

When we came to the first floor, the elevator stopped, the door opened, and a group of Zhiqi employees in formal clothes poured in.

These employees are all chatting, and there is a little excitement in their expressions. After all, it has only been more than a week since they moved into this new headquarters, and the passion in their hearts has not dissipated.

When they saw that there was still a person standing inside after the elevator door opened, they naturally took a look at it subconsciously.

In the end, it didn't matter if you didn't look at it. When you saw it, you were taken aback, and quickly shouted: "Hello, Director Ye!"

Ye Cheng nodded slightly, "Okay."

These employees didn't dare to chat anymore. After pressing their floors one after another, as the elevator doors closed, the elevator quickly went up.

Ye Cheng felt a little funny about this scene. The former employees would joke with him, but now these people are like elementary school students who are afraid to speak when they see their teachers.

Of course, it was probably because these employees were probably newcomers, and they rarely came to the company, so they didn't dare to talk to themselves.

However, he didn't say anything. As a big BOSS, there is no need to appear to be too friendly.

Soon, these employees went out on other floors, and Ye Cheng came to the 102nd floor alone.

The 102nd floor is the highest level of the company, all kinds of bosses and so on, but these people are basically management experts bought by Ye Cheng, only two are poached by the company, and these two poached It's all just a cover, and the things they can manage are not that important. It just means that Zhiqi Company will also take a fancy to some talents in addition to its own recruitment.

Taking a brief look at this floor, at an altitude of more than 400 meters, looking out from the surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows, the city skyline of the magic capital seems to be within reach.

After simply strolling around here, he specifically expressed condolences to the two executives who had been dug in, and then Ye Cheng took the special elevator and went up to the 107th floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, there are two doors. Ye Cheng walked through the larger door, and a spacious office appeared in front of him.

On the desk next to her, Xu Xin was sitting in front, dealing with affairs, while her assistant, Yu Ying, was in another room.

Xu Xin raised his head when he heard the voice, and when he saw Ye Cheng, a smile appeared on his face.

"Why are you in the mood to come to the company?"

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, stepped forward, came behind her, squeezed her shoulders, and said, "Come and see you, okay?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him: "What's so interesting, you've been running around all day, and you still miss me."

Ye Cheng touched his nose, then took out a small jar from his bosom, and handed it to her: "Okay, let's see what gift I brought you."

Xu Xin couldn't help being taken aback, is there any gift?

Looking at this jar, there are small spherical capsules inside.

She asked, "What is this thing?"

Ye Cheng said: "This is a new thing we have researched. It can be used to adjust endocrine and avoid imbalance. You are busy with work and sometimes you have to stay up late. You can drink one tablet every day, which can make your face look smooth. Acne breakouts and better skin."

Xu Xin pouted, looked at him innocently, and said, "You think my skin is bad, don't you?"

Ye Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Sure enough, married women have some brain problems.

"Would you like it? This is the first batch we produced, and it's not long before we got the patent number. Didn't you ask you to set up a company engaged in health care products before, and then sell this thing."

Xu Xin took the jar, opened it, looked at it, and asked, "Is it really effective?"

Ye Cheng pointed to his face and said, "Touch it, is it better than before? I've been drinking it for a week, and I'm sure it's effective, so I brought it here for you."

Xu Xin stretched out two hands to hold his face, looked closer, her eyes lit up, it seemed like this?

Although Ye Cheng is handsome, he usually doesn't use any skin care products, and sometimes he stays up late, so his skin will not be very good. After all, he doesn't cultivate, so his skin can't be very good.

The truth is not like those novels where the male protagonist’s skin is better than the female’s. In fact, most people these days like to eat oily or spicy food, or some cold drinks, and the skin does not have acne Fortunately, this way of eating has also caused stomach problems for many people, and many people have bad breath.

Therefore, when gay men or lesbians are dating a partner, remember to keep a can of chewing gum and eat one from time to time. In this way, in case of kissing, bad breath can be avoided. You should also pay attention to closing your eyes when talking, otherwise, after watching the other person's facial skin at a close distance, you may find some details that you have never found before, or "shock".

However, looking at Ye Cheng's face, Xu Xin suddenly felt that this situation would probably change in the future.

She only stayed with Ye Cheng for one night ten days ago. At that time, Ye Cheng's face was not so clean, and even had some acne marks, but now, the acne marks seem to have disappeared.

As a woman, of course she knows that acne marks are also related to endocrine. If endocrine is imbalanced, it is difficult for acne marks to disappear.

Ye Cheng looked at her surprised little eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Haven't you seen enough?"

Xu Xin blushed, rolled his eyes at him, let go of his face, and immediately took out a capsule from the jar, and said, "I'll drink it now, how many times a day?"

"Drink once, one at a time."

So Xu Xin threw the capsule into his mouth, took a sip of water, and swallowed it.

She asked expectantly, "How long will it take to see results?"

"It takes three days to see results, seven days to have no acne, and fourteen days to regain smooth skin. You deserve it." Ye Cheng has not forgotten the slogan he came up with.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him, "It sounds like a lie."

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Time will tell."

Xu Xin was too lazy to talk to him, "Then I'll arrange the listing as soon as possible. I have to apply to the Drug Administration first, and then build a factory or something."

Ye Cheng nodded: "Well, you can make arrangements, and the patent number has been obtained, just prepare to build a factory."

"Yeah." Xu Xin nodded.

Since the last negotiation with those representatives of the country,

"By the way, has Rothschild's money arrived?"

"It's in the account."

Speaking of Rothschild, Xu Xin had a question: "They also said that they have contacted the Nigerian government, and we can send people there to contact the local government at any time. What's going on?"

"I'm going to build a branch in Nigeria," Ye Cheng said.


Ye Cheng nodded: "It can be regarded as finding a way out for our company."

"Oh, I see." Xu Xin nodded without asking further questions.

Although I don't know why the company has to find a way out, but there is no problem with an insurance.

At this time, Ye Cheng's cell phone rang suddenly, it was Dean calling, he answered the call, and then said: "Okay, I'll be there soon."

News came from Dean that all the experiments on the evolution virus had been completed.

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