Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 353: Preparations Before Injecting The Evolutionary Virus

After leaving Zhiqi Building, Ye Cheng quickly returned to the laboratory.

When Dean saw him come in, he handed over a report.

"Boss, the gene sequence has been compared. This E virus and your gene can be perfectly chimeric, and I was surprised to find that your gene even has an inhibitory effect on a genetic sequence of this virus. After my determination, through this Such suppression, the E virus' ability to control the host will be completely ineffective, and at the same time it will not cause abnormal expression of traits and become that kind of monster.". VII

As he spoke, he brought Ye Cheng to the petri dish beside him, and said, "Here are the cells from your body. I mixed these cells with the E virus, and I have determined that the E virus has integrated its own gene sequence with yours. The genes in the cells are integrated, and after a few days of observation, it can be confirmed that these cells have more energy requirements and the rate of releasing carbon dioxide has also increased."

"After that, I wanted to collect one of the cells, but found that I needed to use more force than before. Under the illumination of the microscope, it was obvious that there were many more connections between cells, just like silk threads. , it is difficult to tear off, and if it is not broken, even if only one thread is not broken, this thread will quickly recover, and pull the separated cell back, becoming a member of the cell group again. "

"Besides, it takes a certain amount of strength to destroy the cells. The toughness of the new cell membrane is stronger than that of the normal cell membrane. It is difficult to break the cell membrane with ordinary strength. Among them, we also found that the structure of the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane has a magical effect. In these phospholipid bilayers, there is also a sticky connection substance similar to that between cells, which can greatly enhance the toughness of the cell membrane. I think the connection substance between this phospholipid molecule and the cell The connecting substances are likely to be the same."

"However, because of this reason, these cells of yours have become very powerful and have strong self-healing ability. Even if they are destroyed, other cells can divide rapidly, and your macrophages have also been strengthened. , will also rapidly engulf these cells completely."

"In addition, this virus seems to have a very strong sense of territory, and will quickly kill harmful bacteria or other harmful viruses that invade the cells. I tested Helicobacter pylori, Shigella, smallpox virus, and Epstein-Barr virus, and found that these Bacteria or viruses will be quickly killed in your cell population after being infected by E virus and become nutrients for the cells."

"If possible, I would even try HIV, SARS coronavirus, and Ebola virus."

"In addition, I also tried sodium cyanide, and then, the reaction of the cells surprised me again. The cyanide was completely repelled and could not combine with those metal ions at all, so it could not inhibit the absorption of oxygen by related enzymes. And these cyanide radicals will be directly excreted from the body, which means that your cells are not even afraid of cyanogen poisoning, I haven't figured out the reason, and I will conduct in-depth research after preparation."

"There are other things that are harmful to the human body, such as viruses, and I plan to give it a try, but for now, I can make a guess that you may become invulnerable to all viruses, whether it is a virus, Or poison."

Listening to Dean's words, Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised.

This evolutionary virus actually has such a strong ability?

Not even afraid of those poisons?

Poisons are not the same as viruses. Viruses are living things, while poisons are chemicals.

He asked: "Then you mean, I can inject the evolution virus now?"

Dean nodded: "Yes, I have collected all kinds of your cells, and I can confirm that this virus will not affect you, it is completely customized according to your genes."

Ye Cheng lowered his head and looked at the report in his hand. The experimental results displayed on it all moved his heart.

This is the pursuit of male creatures to become stronger.

He took a deep breath and said, "Then, prepare to inject me."


Afterwards, Dean began to prepare.

Ye Cheng looked at the black liquid in the test tube on the laboratory table, and his heart beat faster because of his excitement.

In any case, anyone who hears about the injection of an uninactivated virus into the body will not believe it.

This is not a vaccine.

Vaccines generally inject inactivated viruses into the body, and then the immune mechanism will produce corresponding antibodies based on these viruses to resist foreign viruses.

And direct injection of fully active virus is unheard of and unseen, probably only those evil laboratories will do this kind of thing.

However, Ye Cheng will not give up the opportunity before him to realize his own evolution.

Maybe after he is infected, he will be able to conduct experiments through his cells and develop some technologies that are beneficial to humans.

For example, as Dean said just now, it will not be affected by cyanide, and can directly discharge cyanide.

If the principle can be found, wouldn't someone be able to survive cyanide poisoning in the future?

In addition, Ye Cheng also wants to achieve a longer life.

In that way, he will be able to bring more technologies in the system to reality, and he will also be able to live longer and see more.


There are many preparations before injection.

Considering that there may be some pain during the infection process, after all, nerve cells will also change during this process, so Ye Cheng needs to be treated with general anesthesia.

The time for the virus to infect the whole body may be relatively long, about two or three days. In addition to the need to supplement the normal nutritional requirements, the virus will also need a large amount of nutrients when the cells are infected to maintain the activity of the cells. There is a need to generate various new substances, but because Ye Cheng is in the process of anesthesia, they have not researched what kind of nutrition cabin, soaking people in the nutrient solution, the skin can automatically absorb nutrients.

You must know that the fetus absorbs nutrients from the mother's blood through the umbilical cord, and then develops and grows, rather than soaking in the womb to absorb nutrients.

Therefore, this requires the use of a gastric tube. Through a tube inserted into the stomach, nutrients are directly input, just like a vegetative person, who cannot eat independently, so a gastric tube needs to be used to directly fill the stomach with food.

However, the above things are already prepared, so it is also very fast to get up.

Of course, there are still some preparations in other aspects, and even Ye Cheng has to leave a will in case of accidents.

And two or three days may not be able to pass the news to the outside world, Ye Cheng also needs to tell others.

I called my parents and talked about it, as well as Xu Kaiyang, lest he can't find me.

Finally, Ye Cheng called Xu Xin.

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