
Ye Cheng nodded.

Xiaobai stopped talking, but it already had feelings, and was obviously very worried. It already had its own thoughts and feelings, so of course it knew the danger of the evolutionary virus.

However, Ye Cheng has already made a decision, and it cannot stop Ye Cheng.

At this time, Dean took a syringe from the side and said, "Boss, I'm going to anesthetize you now."

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded, lay down quietly, and stopped talking.

Then Dean took the anesthetic, sucked it into the syringe, and started injecting Ye Cheng with the anesthetic.

General anesthesia is mainly through anesthesia of the central nervous system, so that the whole body loses pain sensation and gradually falls into a deep sleep.

Soon, Ye Cheng closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

The next step was to insert the gastric tube and excretory tube, because Ye Cheng had already been anesthetized and fell into a deep sleep, so he didn't feel anything.

After doing all this, Dean looked at the screen next to him, which showed Ye Cheng's body indexes. After confirming that there was no problem, he took a very thin syringe again, and then took it from the test tube rack next to him. , took out the test tube with about 3ml of black liquid.

It's black, and it looks a little weird.

Dean opened the cap of the test tube, and the needle sucked out the black liquid inside until it could not be sucked up completely. The remaining bit can be used for later experiments, or it can be directly destroyed.

This injection requires intravenous injection, and then the evolutionary virus will flow with Ye Cheng's blood and quickly spread throughout his body.

After disinfecting the injection site, Dean did not hesitate, directly inserted the needle into Ye Cheng's vein, and completely injected the black liquid inside.

And the evolutionary virus also entered the blood vessels. The viruses that were originally harmless to humans and animals exploded. When they encountered red blood cells, they directly attached to them and found carrier proteins. They were perfectly deceptive and smoothly It cheated the recognition of the carrier protein and entered the cell membrane through these carrier proteins. However, red blood cells do not have a nucleus. When these viruses found this, they couldn't help but secretly said bad luck, and then drilled out through the carrier protein. However, in the process, The virus still leaves something in the red blood cells.

Human blood can circulate throughout the body once in twenty-five seconds.

So the virus also followed the blood, and quickly passed through the heart, liver, stomach, and the whole body. In the end, they found something suitable for their own infection.

None of the antibodies can recognize these viruses.

In this way, the virus injected its own gene into Ye Cheng's cells, and then produced its own offspring through the transcription and expression of the cells, and finally began to invade all of Ye Cheng's cells.

Of course, during this process, these viruses found that the genes of the host cell made them feel a little 'comfortable', so their 'consciousness' gradually sank, and they were indulging in this 'gentle hometown', except for their own functions. In addition to playing, completely forget their danger.

outside world.

Dean looked at the indicator next to him and found that Ye Cheng's body temperature began to rise gradually, 37 degrees, 38 degrees, 39 degrees, 40 degrees, until it was about 41.2 degrees, and it stopped rising.

The heart rate also began to increase, from the normal 80 beats a minute, to 100, 120, and finally even more than 150, reaching 180 beats.

Seeing this situation, Dean frowned, and Ye Cheng didn't show any expression on his face, but this was after all because of the general anesthesia treatment, and his brain didn't feel anything for the time being.

However, after the evolutionary virus begins to invade the head, the situation may be different.

Of course, Dean believes that there will be no problems in his previous experiments. The current increase in heart rate is most likely caused by the evolutionary virus infecting the heart. As for the increase in temperature, it is also expected. The infection characteristics of this filovirus , is fever, such as Ebola virus.

Xiaobai also kept watching this scene, not as relieved as Dean, so he asked, "How is the master?"

Dean replied: "You can take what the boss is going through now as an unlocking of the genetic lock, or break the limits of human beings and become a god among humans. In this process, you need to experience pain. Of course, the boss is now Under anesthesia, you should not feel pain." Seven

"What I'm asking is will there be any problems with the master?" Xiaobai said that you were answering an irrelevant question.

"Believe in my previous experiments, there will be no problems."

"Well, if something goes wrong, I will definitely kill you."

Dean spread his hands: "I'm not human, and if you kill me, it's just scrapping me early."

"Hmph, anyway, I won't let you continue to exist in this world."

Xiaobai stopped talking.

In this way, time gradually passed.



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