Ye Cheng felt as if he was in a fire.

He opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that he was really in a sea of ​​flames.

But he himself was not on fire.

"Is this... a lucid dream?"

He can clearly feel his own existence, but obviously the world in front of him is not the real world, and he clearly knows that he fell into a deep sleep because he was injected with an evolutionary virus and anesthetized before, so now he can only be in my dreams.

"But where is this place?"

He looked at the world suspiciously.

Flames are burning everywhere, and the air is also active due to molecular movement under high temperature, which causes the light irradiation to be distorted, just like the space on the flames is distorted.

Ye Cheng estimates that the temperature is at least sixty to seventy degrees.

Totally doomsday.

However, at least you can see that the sun in the sky is still there.

"But, there's something wrong with this sun..."

Ye Cheng frowned, looking at the sun in the sky.

Judging from the angle, it should be noon at this time, and from the angle of the sun and the ground, it should be summer.

The problem, though, is that the size of the sun isn't right.

No matter where on the earth, the sun should not be so small!

The sun is only about two-thirds of its original size, even considering other circumstances, it shouldn't be so small.

It was as if he was on another planet.

"It can't be Mars."

Ye Cheng shook his head. He looked around, and he could vaguely distinguish the surroundings. This place was originally a city, but where did the city come from on Mars.

It's just that the cities here seem to be melting under the high temperature. The original buildings seem to have only the bottom, and the high-rise buildings all collapsed under the high temperature and broke into pieces. Powder, Ye Cheng estimates that before this, there may have been an upsurge of higher temperatures, maybe thousands of degrees. You must know that the temperature that concrete can withstand is around 100 degrees at the lowest and 1000 degrees at the highest. about.

And around, there is no one.

Think about it too, it is impossible for anyone to survive at this temperature.

However, although Ye Cheng also felt very hot, almost forty degrees, but he did not feel the temperature that could melt the building.

This is probably because he is in a dream.

He couldn't help feeling puzzled in his heart.

"In the end, what happened here? If it's a dream, why can I have this kind of dream?"

And even if it was a lucid dream, it was still his own dream. He should have the omnipotent ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, but he couldn't control it at all.

He stood up from the ground, intending to take a look around to see what was going on here.

Although he felt that he was a little uncomfortable in the temperature of forty degrees, but he also had a miraculous feeling that his body seemed to have become stronger.

And it's a very strong one, with a steady pace and a body that seems to be full of strength.

This made him guess that he should be in a dream.

It is impossible for the body to affect the dream, right?

In this way, as he walked, the ruins of the city remained all around him.

This made him involuntarily come up with a kind of paradox, this cannot be the future of the earth.

What will happen in the future to make the earth like this?

Super volcano eruption?

Even so, it is impossible to raise the surface temperature to such a degree, not to mention that it is impossible to see the sun in the sky, the air should be covered by volcanic ash and become very dark.

Or an asteroid hitting Earth? This is not much different from the result of a volcanic eruption.

Sunspot eruption? High temperature radiation has caused the earth's temperature to rise by dozens of degrees?


Supernova explosion?


Ye Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Yes, in the world here, besides the high temperature, the brightness is also abnormally high.

Except for the reason of the flames everywhere, this brightness comes more from the sky, from the universe.

Ye Cheng couldn't believe it.

Where do supernovae around the solar system come from, and the power of the explosion can threaten the solar system?

Unless it was once, hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

There happened to be a supernova explosion that was not too far away, and the heat brought by it could heat the temperature of this planet to this level.

He was no longer sure that this was the earth, because no matter how he looked, he couldn't find any evidence that this was the earth.

Ye Cheng speculated about the possibility here, and at the same time, he continued to walk.

He has walked a long way, and by observing the ruins, he can roughly confirm that the science and technology in this place is much higher than that of the earth now.

Even he found traces of something like a space elevator.

At this time, he suddenly saw a relatively complete building in the distance, square and upright, and he quickly walked over there.

When I came around the building, there were some signs of melting due to the high temperature, but a material inside was exposed.

This material should be a special kind of metal, with a metallic luster on the surface, and it seems that it has not been affected by high temperature at all, indicating that it has a very strong high temperature resistance.

Ye Cheng couldn't help but be amazed, what is this building used for, and it is actually made of this material.

And looking at the volume of this building, it looks like a cuboid, with a length, width and height of about 10*9*8, which is quite large.

Ye Cheng began to look for where the door was.

Soon, he found the door. The lock on the door seemed to have lost its function under the high temperature, and Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel anxious.

The lock was broken, and God knows what the lock inside looked like. He knocked on the door and found that the material was not only resistant to high temperatures, but also very hard.

However, he also found that his body seemed to be very strong, and after knocking hard a few times, he didn't feel any pain in his hand.

He tried harder and knocked on the door loudly.

It is a pity that his body has become very strong, but the material of this door will be stronger after all. He even felt that his bones were about to be broken, but he didn't even knock out a hole. He looked for it from the side. It was a stone, but as soon as it was picked up, it was easily crushed into a bag of slag and turned into ashes.

Ye Cheng had no choice but to give up.

Afterwards, he was going to leave here and go to other places to have a look. If it didn't work, he went to this building to see if there was an entrance or something like that.

But just as he turned around, suddenly, there was a "click" sound from inside the door.

Then, the door opened automatically.

Ye Cheng's pupils shrank, and he quickly turned his head to look at the door, but there was nothing inside the door, it was just a long and narrow passage with lights in it, and it extended downwards, Ye Cheng couldn't see what was inside.

Looking at this mysterious passage, Ye Cheng was lost in thought.

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