Before he had time to be amazed at his current strength, Ye Cheng immediately grabbed the stomach tube with his released hands, and then pulled it out of his throat.


Feeling that the gastric tube finally came out, Ye Cheng looked at the end of the tube, and it was completely corroded.

He frowned, and threw the thing aside in disgust, and some semi-liquid food inside was thrown out.

Then, he pulled out the urinary catheter, which is the kind that can be pulled out directly.

This stuff made him even more uncomfortable as a man.

After taking it off, he felt much more comfortable all over.


Xiaobai's voice sounded, Ye Cheng turned his head and looked at the mobile phone on the table.

He frowned, as if he should ask Xiaobai something, but he didn't know what to ask.

"Master, how are you? Are you okay?" Xiao Bai hurriedly asked again at this time.

Ye Cheng came back to his senses and stopped worrying about it.

He untied the straps on the last foot and jumped down.

Standing on the ground, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, his spirit was extremely clear, and his thinking became more agile. He was completely different from his former self.

Even the originally inconspicuous muscles on his body now have a certain shape, and there is also explosive power in them.

The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth curled up: "I've never felt so good before."

Hmm, sounds like a villain.

Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief: "That's really great. Two hours ago, I suddenly heard you shouting 'Don't go to Mars', which shocked me."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Ye Cheng was shocked.

"Don't... go to Mars?"

"That's right, master, you just yelled three times, and then there was no sound. I thought you woke up."

Xiaobai said.

Ye Cheng frowned deeply.

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have had an unusual dream. The details of the dream seemed to have been forgotten, but he just remembered that there was a person in the dream who told him to go to Mars. It seemed that Mars had something very important.

But Xiaobai also said that he yelled "Don't go to Mars" three times in his dream?

However, can things in dreams be taken seriously?

Ye Cheng fell into confusion.

But soon, he came back to God.

In the dream, someone told me to go to Mars, but Xiaobai said that he told himself not to go to Mars.

Now suppose that I am awake in the dream, but I don’t know why after waking up, and I don’t have the slightest impression. There are two possibilities. This is really just a dream. The second possibility is that I encountered something beyond his ability Understand technological events.

The former is not threatening, so you don’t need to think about it, so you can directly consider the second situation. After you wake up, you only remember that someone in your dream asked you to go to Mars. So what is the purpose of this person? I also said not to go to Mars, did I say it to myself, or to the person in the dream?

After a long while, Ye Cheng finally chose to believe the dream words he said.

On the premise that the dream I had was not a real dream, but a special event, then I should obviously believe my own words, and there must be a reason for not letting myself go to Mars.

So what exactly is there on Mars?

Ye Cheng shook his head, he couldn't know now, just like he didn't even know if it was a dream or not.

However, even though he believed his dream words, Mars still had to go.

Because Mars is the planet of choice for Earthlings to colonize space.

It is closer to the earth, and it is more suitable for human transformation than another Venus close to the earth, and there are glaciers at the poles of Mars, which means that Mars may have underground water resources.

Therefore, the future development of the earth will definitely deal with Mars, and Ye Cheng has long had plans for colonizing aliens, and there is no shortage of these technologies in the system.

Of course, not now.

Zhiqi Company doesn't even have the technology to build satellites, let's talk about going to Mars, even if it is points, it needs nearly 100 million points, and Ye Cheng is planning to buy other technologies now.

Moreover, private launches of satellites are not allowed in China. Even if they are allowed to build by Zhiqi Company, it is estimated that they will be monitored.

However, of course, we can also use the satellites of various countries on Mars and the data sent back by the exploration vehicles of various countries to conduct a certain degree of analysis, and maybe we can find something.

At least, Ye Cheng will not consider going to Mars for four or five years.

Besides, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in cutting wood, and buying more things that can earn more points now will not delay things.

In particular, the controllable nuclear fusion is about to be done, which makes Ye Cheng feel an inexplicable sense of relief. The energy problem is solved, and many problems will be solved.

Once the energy problem is solved, he is determined to solve the various problems faced by the current human society, such as the current main contradiction in Huaguo, the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.

There are also contradictions in the countries of the world, that is, the anarchy of the international community, and the extremely low level of mutual trust among countries.

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