The international community is in a state of anarchy.

Because there is a serious problem of mutual distrust among different countries.

This is also the nature of the ruling class.

Of course, the ruling class will not trust any neighbors in order to guarantee its own rights.

It's like the big naughty son of the United States and his former suzerain country. The current cooperative relationship between the two seems to be a loving father and a filial son, but in fact, the United States has never trusted the country and has used various methods to control the country. , making it difficult for the country to fight against it.

There is no real trust between countries, which led to all this happening.

Ye Cheng thought at this time that this matter should be resolved.

In this way, at least when human beings really carry out interstellar colonization in the future, countries will not engage in violence in order to compete for the territory of other planets.

After all, with colonial technology, alien planets will be available resources, and the robbing of resources by countries is the main reason for the low level of mutual trust among countries.

In the past, Americans said that the moon belongs to human beings, but a few years ago, the United States said that it supports American companies in the commercial development of the moon.

Because I didn't have this ability before, but now, I almost have this ability.

So, no one can guarantee that there will be no violence in the future.

This would be a ridiculous thing.

It is obviously difficult to understand that a civilization does not have a unified voice when it explores the universe, and even fights between different voices.

Ye Cheng believes that there must be a unified voice among countries, even if everyone is fighting on the earth, but in the universe, they must be consistent.

As for the situation, can these "meat eaters" really unite?

That's only when humanity is facing a racial crisis.

And the crisis that can truly unite mankind can only be a threat from another civilization.

Ye Cheng thought about it again.

Another civilization?

It is indeed a way.

It's just that he doesn't seem to have any technology to show that he comes from another civilization.

"No, at least two."

A quantum computer capable of calculating entire planets, of course, counts as one.

And there are two intelligent beings with quantum computers.

However, how to use Xiaobai to deter the civilization of the earth still needs a long-term plan. At least, they must believe that aliens have really discovered the earth and that aliens have the ability to reach the earth. At the same time, let them know that aliens People have ill will towards them.

If it is an alien with no malice, it is difficult not to guarantee that there will be some stupid earthlings who think that they can reach cooperation with aliens and then rely on alien technology for development.

However, when doing this kind of thing, there is no guarantee that the society will become chaotic, and order must be maintained.

This is another difficulty.

Therefore, this method must be considered in the long run. If other methods can be thought of, then use other methods.

Of course, the best way is to rule the earth by yourself.

Aristotle had already divided the national regime long ago. There are two types, one is the authentic regime that promotes the public interest, and the other is the perverted regime that seeks personal gain. The two categories are based on the number of ruling classes. to divide.

Ye Cheng believes that all countries are now oligarchy under abnormal regimes, because no one in the ruling class can really wholeheartedly promote the public interest.

And if he alone realizes the rule of the earth, he will have enough will to promote the public interest of the world and realize the real monarchy.

This is not going backwards in history, because now that he has acquired the evolutionary virus, he feels full of life.

This is a feeling. He believes that as long as he can continue to replenish the energy he needs, his life span will be at least five hundred years.

And if he can continue to exchange those life-extending technologies, his life will be able to exceed one thousand, and it is not even ruled out that some technologies have more gratifying effects.

In this way, with a long enough lifespan, he will consistently control himself and stick to his original purpose of promoting the public interest, rather than letting the earth under his rule fall into a perverted regime for private interests.

At that time, he will control all the resources of human civilization. Except for him as the supreme ruler, other human beings will be under one person. There will only be two classes in the world, one is him and the other is others.

Use robots as labor force to dig out excavable resources and develop them to extraterrestrial galaxies. At the same time, all resources will be equally distributed to everyone, and everyone will be able to obtain all physical and spiritual needs without labor.

And the offspring will be produced by the human factory. If a man and a woman fall in love with each other and want to have offspring, they can choose to adopt one or give birth to one by themselves. They can choose whether to reproduce in vitro or in vivo. Need to spend their money.

The total population will be regulated according to the exploitable resources and the resources that can be explored. However, at that time, the lifespan of human beings should be very long, so the population will be strictly controlled.

While imitating the corresponding plan in his heart, Ye Cheng suddenly frowned deeply.

Why did I have such an idea?

To rule the earth?

What a joke.

He had never thought of this before.

Suddenly, he felt a pang of hunger in his body.

Semi-liquid food, after all, does not provide more nutrition than solid food.

"Then, let's go and have a good meal first."

He stretched his eyebrows, no longer dwelling on the question just now.

Anyway, Nietzsche once said: Man is like a tree, the more it wants to reach out to the high and bright places, the more its roots must go down, to the soil, to the darkness, to the depths...


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