"Let me get to the bottom of it with you first. I plan to invest 100 billion yuan in this first, and I will continue to invest in the future."

"However, Professor Zhang should also know our Huaguo's system, and I need to have a certain influence in Huaguo's aerospace industry to provide some help for my aerospace company in the future, and to prevent my investment money from being turned into a bamboo basket. Water, so I hope you will join me in my cause and provide me with some help."

"And I will also help Professor Zhang's career develop better."

"I don't know Professor Zhang, what do you think?"

Faced with Ye Cheng's invitation, Zhang Rong had no other ideas, but admired Ye Cheng very much.

He knows that the aerospace industry is a bottomless pit, so he is willing to support any company's investment in it.

And Ye Cheng is willing to spend money on it because of his dream, even up to 100 billion. Zhang Rong does not doubt whether Zhiqi Company has this ability. Now everyone knows that Ye Cheng is the richest man in the world, and Zhiqi Company It even surpassed the fruit company.

Taking out this little money is probably nothing more than sprinkling water.

He was also somewhat envious of Ye Cheng, who was able to have such wealth and ability to realize his childhood dream at such a young age.

And the one who supported him to join Huaguo's aerospace industry back then was also his childhood dream. Unfortunately, he was almost sixty years old.

While feeling emotional in his heart, he also replied: "Chairman Ye, you are willing to contribute to our country's aerospace industry, and of course I agree with it."

Whether it is from the heart or for his own career, he will of course choose to support Ye Cheng.

"Hehe, that's good." Ye Cheng said with a smile, "Since you have agreed, Professor Zhang, then after that, I will send someone to meet with you and sign a contract, mainly to let you become a member of our aerospace technology company. Scientists, I will also contribute to help you become an academician of the Academy of Sciences. In addition, I also have many advanced technologies related to aerospace technology. I will hand over these technologies to the country, and you will lead these technologies in the future application."

"Aerospace technology?" Zhang Rong was taken aback: "So Zhiqi Company has already developed aerospace technology?"

Ye Cheng smiled: "No, I just borrowed these technologies from others."

This made Zhang Rong even more confused.

Can aerospace technology still be borrowed?

In Huaguo, who can I ask for this kind of technology?

It's useless to borrow it. It belongs to the country of Hua, so what's the point of letting him take the lead?

It's impossible to borrow from a foreign country, right?

Zhang Rong couldn't believe that someone from a foreign country would lend technology to Zhiqi Company.

Ye Cheng smiled: "Professor Zhang will know after the contract is signed."

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, Zhang Rong had no choice but to wait until later.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng didn't plan to invite Zhang Rong alone.

As the saying goes, you can't bet all your treasures in one place.

He needs more people who can help him.

So, he made a lot of phone calls next, and the other party had a pivotal position in Huaguo's aerospace industry.

Obviously, these people did not refuse Ye Cheng's invitation.

Moreover, Ye Cheng's remuneration is high enough. In addition to various honors and salaries, there are also scientific research funds.

Huaguo is far inferior to other countries in terms of space funding, and it is very tight.

For example, in 2019, Huaguo's annual space expenditure was only more than 30 billion, accounting for only 8.2% of the global space expenditure, while the United States accounted for 56.6%, a gap of nearly seven times.

Of course, even with less funding, Hua still achieved the highest launch success rate, second only to the United States.

From this point, it can be inferred how ruthless foreigners are in cheating funds in spaceflight. If China has the same funds as the United States, maybe Mars will be occupied by China's exploration vehicles. Musk's Lao Shizi star chain Don't even think about implementing the plan, Huaguo will directly give you the entire 36,500-week star formation... 7K 妏敩

Of course, the United States has so much funding, which is inseparable from the fact that aerospace companies such as SpaceX are private companies. They want to make a profit, while Hua Guo’s funding needs to consider all expenditures in the country, so there is no room for it.

However, now that the behemoth Zhiqi Company has come to an end, it is not certain what will happen in the future.


He wanted to tell Xu Xin about the establishment of an aerospace company, and he didn't see Xu Xin after being injected with the evolutionary virus, so Ye Cheng went directly to Zhiqi Building.

This magnificent building has become a new landmark on the Bund. The huge Zhiqi LOGO on it attracts the attention of many tourists from time to time.

Zhiqi Company has already become an enterprise that the people of Huaguo admire very much.

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