Ye Cheng went directly to the 107th floor from the special elevator, walked into Xu Xin's office, and sat on the chair next to him.

Xu Xin, who was working, heard the voice, raised her head and glanced at her husband whom she hadn't seen for four days, then stopped what she was doing, and walked up with a smile.

Pressing Ye Cheng's neck, she asked curiously: "Is the experiment over? What experiment?"

Ye Cheng said: "The experiment is over, um... a drug experiment to strengthen the body."

"Pharmaceuticals to strengthen the body?" Xu Xin was taken aback.

"It's a... drug that enhances cell activity." Ye Cheng thought of the technology he was going to redeem next, and finally continued fluently: "After taking it for a long time, your cell activity can be enhanced, and the cell lifespan can be increased accordingly." Extend. Do you know the Hayflick limit? Human cells can only divide up to 56 times. After 56 times, the cells will lose the ability to continue dividing. This is something we cannot avoid."

"And if we can increase the lifespan of individual cells, even if we still can't avoid the arrival of Hayflick's limit, its arrival will be postponed, so that our cells can remain young for longer, young Cells can help us fight more diseases."

"All in all, it can make our bodies healthier."

Ye Cheng looked back at Xu Xin's face. After taking the endocrine-regulating medicine for a few days, her skin has indeed improved.

So he reached out and touched her face, and said with a smile, "It's just like your face now, isn't it better?"

Hearing Ye Cheng mention this matter, Xu Xin became even happier. She reached out and touched her face, very excited: "Mmm! It's really getting better!"

However, after being excited for a while, she saw Ye Cheng's face again at this time, and she was shocked immediately: "Hey, how did your skin become so good?"

She stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Cheng's face again. Since Ye Cheng's facial skin was more flexible, the pinching feeling became especially better.

Xu Xin was even more shocked: "How did it become so much better than a few days ago? How did you do it! It's only been a few days!"

Ye Cheng touched his nose, this is the impact of the evolutionary virus, how does he explain it?

"Probably that medicine is more compatible with me? And I used it a while earlier than you. Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's talk about the business. When will the medicine pass the drug supervision? When will it be?" What about the listing? And the price... Oh, by the way, did you give it a name?"

"It will take some time to get the approval. There are also some procedures for building a factory. However, after you negotiated with the government for the quota of organ cloning last time, these approvals are relatively fast. It is estimated that the mass production will be launched in two months at the latest. .”

"In terms of pricing, there will be 16 capsules in a box, which can be used by one person for 16 days. The price will be 54 yuan. At this price, more people will be willing to buy it. As for the name, it will be called Qiongyu Capsules. Take fine nectar and jade dew."

Ye Cheng nodded and said, "That's fine. In the future, we can also consider making it into a granule or something. It can be taken as a drink, so that the audience should be wider."

In the form of capsules, some people can eat and eat, but they can’t swallow the capsules, and the capsules are easy to make people feel that the medicine is three-point poisonous. In fact, this compound has no particularly serious effects, probably making people drowsy. After all, if hormone secretion is normal, these hormones will naturally make people sleep easily.

However, compared to its efficacy, this problem is nothing, the big deal is to drink it before going to bed.

And if it is replaced with a sweeter granule, then the audience will naturally become more. At that time, we will announce that we have improved the formula, and it will become more harmless and more delicious without affecting the effect. .

Hearing Ye Cheng's suggestion, Xu Xin's eyes lit up: "This idea is good, but we have already applied for the Qiongyu Capsule, and plans to market it abroad."

"Well, let's launch the capsule first, let the market digest it first, and win some potential consumers for us, and then launch the granule, and we should get back more loyal customers by then."

"I'll listen to you." Xu Xin nodded with a smile, "And the cell active drug you mentioned, has the research been successful?"

"It will be around May or June." Ye Cheng said: "This thing is very important. Do you know why Rothschild cooperated with us? It has something to do with this thing."


Xu Xin nodded, leaned over to Ye Cheng's face and kissed Ye Cheng, put his arms around Ye Cheng's neck, and said like a small bird: "My husband has worked hard on the experiment."

Ye Cheng's heart was touched for a while. Because of the evolutionary virus, his thinking became more and more rational, so that when he got along with Xu Xin, he didn't have the same sense of joy when he saw his wife in the past.

At this time, Xu Xin's performance aroused his pleasure again.

He frowned slightly, and then felt relieved. He hugged Xu Xin by the waist and walked to the sofa beside him. After sitting down, he asked with a smile, "Have you ever hoped that one day you can go to the universe to see?" ?”

7K 妏敩

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