Xu Xin was lying in his arms, and when he heard his question, he raised his head and said with a smile, "Of course I want to! Everyone on earth wants to go to the sky to have a look, right? You want to take me to the universe?"

Ye Cheng laughed: "I plan to set up an aerospace technology company to research aerospace technology."

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

She can think of Ye Cheng to tell the truth.

"Of course, why lie to you." Ye Cheng nodded: "After the establishment of the company, we began to study the aircraft that can freely travel to and from the earth's space."

"Freedom to go back and forth between Earth and space?"

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded with a smile, "In that way, even without exercising, anyone can go directly into space like flying a plane, and don't need to bear five times the gravity like an astronaut."

"Can it succeed?"

"It's not whether we can succeed, but even if we can't succeed, we have to do it."


Ye Cheng smiled slightly: "The stars and the sea are our final journey. Zhiqi Company has now become the most powerful company on earth, and it can also make money that other companies can hardly make. contributed to the greatest cause of mankind."

"Similarly, this is also to invest in the future. The earth's resources can no longer meet the needs of more than seven billion human beings. In the future, we are destined to turn our attention to other planets, where there are more resources."

His eyes looked at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if he could penetrate the atmosphere and look directly at the starry sky outside.

No matter whether it is for the purpose of going to Mars to explore the secrets, or for the dream of being a man, when he said this, it was from the heart.

During the Cold War, the space race kicked off from 1957 to 1975. In just 18 years, the achievements of human beings in the space industry started from zero, but reached an incomparably brilliant level.

In these eighteen years, the radius of human activities on Earth has been increased from the radius of the Earth of 6,371 kilometers to the distance between the Earth and the Moon, which is 380,000 kilometers away.

And the human vision is no longer limited to looking up at the universe, but has become looking at Mars, Venus, and Mercury from the universe.

And the Voyager flew out of the solar system and started its journey in the vast and empty interstellar space.

If you put yourself on the Voyager spacecraft, you can feel the loneliness and coldness.

Then until today, more than half a century later, human beings have begun to rest on their laurels in interstellar exploration.

Then, Ye Cheng can only do it by himself.

And hearing what Ye Cheng said was so exciting, Xu Xin nodded: "Well, I support you!"

Ye Cheng smiled, leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips, then put her down from his body, stood up and said, "Well, let's establish the company as soon as possible, and invest 100 billion in the first three years Go in, I have also invited some people from Huaguo's aerospace industry, and when the time comes, you will send someone to let them sign a contract and hire them to become the company's scientists.". Seven

"Yeah." Xu Xin nodded, then called Yu Ying, and ordered the matter.

After receiving the order, Yu Ying did not leave in a hurry, and said, "By the way, Director Xu, just now the director of the virtual reality operation department sent an application, saying that if we include Activision Blizzard, Sony's game department, and education If those companies such as Bi, EA are acquired, based on their games as the background, our virtual reality games may be able to attract more players, he said that Activision Blizzard is not doing well now, so it is better to acquire."

"How much?" Xu Xin asked.

"It's expected to cost $68.7 billion."

Xu Xin frowned. If this is the case, Ye Cheng still needs 100 billion. Although it is in RMB, it is worth more than 10 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, the span of the two is not one year, but two or three Years, but such a huge expense is also a kind of difficulty for Zhiqi Company.

However, it is just a difficulty.

She said: "Let him talk about the reasons at tomorrow's meeting."

"Okay." Yu Ying nodded.

Ye Cheng next to him couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Acquire those game companies that hold a bunch of classic IP?

This idea is also very good, at least it can attract some older players.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that the director wanted to play, so he came up with such a reason to do it.

Those games in the new universe have already become their own IPs, and there are a lot of peripherals in reality. The novice guide at the beginning, Azi wearing a cheongsam, has also become a new otaku lover.

Without those IPs, their own games can become super IPs. Who doesn't know that "Future War" has become the most popular FPS game in 2023?

Strictly speaking, all games in virtual reality have become the most popular first-person games, all of which have a score of 9.9 or above, out of 10.

Moreover, in order to avoid those companies’ old IPs robbing players, Zhiqi New Universe Company does not allow these companies to make their own game IPs into virtual reality games, so now Zhiqi New Universe Company completely monopolizes virtual reality games, allowing those game companies Everyone is clamoring for antitrust.

But having said that, all of this is due to the superiority of virtual reality games. Now there are more and more gamers in the virtual reality world. After all, they can earn stars and experience the thrill. No one does not like to play.

It is said that some people have already earned hundreds of thousands of star dollars through games, and star dollars have gradually become a virtual currency that can be used across all continents of the world.

This has made many countries vigilant, for fear that their citizens will start to trade in star dollars instead of their own currency in the future, and some countries even start to discuss whether to include star dollars in the scope of taxation.

In short, as the second world, and it is a successful second world, it is a fact that it is developing better and better, and it is also a fact that it is more and more concerned by the governments of various countries, just because the servers mentioned by Zhiqi Company are in name It is in Huaguo and Xiangjiang.

Of course, in fact, these servers are just a cover, and the real server is still the quantum computer.

Therefore, other than banning games like the United States, foreign governments have no other way to restrict them, but the consequences of the United States' doing so are already in front of them.

However, where will the virtual reality world continue to develop in the future?

Ye Cheng didn't know either.

And one thing to consider is that after humans really enter space in the future, the current electromagnetic wave network will also become a limitation.

Quantum communication technology is also bound to be proposed.

Ye Cheng shook his head, without thinking too much, he said: "Then you should do your work first, I'm going to Ludao."

Xu Xin nodded: "Well, you can go."

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