Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 389 The Significance Of Controllable Nuclear Fusion, Good News And Bad News

Although the number of people watching TV has become less and less, 1 set of news is still sought after by many people. After all, for stock investors, these news all hide some kind of signal related to the stock market. If If you see it through, you have a great chance to make such a fortune.

Therefore, the news of the realization of controllable nuclear fusion also shocked these stockholders.

Although not everyone can understand what controllable nuclear fusion really means, the statement in the news that it can save human beings from worrying about energy issues for hundreds of years is enough to shock people.

The vast majority of human problems must be related to energy issues.

And now that the energy problem is solved, what does that mean?

As a result, the Internet completely boiled.

The topic of [my country's successful realization of controllable nuclear fusion power generation] has been crowded into the hot searches of major software in almost an hour. What kind of scarf, huhu, tiger pu, etc., all began to discuss this topic enthusiastically question.

Almost immediately, the hottest question is [How to evaluate my country's realization of controllable nuclear fusion power generation? 】

As for the following answers, in just a few hours, there were more than a thousand, and the total number of replies exceeded 100,000. Many people joined the discussion on this question.

The answer of a well-known 985 Ph.D. from the Department of Physics received high praise because it seized the opportunity.

"How to evaluate? Just kidding, this kind of thing is not for "evaluation". I think this question should be asked, how to praise our country for realizing controllable nuclear fusion power generation.

One thing to say, I never thought that in my lifetime, I would see the news of the realization of controllable nuclear fusion, especially it was first realized in China.

For this, I can only say that we have mastered controllable nuclear fusion, which means that we have weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons. In the future, all other countries must use our controllable nuclear fusion to live a good life. fusion.

You may not have any idea about this, but all you need to know is that in the future, our electricity bill will probably cost less than a dime per kWh. For industrial production, electricity bill will become a cost that hardly needs to be considered, because it can be The power generation cost of controlled nuclear fusion is too small, ten times or even dozens of times smaller than the thermal power generation, photovoltaic power generation, etc. we are using now.

And what does that mean?

Our cost of living will no longer have to consider the cost of electricity, and the cost of living will be greatly reduced.

Think about what is involved in the cost of living?

The production cost of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea will no longer need to consider the cost of electricity.

In addition, there are industries, such as metal smelting, chemical engineering, machinery, etc., look at the mobile phone at hand, every part on it must be produced with electricity, such as metal smelting plants, you can easily find it on the Internet Just look it up, and you will know how much electricity bills account for. Some iron and steel smelters even have to build their own power plants to reduce electricity bills.

The emergence of controllable nuclear fusion will bring the prices of these industrial products to a plunge, which is equivalent to a reduction in prices. This is not a price drop like deflation, but a healthy economy. The price of goods will fall, because the wealth owned by everyone will increase on a relative or absolute level

If it wasn't for the fact that mining has been strictly prohibited, it is estimated that this is great news for those in the currency circle.

In addition, those friends who have switched to lithium-air battery electric vehicles, think about it, although the battery life is greatly improved by using lithium-air batteries, do you still feel distressed every time you charge it? But now, even if you fully charge it at one time, it is estimated that it will cost less than 10 yuan, and it may even be provided for free for a certain period of time, because the country will definitely vigorously promote electric vehicles and completely say no to fuel vehicles.

When it comes to cars, we have to mention oil. In the future, we will no longer have to import oil from abroad. Think about how much our country spends to import oil every year?

1.22 trillion!

And in the future, we will never have to spend this money again.

And 1.22 trillion yuan per year, if invested in pension reserves, will be enough to provide 6,000 yuan per year for more than 200 million elderly people!

At that time, the pension society will no longer be a problem.

In addition, the construction cost will also be reduced to an extremely low level, and our houses will be able to become cheaper. I believe that to this extent, real estate will not be considered as a pillar industry in our country, and will become a real estate at any time. The industry that can be cut off will allow everyone to be rich enough to buy a house.

and also……

All in all, I have no regrets in my life to see the realization of nuclear fusion.

Finally, I would like to thank those hard-working scientists who made controllable nuclear fusion truly appear in this world. 』

This answer fully described the benefits that controllable nuclear fusion can bring, and thus received praise from countless people.

And the comment with the highest praise below replied like this: "My blood boils when I see it, and this is not a cool article, because controllable nuclear fusion has been realized, which means that in my lifetime, the scenes described by the respondent will all happen." Can appear in our reality, and I can't wait to see that day. 』

This comment made everyone even more excited.

Indeed, controllable nuclear fusion has been realized. This article is not the kind of forced writing, but the kind that can really be realized in reality.

Countless people have begun to fantasize about living in a cheap house in the future, using cheaper mobile phones and computers, and pursuing a better tomorrow.

All the imbalances in the world are caused by productivity far below the needs of human life. For ordinary people, they have nothing to ask for. The only thing they need is a house to live in, food and clothing, and satisfaction The first two of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are enough. Anyway, for people nowadays, they have internet, computer, mobile phone, housing, food, and an air conditioner. If they live like this for a lifetime, it is estimated that 7% Anyone in their eighties would be willing.

The emergence of controllable nuclear fusion will be able to turn all this into reality.

Realizing the communist society we seek, controlled nuclear fusion, is only the first step.


Obviously, the matter of Huaguo's controllable nuclear fusion will definitely be known to foreign countries, especially after Huaguo withdrew from ITER, foreign countries have been paying attention to this matter for a long time.

But now, Hua Guo actually came up with this thing, which immediately made these countries panic.

America, Wright House.

It is now around 14 o'clock in China time, and for the United States, it is 1 o'clock in the morning.

The Secretary of State hurried into the President's bedroom.

The president had learned that the Secretary of State was coming to see him, so he sat on the bed.

Seeing the hurried look of the Secretary of State, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with speaking?"

The Secretary of State took a few breaths, his face full of disbelief.

"Mr. President, I have good news and bad news for you."

The President said, "What?"

The Secretary of State said: "The good news is that mankind no longer has to worry about energy issues, because controlled nuclear fusion has appeared."

The president's eyes lit up: "Controlled nuclear fusion is done?"

The Secretary of State swallowed, nodded with difficulty, and then said, "But the bad news is that it is controlled by Hua Guo."

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