Zongtong suddenly turned pale with shock.

During this period of time, he has been hearing about controllable nuclear fusion, so he is very clear about the significance of this technology.

Before, they had always been worried about being controlled by Huachao to master the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, because they knew very well how terrible the consequences of being mastered by Huachao would be.

And now, it's too late.

People really figured it out.

He got out of bed abruptly, still a little unable to believe the news, "Didn't you say before that it should be impossible for them to directly realize controllable nuclear fusion? At most, it's just a breakthrough in technology. Why did they realize it all of a sudden? News ? Where did you get the news from?"

The Secretary of State said helplessly: "Their official TV program directly broadcast this news temporarily in the news, and it was done in Ludao City. The Golden Crow Project, they really promoted all false news before, what they said Purely for experimentation."

"Our scientists were also very surprised. They did not expect this situation at all. According to their predictions, if nuclear fusion is to be realized, it should wait until after 2080. Even if their technology has made a huge breakthrough, it is impossible to advance so early , all of this was unexpected.”

Zongtong's complexion became even more difficult to look at.

It turned out to be true.

"What to do? What to do now?"

He paced back and forth in the room.

In the end, he spread his hands to Guowu Crucian and asked, "How do we get them to hand over their technology?"

Guowu Crucian said helplessly: "I can't do it."

"Why can't it be done? We are the most powerful country on earth!

Guowu crucian carp couldn't help but slander: "Chamberlain thought so too at the beginning."

"What did you say?"

"Ah, it's nothing, actually... Your idea may not pass the approval of the parliament."

"I am the Supreme Marshal."

Guowu Crucian said: "Sir, you probably don't want to get the same treatment as that person before?"

In his opinion, this Zongtong was most likely already confused, how could he say such a thing.

Zongtong's eyes were serious, and after a while, his arms suddenly bent, his hands clenched into fists, and he stood still.

Seeing this scene, Guo Wu crucian carp was taken aback, this posture seems a bit familiar?

Looking at the expression on his face that seemed to be about to freeze, he hurriedly shouted: "Go and call the doctor!"


Americans are not happy to work overtime, let alone go to work after going to bed late at night.

However, such important news still awakened many Americans who had fallen asleep, and held meetings overnight to discuss how to deal with this situation.

Ideas such as spies and agents have been raised, and the use of force as a false deterrent has also become an option.

But obviously, they can only threaten, but can't really do anything.

If you really do anything, the earth humans will be finished.

Therefore, they did not have any expectations for the success of these plans. According to the Hua Dynasty they had known for so long, it was impossible for them to be the kind of country that could be threatened to succeed casually.

They have penetrated into most countries in the world with capital, but they have not succeeded in this country alone.

Otherwise, it is impossible for this country to develop from the dilapidated situation a hundred years ago to the situation that makes them feel difficult today.


Ludao City, the time is four o'clock in the afternoon.

A simple convoy came from a distance and drove into the Jinwu Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

Then, several old people got off from these cars.

At the same time, many people were welcoming them, and Xu Kaiyang stood at the front.

Soon, the leading old man came to Xu Kaiyang.

Xu Kaiyang stretched out his hand, but the old man stepped forward to hug him first, which made him a little dazed, but his heart was even more excited.

The old man treated him so courteously, which made him, who was almost sixty years old, a little speechless.

To him, this was obviously recognized by Guo Fengxiao.

As for the embrace of the two, people from the media also took a picture of it. I believe this picture will be published on the front pages of major newspapers in the next few days.

In addition, this photo also perfectly included several other elderly people and other people standing not far behind Xu Kaiyang. Ye Cheng also happened to be among them and became the only young man.

Just like that, they briefly hugged each other, and after parting, the old man shook Xu Kaiyang's hand and said sincerely, "Thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, no hard work." Xu Kaiyang waved his hands again and again.

"Hehe, there is no need to say polite words. You have made great contributions, and you will definitely not be treated badly. Of course, everyone who has contributed to this will not be treated badly." Another old man next to him walked forward with a smile, also said.

Xu Kaiyang nodded: "Everyone here believes this."

People around laughed.

Afterwards, I said some scene words, and then took a few veterans to visit their nuclear fusion power plant.

In this introduction, I will introduce the significance of controllable nuclear fusion.

And the veterans have read the relevant reports long ago, and know the significance of realizing controllable nuclear fusion, so this time they came here just for show.

And Ye Cheng followed the team.

However, after walking for a while, an old man suddenly walked up to him and said with a smile: "Chairman Ye, do you have time to chat?"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "What did you say? It's my honor."

The old man waved his hand and said, "Then find a place."

Ye Cheng nodded, then left the crowd and came to an empty room.

The two sat down.

"Please tell me if you have anything to say."

"Chairman Ye, first of all, I would like to thank Zhiqi Company for its contribution in controllable nuclear fusion."

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "It's okay, if you want to gain something, you need to invest, I know very well."

"Hehe, that's right. Only with investment can there be gains, and there are also risks in the process."

"We also know that the research of Zhiqi Company is helpful for the realization of controllable nuclear fusion. We also know that without the materials provided by Zhiqi Company, it is impossible for us to reach the end point so quickly."

"Everything should be rewarded based on merit. It is the same in ancient and modern times. Zhiqi has made such great achievements, and you are the deputy chief engineer of the Golden Crow Project. Then, in the future, Chairman Ye, you will be elected as our academician , including the Natural Science Award, the Technology Invention Award, and other awards.”

"These are the rewards we can arrange. Of course, these things are only known to you for the time being. Please don't tell others in the future, as a surprise."

"Then, Chairman Ye, now you can ask what else you need, or the needs of Zhiqi Company."

Ye Cheng is not considered one of his own, so he opened the skylight to speak frankly.

Ye Cheng was not surprised by this either.

Asking him to make a condition is precisely the hope that he will be tied together. On the huge cake of controllable nuclear fusion, the two sides can maintain the same goal.

After all, the key technology is in the hands of Zhiqi.

So now, it's time for Ye Cheng to put forward his own conditions.

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