Ye Cheng did not join Xu Kaiyang's troubles.

He didn't care much about how to spend 200 million yuan.

Just two small goals.

What he was concerned about was the reason why several elders left.

There is no other reason, the Americans are here.

And dispatched warships, violated the original agreement, and entered the N Sea again.

Of course, there is not no movement in the country. The navy and air force have already started to stand by after the satellite found the opponent's whereabouts. The navy has also been dispatched, and it is probably about to face off.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him, and he is not in the army.

All he needs to care about is the result.

Of course, he also knows what the Americans are up to.

You just need to be tough and aim the cannon at the opponent, and the opponent will not dare to act rashly.

As the so-called dignity is only within the range of cannons, our missiles can cover anywhere in the world, so within this range, other countries can only be disgusted at most, and it is basically impossible to find trouble for nothing.

Just like Xiong Guo, although it is poor, its military strength is there, it is a world power, just like when the media of an island country mentions the Wuchang, it will say "the United States, the Hua State, the Mao State and the other two countries".

Therefore, in this confrontation, the United States will not get what it wants, just as they can't stop Hua Guo from already having the foundation to surpass the United States.

However, on the other side, Ye Cheng still has to deal with several people.

The plutocrats in the United States are obviously anxious. Similarly, the plutocrats in Europe and the local tyrants in the Middle East are also anxious.

After all, most chaebols have mastered some basic commodity businesses, which can make a lot of money, such as raw materials and the like, and energy is the most profitable of these commodities, which can be said to be quite a lot The lifeblood of the chaebol.

The emergence of controllable nuclear fusion is undoubtedly equivalent to touching their lifeblood.

And it's not over yet, Ye Cheng certainly didn't forget to grab the wool of capitalism.

He asked Xu Xin to set up several companies, and then directly spent 20 billion US dollars to short crude oil futures with 50 times leverage.

Due to the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion, the price of international crude oil has dropped directly from 90 US dollars to more than 50 US dollars.

In fact, in about five years, controlled nuclear fusion will not be able to replace crude oil for the time being, and it should not affect the price of crude oil. However, the financial market is actually a market of confidence. When most buyers lose confidence in it, It can only be lowered.

At this level, some capital means can no longer restore the decline.

But now, the price of crude oil is still falling. Although the rate of decline has slowed down, it is still falling, and it is heading for a price below 50 US dollars.

So with this wave of crude oil futures, they have made more than 400 billion, and they are making steady progress, moving towards the 500 billion mark.

Of course, relying on the size of Zhiqi Company, it is obviously not enough to just collect these wools. In addition, there are various energy sector futures such as coal and natural gas. Ye Cheng made Xu Xin invest a lot together, and invested a total of 100 billion U.S. dollars. Go in, all of them are fifty times leveraged.

Now it is conservatively estimated that they can earn more than two trillion US dollars.

On the other hand, the country is certainly not idle, and it seems to be more ruthless than Zhiqi Company, and some individuals with inside information have also made some moves in this regard.

Moreover, only Huaguo has these news, while foreign countries don't know anything, and the price of crude oil has not changed much.

So this wave, this wave is called SH doctrine and ZB doctrine wool.

Just like in the soybean crisis in 2004, we were well tricked by the West on soybeans, and now this wave has directly caused a wave of blood for these people.

Moreover, this wave of bleeding will inevitably lead to a downturn in the crude oil futures market for a long period of time, and foreign countries will suffer huge losses of capital as a result.

This can also be regarded as a zero-sum game. The overall gains of Huaguo are almost equivalent to the overall losses of the West.

And this effect will last for a long time and will not rebound.

Perhaps in the future, deuterium-tritium will instead join the futures market and become a brand new financial commodity.

However, earning is earning, and those people obviously won't just watch them make money.


When it was seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Cheng returned to the villa he bought in Ludao, then turned on the computer and entered an international conference software.

A few old people appeared on the screen, they were the rich and powerful who had countless wealth.

He said with a smile: "Dear old gentlemen, is there anything you can do to find me? I remember that it should be only 6 o'clock in the United States? I remember that the United States does not have the habit of getting up early."

"I'm in the Maldives, it's four o'clock." Joseph Rothschild said.

"Oh! I mean, Mr. Rockefeller, you should get up earlier?" Ye Cheng smiled and looked at the head portrait of Johnson Rockefeller.

"Mr. Ye, I'm not here to joke with you. What's going on with your controllable nuclear fusion? Why did you suddenly break through this technology? You should know how much this has affected my family."

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