Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 393 I Wish You A Long Life Of Two Hundred Years

Rockefeller was obviously not in the mood to talk to Ye Cheng, and getting up at six o'clock really made him impatient.

This ruined his usual work and rest time, and for an elderly person like him who pays attention to health preservation, this can be regarded as a major event.

Of course, since drinking the cell active nutrient solution provided by Zhiqi Company a few days ago, he feels that he has gradually become more energetic. At least, after waking up so early today, his body is not particularly tired.

Of course, a body is a body, and a business is a business. As the family of the former oil tycoon, the Rockefeller family controls quite a lot of resources in the energy industry. For example, the famous Exxon Mobil is their family's industry.

Now, as soon as this controllable nuclear fusion is done, it immediately annoys him.

The price of crude oil in the futures market has dropped so much, which has a real impact on them.

Although futures are different from spot prices, changes in futures prices will also affect spot prices to a certain extent, especially now that they have dropped so much, the impact will definitely be great.

This means that the price of the spot oil they sell will also decrease, which is a real benefit.

And he is very clear that for the time being, the demand for oil in various countries will not decrease. If it decreases slowly, it will give them a certain buffer time, but if crude oil futures are directly cut in half like this, the loss will be as large as Very big.

Of course, these losses are secondary, and he is just pretending. He just wants to use this attitude to see if he can get some news about controllable nuclear fusion.

Obviously, he, and the other chaebols, are very concerned about this matter.

Ye Cheng smiled lightly, leaned back, and said, "Gentlemen, I know what you want, but just as you have guessed in your heart, I can't let you get what you want, and I am very happy Wondering why you guys think I can give you what you want?"

"Moreover, the controllable nuclear fusion was developed by my country. It belongs to my country's property and not to me. Therefore, you are looking for the wrong person."

"As for the impact on Mr. Rockefeller's family, I'm not too clear about it. The total assets of Mr. Rockefeller's family are not just one oil, right? Besides, even if the price of oil drops in the future, oil will not be unusable. I remember one More than a hundred years ago, there was no internal combustion engine in this world. It was used to light lamps at that time, and was even used as medicine by your doctors in the United States. At that time, Mr. John Rockefeller had so much oil, didn’t he use oil as lamp oil? For sale, there is also polypropylene, which is also refined from petroleum, and this thing can be used to make masks, and it has many uses.”

"Of course, if you want to talk about the price of coal, it's still the same sentence. Coal also has many uses, such as...uh," Ye Cheng racked his brains for a while, his eyes lit up: "Oh, yes, it can also It’s used to smelt coke, isn’t that what we use to smelt steel?”

Looking at Ye Cheng who seemed to have thought about it for a long time, the group of chaebols were a little speechless.

It's really hard for you to help us think of the use!

However, after the birth of such things as coal, they are used for burning! What is used to provide heat is a very simple thing that can provide energy left by nature in the process of climbing the technological tree.

As a result, such an important use is gone now, and there is still so much coal on the earth, how will it be used in the future?

As black paint!

"Mr. Ye, we just hope..." Joseph Rothschild spoke at this time. He thought he had a good relationship with Ye Cheng as the earliest collaborator.

But Ye Cheng directly interrupted him, saying: "The United States will definitely be able to use controllable nuclear fusion, but not now. As for when it will land in the United States? Then I can only say that the will of the country is my will , I love my country very much.”

"So, I advise everyone, it is better to let your army stop and stop, go back quickly, and then surrender to us, and you will be able to use controllable nuclear fusion. I believe you should also know that compared to your energy Business, controlled nuclear fusion should benefit you more, right? Whether it is implicit or explicit."

"In addition, we have already produced the cell-activating nutrient solution that each family needs. After you send the money, I will arrange the delivery as soon as possible. Please send the money as soon as possible. Our production is limited. , the chaebols in some other countries have also started contacting me."

"Okay, let's talk about this, old gentlemen, if you haven't rested well, you should rest as soon as possible."

"I wish you all a long life, oh, no, it should be two hundred years old."


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