"Therefore, I would like to propose that an energy alliance be established to prepare for the deployment of controlled nuclear fusion all over the world in the future, and every country that joins the alliance will have the priority to obtain the opportunity to set up a controlled nuclear fusion power station."

"And this energy alliance requires each member not to initiate wars among themselves, and to provide preferential trade policies for allies in the alliance, and not to impose any sanctions without reason. "

"We want to maintain the harmony of the world as much as possible and achieve a win-win situation more efficiently. The world's resources are limited, but the benefits brought by cooperation are unlimited."

"So, I hope everyone can support my proposal, and I welcome everyone to join this organization."

Representative Zhang's proposal immediately caused discussions among the people present.

Representative Zhang's proposal must also be the meaning of the country behind it.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp when they thought of the meaning behind this energy alliance.

This is clearly an ambition.

Just like the current World Battery Organization, Hua Guo, as the proposer, naturally has considerable rights. Through the control of the supply of lithium-air batteries, it is simply OPEC's second.

And this energy alliance allows everyone to reach a situation of joint cooperation, which will greatly reduce the cost of each country's exports and imports, thereby reducing the cost of living of the people of all countries, and there is also the non-aggression agreement, if the United States The world war boss has also joined in, doesn't it mean that the world is really going to be peaceful?

But in the end, Huaguo will obviously rely on controllable nuclear fusion to control this alliance. This energy alliance can even become a stronger organization independently of the United Nations.

Everyone didn't know how to respond.

However, at this moment, someone raised his hand.

Is the representative of the bear country.

Everyone was stunned, what question did Xionghui ask?

"Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask, if we enter this alliance, will we still use the US dollar as currency?"

Representative Zhang said: "We plan to issue a brand new currency in the future, which will circulate in this organization, similar to the euro. Of course, we will introduce better policies to avoid the disadvantages of the euro. Of course, regarding the issuance of the new currency , It is not achieved overnight, it still needs enough consideration, and this requires everyone's cooperation."

Everyone present frowned.

new currency?

Everyone is content with the status quo and doesn't want too much change, but if Huaguo really wants to do this, they have no way to stop it.

As a result, more people asked related questions, and some people temporarily left the meeting to contact China.

Seeing this scene, the representative of the United States was very upset. Hua Guo was simply exporting his face, plotting loudly how to make their dollar hegemony collapse.

"We in the United States will definitely not agree!" He shouted.

Representative Zhang replied coldly: "You first withdraw your navy in the N Sea, and then talk about whether you have the ability to bargain with us."

The representative of the United States left the meeting angrily, and then hurriedly contacted the country.

And other countries ignored the angry representative of the United States, but thought about the benefits of joining this energy alliance.

Obviously, for small countries, the benefits of joining the energy alliance are great, but for big countries, joining the energy alliance will affect their own development, but the key is related to controllable nuclear fusion.

The reduction of the total cost of the whole society by controlled nuclear fusion is enough to offset the benefits they lost, such as coal and other resources that need to be purchased for power generation, and controlled nuclear fusion can significantly improve people's living standards.

Make a profit without losing money.

But there is another problem that all countries need to be vigilant about, that is, how much profit will China get from building a controllable nuclear fusion power station for them.

They don't believe that after Huaguo helped them build a controllable fusion power station, they didn't care about anything.

For the benefits brought by the follow-up power generation, as well as the subsequent management authority, maintenance costs, etc., if Huaguo really doesn't want a penny of follow-up and comes to do charity, then they must be happy, and then sell a fool behind their backs.

And Huaguo cannot be a fool, so it is impossible to give them free construction.

So what is China going to do?

This makes those big countries have concerns in their hearts.

Of course, there is one more crucial point. Those whose economy ranks at the forefront are basically infiltrated by the capital of the United States. If they directly agree to Hua, will they be settled by the United States behind their backs?

Therefore, although many countries have expressed their support for this organization, they are only in words of support, and only some countries close to China have expressed their willingness to join.

For example, some countries such as Mao and Pakistan have expressed their willingness to join this organization.

And this is enough.

This new energy organization will become an opportunity for Huaguo to become the world leader again.

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