Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 396: Withdrawing The Troops And Awarding Honors

"Our people think we should be number one in the world, why?"

"Because until the nineteenth century, we were number one in the world, either in military or in economy, and even for a longer period of time, we were number one in the world regardless of military or economy. We have been number one in the world for so long , You said it’s inappropriate now, can you bear it?”

"We are a nation that worships our ancestors. If we can't compete for the first place, we will feel ashamed of our ancestors."

Ye Cheng was looking at the mobile phone, where netizens were discussing the topic of US withdrawal, while answering questions from Xu Xin.

The United States had no choice but to withdraw its troops, because several J-35s flew over their heads again, and the ships of both sides even got very close.

Coupled with what the representative of the United Nations said in the previous chapter, the United States has to consider the consequences if China does not install controllable nuclear fusion for the United States.

Either they do go to war, or most of their capital will flow out of the US and into other countries.

The reduction in production costs due to controlled nuclear fusion would be enough to lure them away from the US market.

The withdrawal of the United States' troops can be regarded as a relief to the world. In the past few years, the conflict between these two big players has become more and more acute, but fortunately, neither side dared to take that last step.

But the United States is still obsessed with the technology of controllable nuclear fusion.

Military threats were unsuccessful, and their methods of bribery and espionage were also unsuccessful.

However, they got a piece of news that the most important material for the realization of controllable nuclear fusion was provided by Zhiqi Company.

The relevant material technology is also mastered by Zhiqi Company.

After learning the news, the fact that this has been covered up all this time has finally been known by others.

It's Zhiqi Company again!

This makes the US government hate the company.

Make them angry and helpless.

And when the U.S. government wanted to take action on this, the top plutocrats who ruled the U.S. suddenly called the president and told them to stop their actions. Accept this fact honestly.

This baffled the U.S. government.

Everything they are doing now is for the United States, but for the United States, it is for these chaebols, the United States is good, these chaebols are good, such as the hegemony of the dollar, people are going to issue new currencies to challenge our dollar, the result You don't care anymore?

But in fact, for these chaebols, the loss of the US dollar's hegemony will certainly have a huge impact on their future interests, but the wealth they have accumulated in the past has long been turned into actual property by them, such as land, minerals, etc. And so on.

Therefore, the loss of dollar hegemony will certainly cause great losses to them in the future, but they are still world-class chaebols, which cannot be changed, and as long as they have such a foundation, even if there is a new universal currency in the future, they can also Adapt quickly to continue to be profitable.

And, most importantly, what Ye Cheng said to them when he called them.

So, things came back to the eternal question, money or life.

Apparently, these chaebols chose to die, and they gave up this time to maintain their relationship with Ye Cheng, so as to continue to obtain the life extension technology that Ye Cheng provided them in the future.

Therefore, with the words of these chaebols, although the US government is still stalking and maintaining its own face on the surface, it always seems a bit vain on the outside and on the inside.

"So, our country is about to return to the position that our ancestors were in."

Ye Cheng suddenly hugged Xu Xin and said with a hearty smile.

Xu Xin gave him a blank look: "Okay, let's go change quickly, the award ceremony will start in more than an hour."

Ye Cheng nodded with a smile, stood up, thought of the motherland that was about to return to the peak, suddenly opened his hands, and said, "My concubine, change my clothes."

Seeing him like this, Xu Xin was annoyed and funny, "I know, this concubine will change clothes for the emperor right now."

Then she fetched Ye Cheng's clothes, a straight suit.

Today is the awarding ceremony of the Golden Crow Medal.

In the Golden Crow Project, hundreds of people can get medals, which is an honor that everyone deserves.

As for where the award ceremony will be held, it is naturally the RM Hall.

Soon, Ye Cheng changed into clothes under the 'serving' of Xu Xin, and Xu Xin attended as his wife, so he also changed into a cheongsam.

After she put it on, it highlighted her exquisite figure.

However, Ye Cheng didn't care, and said directly: "Let's go."

This made Xu Xin curl her lips. This guy used to look like a man when he saw her wearing some nice clothes, but recently, he didn't look like a man at all.

However, she didn't think much about it, at least Ye Cheng's ability, for some reason, was much stronger than after he got married, sometimes she thought he was on drugs.

Of course, this also shows that her charm in Ye Cheng's eyes has not diminished.


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