RM Town Hall.

On the wide rostrum, the Great Elder stood behind the lecture table, reading the speech for the award ceremony.

"Science and technology are primary productive forces."

"We have never forgotten what the great man said, and we have been working hard on it until today."

"We have been absent and lagging behind for many years on the road of scientific and technological exploration, but up to now, we can say that we have caught up."

"And all of this is inseparable from the scientific and technical personnel of every Republic."

"And the 498 comrades in the Golden Crow Project are the best among them."

"Because you managed to make the Golden Crow finally become the sun."

"This also means that for nearly a hundred years, the controllable nuclear fusion technology that has been regarded as the ultimate energy source and has been pursued by people has finally been mastered by us."

"Human beings will no longer have to worry about energy for hundreds of thousands of years."

"We can easily convert seawater into fresh water, and continuously transport fresh water from the seaside on the third step to the Taklimakan Desert on the second step, and easily build oases on the desert; On the land, we plant rice fields that are ripe twice a year; we no longer need to burn a large amount of coal to heat our power stations. Human carbon emissions will be reduced rapidly, and carbon dioxide will be able to stop the damage to the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. will terminate herewith."

"In short, many problems faced by human beings will be solved."

"And all of this is the credit of the four hundred and ninety-eight comrades."

"You are the pride of the Republic, the hope of the nation, and the pillars of humanity."

"So here, on behalf of the people of this country, and the people of the world, I want to thank you for your dedication to solving the greatest challenge we face."

"I hope you will continue to work hard and make more outstanding contributions to all mankind!"

Thunderous applause, thousands of people participated in this meeting, while 498 Jinwu engineering and technical personnel were all sitting in the front row of the seats below, and many people showed excited expressions on their faces.

Among the 498 people, except for Ye Cheng, everyone else suddenly learned that there was such an award ceremony, which immediately made them feel very pleasantly surprised. During the vacation with a budget of 200 million yuan, he flew directly to Shanghai on a chartered plane to attend the award ceremony.

In any case, for most people, it is obviously a very honorable thing to be honored by the country.

Guangzong Yaozu belongs to yes.

As a result, basically everyone feels that all the hard work has been worth it.

"Then, the awarding ceremony of the Golden Crow Project will now officially begin. Next, 413 Golden Crow Soaring Medals will be awarded first."

"Please, 413 winners, come on stage one by one."

In the seats, 413 people came to the stage one after another, and then stood on the stage in an orderly manner under the guidance of the on-site staff.

Because there are 498 people, but everyone's contribution is obviously different, so we must pay attention to meritorious deeds, so people of different ranks get different medals.

The Golden Crow Soaring Medal is the basic medal in the Golden Crow series of medals, and it is a simple shape of a three-legged Golden Crow spreading its wings.

The inside is a copper-zinc alloy, and the outside is covered with a layer of gold foil, which is not very valuable.

Of course, the value of such a medal cannot be measured by cost.

This is already a kind of honor. In the future, with the honor represented by this medal, it is estimated that any 211 university will invite them to be teachers, or some research institutes will also ask them.

However, there were more than 400 people, and it took a long time for the award, so the seven elders present all came to the stage to help present the awards. Each of them awarded three awards per minute, and it took more than 20 minutes to complete the awards.

Of course, several elders worked tirelessly to award this medal to everyone.

After all, it is controllable nuclear fusion technology, which is what it should be. No one will think that it is too much, but only think that this is the attitude that the country should have.

This award ceremony is also being broadcast live, including on TV and the Internet.

In the live broadcast room, there were also many netizens watching, and everyone swiped the barrage.

"I don't regret going to China in this life, and I will still grow flowers in the next life"

"They deserve the medal, this is our real scientist"

"praise! 』

"Thanks to these scientists, I heard that our Fujian Province and the neighboring Guangdong Province will greatly reduce the price of electricity next year."

"Zhejiang Province is envious"

"Old Biaosheng is also envious, we are also next door, why not our turn. 』

"There will be, but Guangdong Province and Fujian Province can enjoy it in advance. 』

"In the future, our earth civilization will be a level 1 civilization, right? 』

"There is a high probability, right? Controlled nuclear fusion is the symbol of a level 1 civilization. 』


Netizens were discussing intensely, and the Golden Crow Flying Medal was also awarded.

Then, 83 Golden Crow Huari Medals were awarded to 83 main researchers.

The Golden Crow Turning Sun Medal is the medal that the Golden Crow gradually turns into the sun. Usually it is a Golden Crow, half of which is a round and a half sun. It looks very three-dimensional and handsome. When people in the live broadcast room saw it, their eyes lit up. , I think this shape is very good.

Then, after the 83 medals were awarded, that is to say, a total of 496 people received medals.

Now, there are still two people who have not been awarded.

"The next thing to be awarded is the Golden Crow Medal of the Sun. The recipients are Xu Kaiyang, the chief engineer of the Golden Crow Project, and Ye Cheng, the deputy chief engineer."

The applause was thunderous again.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"What? Am I right, Ye Cheng? 』

"Why did Boss Ye go up too?" 』

"Boss Ye is the deputy chief engineer? 』

"Stupid? The Golden Crow Project also involved Zhiqi Company. I have news that the success of the Golden Crow Project is all related to Zhiqi Company. It can be said that without Zhiqi Company, this controllable nuclear fusion technology would not be possible. 』

"real or fake? bro elaborate

"How do I elaborate on the barrage"


There was a lot of noise in the bullet screen, and everyone was a little surprised.

In the great hall, both Ye Cheng and Xu Kaiyang stepped onto the stage in formal attire.

Xu Kaiyang's figure is a little thin, and his face looks a little old because of his age and scene physics experiments.

Of course, this kind of accumulation of time also makes him look more in line with the age that this medalist should be.

But Ye Cheng is different.

The evolutionary virus made him even more attractive, who was already handsome. The tailor-made suit also made him look very tall and straight.

Not at all like someone who could win an award like this.

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