In the engine factory, a huge aircraft engine is placed in the center of the field, which looks very explosive.

At this time, Ye Cheng walked into the factory and saw this thing, and beside him, Hua Dongji was talking about the performance of this aerospace engine.

"The first is the aviation mode. In the aviation mode, its air intake is open. In this, I have used the technology related to the Yinglong engine and improved the related design. Its thrust is very large, up to 43 Ton."

"At that time, aerospace planes will be able to carry more things, take off from the runway, and go directly into space."

"Next is the aerospace mode. When the aerospace plane is about to leave the oxygen atmosphere, it can be changed to the aerospace engine mode."

"First of all, the air intake will be closed directly, and the turbine device inside will also shrink to reduce the related impact."

"The internal fuel interface will also be replaced, switch to the aerospace fuel chamber, and choose a combination of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide. I have a better ratio here, which can reduce meaningless consumption."

"Among them is the technology of superconducting bearings. This kind of frictionless bearings greatly reduces some uncontrollable events in the process."

"In addition, since the space shuttle has entered the very thin atmosphere at this time, the air resistance is basically zero, and the space fuel we prepared has not consumed too much, and our plane has basically entered the orbit we expected, and then Using the slingshot effect of the gravitational field and the acceleration of the engine, it directly reaches the second cosmic speed, and then successfully throws us to the next target, such as Mars."

"In addition, I have also drawn the design drawing of the high-thrust Hall thruster, which also uses room temperature superconductors. At that time, this part of the Hall thruster can adjust the attitude of our aircraft and thereby control the direction. They can also provide us The aerospace plane provides a certain amount of power, although it is not large, it is enough."

"After arriving at Mars, we will enter the Martian orbit. When we leave, we will use the gravitational slingshot effect to return directly to the earth. The fuel consumption in the process will be minimized. When we successfully return to the earth orbit, we only need Under the pull of the earth's gravity, we gradually approached the ground, and the engine was readjusted to aviation mode during the process, after which we could easily land on the ground like an ordinary plane."

"During the whole process, Xiaobai can also help us accurately calculate various times, and even Xiaobai can help us control this process."

"This is the various indicators of the aerospace engine I designed. All in all, there is only one aircraft missing now, and then it will be installed."

Listening to Hua Dongji's explanation, Ye Cheng nodded: "The plane will start construction soon."

In terms of materials, there is basically no need to worry. He has many advanced materials here, which can be easily competent for various tasks. In addition, he also has various foreign technologies here, so the problem of building aircraft is basically the simplest. that's it.

As he said that, he also came to the front of the engine and looked up. This thing looks really complicated, and it is very big. It is obvious that a bigger plane will be used at that time.

After all, there are two fuel tanks, and it needs enough fuel. Of course, the plane should be bigger.

Of course, these are not problems anymore.

The engine has been built, can it still be stumped by an airplane?

"Start it, try it."

"En." Hua Dongji nodded, and then left here with Ye Cheng, and went to the operating room on the side.

After a series of preparations, the engine started, and fuel and the like were ready.

Soon, the sound of violent wind and the sound of the turbine inside the engine were heard, and the huge airflow was generated, which showed its powerful power.

Ye Cheng soon saw that the total thrust displayed on the side quickly increased to 35 tons, which is a full increase of about 15 tons of thrust compared with the previous Yinglong engine. Of course, this is also different from this aerospace engine It has something to do with the size of the engine. The larger the volume, the higher the thrust will naturally be, but its own weight will be too large, and the thrust-to-weight ratio will be affected. However, this thrust-to-weight ratio is sufficient.

At this time, Hua Dongji said: "Now start to change to the aerospace mode."

Afterwards, I saw that the front air intake was closed, the sound of the turbine stopped, and the flames that were ejected from the back gradually disappeared, and there were a series of "click" sounds from the engine, which sounded like It's about to break.

Of course, it is impossible to be bad. After a long while, the tail of the engine jetted out a more violent airflow again. This is aerospace fuel.

The thrust provided by aerospace fuel is far stronger than the thrust of an aeroengine. A full thrust of several hundred tons can almost overturn the entire site. Of course, this factory has also undergone special treatment, including even an exhaust channel under the ground. The dense fog was directly discharged from the underground exhaust channel.

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