Fearing that the strong thrust would damage the on-site device, it switched back to aviation mode after about ten seconds passed. The tail flame quickly extinguished, the air inlet was opened, and the fuel tank was switched.

This process seems to be simple, but in fact, the performance requirements of the material are very high. If it cannot withstand the strong force during the switching process, it will be easily broken, and it also improves the heat resistance and fatigue. After all, it needs After the process of high temperature, cooling, and high temperature, if it is an ordinary material, it will definitely not be able to withstand such changes so easily.

All in all, materials are everything. Most of the problems related to engineering in this world are related to materials, and the remaining problems are how to use existing materials.

"Okay, well done, we will immediately design a corresponding aerospace plane based on this aerospace engine, and then we will be able to surprise the world."

Ye Cheng smiled slightly. The Huaguo Aerospace Science and Technology Group next door will experiment with recyclable rocket technology in July this year. This is naturally related to the foreign technology he handed over to them. Those foreign recyclable rocket technologies will bring domestic benefits I have received a lot of inspiration, and it is said that I seem to be particularly confident that I can succeed.

I just don't know what kind of expression they will have when they find out that Zhiqi Company has even built an aerospace plane.

In any case, it is obvious that aerospace planes are more convenient. Even recyclable rocket technology is not perfect, because recyclable rocket technology still has a chance of failure, and aerospace planes take off and land like airplanes. The loss is small, the stability is higher, and the accident rate is almost the same as that of civil aircraft.

After realizing the stable recyclable space plane, not to mention that Ye Cheng wants to go to Mars, it is already possible to realize the colonization of the moon. Using the space plane to transport various modular building materials, after reaching the moon After assembly, people can be transported.

In addition, aerospace planes can also provide various supplies to scientists on the space station.

However, for the matter of transporting materials, Ye Cheng has another idea, that is, a mass accelerator.

With nuclear fusion power generation technology, as well as room temperature superconductors, building a mass accelerator is not an easy task.

The mass accelerator is a kind of electromagnetic ejection technology. It puts the materials that need to be carried into the orbit, and then uses electromagnetic force to accelerate the materials to a very high speed directly on the ground, so that the materials can fly directly to low-Earth orbit, and then Complete the docking with the space station.

This can save a lot of the cost of launching rockets, and by then, things like the space station will be able to easily obtain the corresponding supplies.

However, it is obviously not realistic to build it now. After all, it still needs a lot of funds and materials. Even the controllable nuclear fusion power station is still under construction in China. There are only three.

After the Jinwu Fusion Power Station came out and saw its powerful power generation capacity, the government mobilized a lot of funds to start building the Fusion Power Station in the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim Economic Circle, and the nuclear fusion power stations in the three northeastern provinces.

Economically developed areas are relatively short of electricity, because the factories here are concentrated and consume a lot of electricity. Jinwu fusion power station provides enough electricity for the Pearl River Delta region, followed by the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Rim Economic Circle. As for the three northeastern provinces , considering that this is the coldest area in China, providing more electricity can help the people here to resist the cold during the severe cold period. In addition, it can also be used for planting with cheap electricity, so that it can be used more efficiently The vast fertile land here.

Moreover, because of the experience of the previous construction, the construction this time is also easier. It is expected that all of them will be completed by the end of this year. Of course, there are still three fusion power stations in the plan that will start construction in the second half of the year. It is estimated that the second quarter of next year built.

These are all part of the plan.

All in all, all situations are moving towards a better situation, and it is not steadily improving, but advancing by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, Xiao Bai's voice sounded: "Master, the representative of the CERN organization wants to meet with you."

"CERN?" Ye Cheng was slightly taken aback: "CERN?"

"Well." Xiaobai said, "They want to buy a large amount of normal-temperature superconductors, and hope that we can help persuade the Chinese government to build a nuclear fusion power plant for them, and then build a stronger particle collider."

Ye Cheng laughed and said, "Why do they think I have such good intentions?"

"They think that the owner is a person who is passionate about science, so they shouldn't mind these things. Oh, by the way, I just searched the nominees for the Nobel Prize, and there is the name of the owner in it. The list of winners will be announced in October this year. At that time, the reason is that you have developed a room-temperature superconductor, and you may win a physics prize."

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Why, I didn't announce the method of room temperature superconductor, they are still willing to give me an award?"

"They may have given up struggling."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Ye Cheng shook his head with a smile and said, "Then let's meet them."

Building a particle collider is quite meaningful to human beings. Of course, in his opinion, if it is to be built, it should be built on the moon.

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