"As for your request, I am certainly willing to support it. However, I think there is still room for discussion on how to cooperate and the final form."

At the conference table, a group of people from CERN were very pleasantly surprised when they heard the first half of Ye Cheng's sentence, but they were all puzzled when they heard the second part.

"Mr. Ye, what suggestion do you have?"

Ye Cheng said: "First of all, we should establish a new organization, such as the International Organization for Nuclear Research. In the future, the particle collider will allow all countries around the world to participate and share such achievements."

"Of course we agree to this proposal." These people immediately agreed.

In any case, as long as it can be established, it will be of great benefit to them, allowing them to conduct more high-energy experiments.

"In addition, our Huaguo, as well as my company, should occupy a council seat in it, and we also need to have the priority of experimentation."


Speaking of this, these people hesitated.

Experimental priority is very important because it means what kind of experiment they can use. Some people want to do this, and some want to do that. To the displeasure of some who wanted to conduct other experiments.

Seeing them like this, Ye Cheng smiled, and then said: "Everyone, don't worry, even if you agree, I will build it for you immediately without saying anything."

These foreigners were stunned: "Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"

"This brand new particle collider, don't you think it would be better to build it on the moon?"

After Ye Cheng said this, these people all opened their mouths in surprise.

"Mr. Ye... Are you kidding me? Building a particle collider on the moon? Where did we get this technology?"

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Not now, but there will always be in the future, and building a particle collider on the moon, I believe everyone should be aware of the advantages there, low gravity, no air, and low enough temperature. For high-energy physics experiments, Absolutely the best place."

"Mr. Ye, of course we know the benefits of building a particle collider on the moon, but the question is, how do we realize it?"

"On this point, Zhiqi Company will provide help in the future, and you don't have to worry about it. Well, let's stop here for today's memories first. Let's talk about the rest of the matter later. Of course, what I can guarantee is that at least two years Within a few days, we will start work.”

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, the people in CERN had no choice but to give up. At the same time, they were concerned about what Ye Cheng said, and the construction would start within two years.

Will Zhiqi Company have the technology to build a particle collider on the moon within two years?

They all felt a little unbelievable.

After the meeting ended, relevant news spread.

The news that Zhiqi/Huaguo will have the technology to repeatedly land on the moon and be able to build on it within two years has spread to high-level officials in various countries.

Now, all countries are suddenly tense.

They are already far behind. Controlled nuclear fusion has been mastered by Huaguo, which has officially given Huaguo the ability to dominate the world. If they are even behind in spaceflight, then they really have no future to speak of.

Immediately, the North Atlantic Space Agency, headed by NASA of the United States and assisted by the European Space Agency, was established. These countries united together and wanted to jointly fight for the future space age and fight against China.

Ever since, the space race, history repeated itself again.



months later.

in the new universe.


"Good! This scene is very good!"

This is a self-editing universe, and here, what is going on is the shooting of a movie.

With the emergence of the new universe, people naturally discovered how convenient it is to make movies here. Under the real filter, the previous special effects have become nonsense, and there is nothing more real than the scenes in the new universe.

Therefore, since the opening of the new universe for more than a year, there have been more than ten sci-fi, fantasy, and fairy tale movies, or TV series, which have been shot through the new universe, but most of these are shot by small teams. Not a big production.

At this time, on the scene, a fairy tale movie is being filmed, which is adapted from a fairy tale novel that has been very popular in the past year.

At this time, an actor who played the role of the leader of Tongtian flew down from the sky, came to the director, and said, "How?"

And looking at his face, it was Ye Cheng. Of course, it was not a specially made face, but he was indeed Ye Cheng.

He was invited by Zhang Yimou to star in the first big-budget New Universe movie. He played a big character in it, a supporting role, but there are still quite a lot of scenes. After all, as the owner of Zhiqi Company, he is still very gimmick of.

As for why he is willing to accept the invitation, besides having nothing to do recently, it is also related to his desire to promote the new universe’s filming function. After all, no major crew has ever chosen the new universe to shoot, and they are obviously still on the sidelines. Among them, and since Zhang Yimou is willing to be the first person to eat crabs, of course he is willing.

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