The previous generation X broke the law in China because it violated ethics. At the same time, it is inevitable that some women will sell their health for economic benefits. After all, giving birth to a child is relatively harmful to women, and it may even cause sequelae.

Now the artificial womb avoids this unethical situation, so it attracts the choice of many wealthy families.

However, the emergence of this technology has also sparked a debate in the world, and people have begun to debate whether this thing should appear or not.

Non-supporters believe that this will reduce the bond between parents and children. For mothers, if they have not experienced the process of pregnancy in October, they will not have too much affection for the child born. Similarly, some N rights advocates believe that , this thing will make men completely no longer need the reproductive function of women, thus completely driving women out of the social class.

Supporters believe that this can completely liberate women from the role of childbearing, and will not be rejected by major companies because of pregnancy leave. Of course, the premise is that the cost of using this technology will be greatly reduced until everyone can use it. tolerable level. And among this group of people, there are also those N rights activists.

Of course, these issues are not in Ye Cheng's consideration. In any case, the emergence of artificial wombs is an inevitable result of history. For example, after entering the era of interstellar navigation, artificial wombs will have great significance. In addition, for premature babies, if they are placed in the artificial womb in time to continue to conceive and complete the final pregnancy, various problems caused by premature birth can be avoided.

In short, since this technology has appeared, it naturally has a reason for its existence. In any case, it will not be unable to come to the world because of some people's resistance.

At least, Zhiqi Company has taken it out, and it will definitely promote it. After all, the artificial womb technology has only been around for a few months, and it has already received an unknown number of orders. There are a lot of infertile people in this world. Or wealthy families who are worried that childbearing will affect the woman's health, but still want children, and this artificial womb obviously solves their problems.

Therefore, in just a few months, it has already brought nearly one billion yuan in profit to Zhiqi Company.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Cheng and Xu Xin's child can also be born.

Ye Cheng exchanged this technology at the beginning to get his and Xu Xin's child out, lest the parents of both parties have been urging. Now, the fertilized egg representing their child is already in an artificial womb, waiting to be born. More than eight months later , their children will be born.

Come to think of it, the parents of both sides are also waiting anxiously.


Zhiqi Private Hospital, in the operating room.

President Xiong Guo was lying on the operating bed, besides Dean, President Xiong Guo's own doctor was performing the operation on him.

At this time, his own doctor was transplanting a tube of stem cells cloned with his DNA into his bone marrow.

Soon, the injection is completed and the finishing touches are carried out.

Next, the stem cells transplanted into his bone marrow will continue to divide and supplement his body organs, skin, and muscles, and his body will also recover.

As for the work of the past few days, he has of course handed it over to other people.

But in fact, since Huaguo developed controllable nuclear fusion, the pressure on Xiongguo has become much smaller. The eyes of the whole world are focused on controllable nuclear fusion, including himself, of course.

However, Huaguo has not agreed to build a controllable nuclear fusion power station for any other country, even Xiongguo, a good neighbor.

It is also for this reason that his work has become more leisurely, which is why he has time to come here for surgery.

In this way, a few days passed.

When the president appeared in front of people again, everyone was surprised to find that this is still the old president?

The president has almost returned to his sixty-year-old state, and if it takes a little longer, the stem cells injected into his body will continue to divide, restore his skin and muscles, and it will not be a problem for him to return to his fifty-year-old appearance.

"Mr. President, congratulations, you have gained at least twenty years of life."

Ye Cheng walked up to the president and said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your treatment. I feel better and better." The president looked at the young man in his early thirties and thanked him with a smile, but he was thinking in his heart how to tie the young man back to Kelin Mulyn Palace.

If you master this youth, you will master the strength.

It's a pity that I can't tie it.

Ye Cheng laughed: "You are a respectable leader, and it is an honor for our company."

"Hehe, there's no need to say more about these things, Mr. Ye, I'm going back this afternoon. Before that, I want to chat with you. Do you have the time?"

"Of course." Ye Cheng naturally would not refuse.

"Thank you then." The president nodded, and then entered a small room with Ye Cheng. Of course, his bodyguard also came in, protecting him at all times.

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