The conversation between Ye Cheng and President Xiong Guo ended soon, and what President Xiong Guo wanted to talk about was nothing more than nuclear fusion and space technology.

The high-level executives of various countries basically know what position Zhiqi Company occupies in nuclear fusion technology. As for space technology, it is because Ye Cheng revealed the news in the conversation with CERN.

No matter what kind of breakthroughs Zhiqi Company has made in space technology, all in all, judging from Zhiqi Company's past achievements, it is time to believe it.

Therefore, President Xiong Guo came to see Ye Cheng in person, hoping to reach a cooperation in this regard.

However, the president's proposal made Ye Cheng a little helpless. You are the president of a country. Isn't this kind of cooperation with their country's official?

So he can only express his refusal to this. Of course, he still promises that when the moon base is established in the future, he will not forget to give his old brother a hand.

In any case, Xiong Guo's achievements in aerospace cannot be ignored.

Although President Xiong Guo did not get the desired result, he still expressed his gratitude to Ye Cheng. At least, he can continue to walk with Hua Guo in future space exploration, and it can also make Xiong Guo, who is now poor, have a better life in the future. At least be able to occupy a certain seat in space.

Afterwards, the president got on the plane back home. No matter what, as the president, he can rest for a few days is enough. Of course, because he has undergone surgery, he now has more energy and continues to devote himself to work among.

And as long as this president can stay in office for a longer period of time, it will be more beneficial to Huaguo.


Time flies, and it is the end of 2025.

This year, Ye Cheng did not win the Noel Award, and it was finally awarded to someone else. In addition, other awards were not awarded to people from their company, such as the "Laodianbo Belt" of Laodianbo, which is enough to win a Physiology or Medicine Award. Awards, and Dean's accomplishments and more.

Of course, Ye Cheng didn't care about these things, which only showed that those people still didn't want to be subdued, and wanted to be unruly.

Ye Cheng just needs to ignore it, but Xu Xin feels annoyed. As the executive director of Zhiqi Company, which of their company's achievements is not astonishing, the Nobel Prize jury is maliciously targeting it.

So, she created a Zhiqi Award, which selects three awards every year. The medals are made of ice jadeite and 24K pure gold as the main body. The medals alone are worth several million. In addition, the winners There is also a prize of five million US dollars, as well as free and preferential access to various medical technologies of Zhiqi Company.

She inspires to create an international science award that belongs to Zhiqi Company and also belongs to Huaguo.

This year, these awards naturally belonged to Ye Cheng, Dean, and Lao Dianbo.

This award is not divided into categories, as long as the achievement has enough contribution, it can be awarded.

Ye Cheng was also helpless about what his wife had created, but of course he also attended the award ceremony. As for the award ceremony, it was held in Zhiqi Building, and the award ceremony was even held at the same time as the Nobel Prize.

In addition, many people were invited to visit the ceremony, and the country also paid attention to it. Two elders attended the ceremony.

The country's thinking is very simple. If this award can achieve the status of the Nobel Prize, it will obviously be of great significance to Huaguo. At least it can attract many scientists.

And once this award appeared, it attracted the attention of many people. Medals and bonuses are not its attraction. The most attractive part of it lies in the places for priority treatment.

The priority quota for stem cell clone transplantation treatment has been fired up to a price of 100 million U.S. dollars in the world's wealthy circles, which means that getting this quota is equivalent to having a wealth of 100 million U.S. dollars. For many scientists, this belongs to the Incomparably great wealth.

Of course, its value is only secondary. For those scientists who are already very old, if they get this quota, it means that they will be able to live longer, and such an effect is enough to make them covet it.

Therefore, the Nobel Bell review team was a little anxious. If their winners overlap with the winners of the Zhiqi Award in the future, and the awarding time of the two awards is so same, then the winners will choose them. This has been passed down for more than a hundred years. The honor, or the chance with a total value of more than 100 million US dollars, and you can even choose to extend your life by ten or twenty years?

This is the reason why the Zhiqi Award challenges the Nobel Prize.

Of course, there are also some reporters who conducted interviews and asked whether Zhiqi Company deliberately targeted the Nobel Prize by doing so. Xu Xin said that she just felt that her husband and the company's scientists made such outstanding awards. , should also be worthy of the Nobel Prize. Since the Nobel Prize was not awarded, in order to comfort her husband and the scientists of the company, this award was established and awarded on the day the Nobel Prize was awarded, so that they would not feel Pity.

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