Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 412 The Aerospace Plane Prepares For Test Flight

Of course, Xu Xin also said that this award will continue to be awarded, and the awarding time will not change, because considering the influence this award can bring to the company, at the same time, it will allow those scientists who have made outstanding contributions to get a longer period of time. life, so as to continue to make more contributions.

This explanation is reasonable, so the pressure came to the Nobel Prize again.

They probably didn't expect that they wanted to continue to be stubborn for a while, but in the end they caused such a huge disaster.

Otherwise, don't provoke capital.

Facing such a powerful capital of Zhiqi, even the capital behind the Nobel Prize has nothing to do.

The reactions of the scientists are also the most genuine. Many scientists have expressed their support for the emergence of the Zhiqi Award, and hope that they will be lucky enough to receive such an award.

In short, the Zhiqi Award has touched the nerves of many people.

On the other hand, since this period of time, three more controllable nuclear fusion power plants have been built in China, which has once again brought a strong impetus to the development of electric power.


This year is a year of changing international situations, but it is also a year when international relations are getting better and better.

A stronger country seems to have become a balance point, successfully making the world peaceful, less aggressive among countries, and more opportunities for win-win cooperation.

And China does not show the same ideology as the United States, but still shows the concepts that it once insisted on promoting.

This has given many countries a sense of unexpected satisfaction.

It is indeed beneficial to everyone that the controllable nuclear fusion technology is mastered by China, not by the United States.

Of course, the total resources of the world are limited, which is beneficial to everyone, but it is impossible for no one to become worse, so this role can only be assumed by the United States.

However, this does not affect the pace of the world to move on.


The time came to December 21st.

Today's weather is bright and clear, and the wind is smooth, which is a rare good weather in winter.

And in the back mountain of Zhiqi Science City, there is an airport that was built at an unknown time.

And this airport belongs to Zhiqi Company, that is, privately owned, and this airport is extraordinarily long, a full five kilometers, and the airport road is also very wide, at least one-half wider than a standard runway.

At this moment, a huge monster is stopping at one end of the runway.

It has a very sci-fi appearance, which is comparable to the B2 bomber, and if you consider its huge size, the B2 bomber is probably even worse.

And the most attractive part of its whole body is its tail, the huge engine nozzle, which seems to be full of explosive power.

This is the aerospace plane of Zhiqi Company, named Dragon God Spaceship.

At this time, there were a lot of people standing around the plane, and many of them looked at this big guy in shock.

It is almost half as long as a Boeing 747, which is about 30 meters, and its volume is also quite large.

Of course, considering that it is only an experimental version now, the maximum passenger capacity does not exceed 10 people, so the comparison is more appropriate.

"Mr. Ye, is this what you said, the aerospace plane?"

Ye Cheng stood in the crowd, surrounded by a group of shocked aerospace experts.

When Ye Cheng invited them to visit this aerospace plane, they were shocked beyond compare. Now, when they look at it again, good guy, you are going against the sky.

As for the fuss of these people, Ye Cheng just nodded lightly and said, "Yes, this is the aerospace plane."

These experts looked at each other, including Yang Wei, who was also here. Looking at the huge nozzle hole at the tail, he couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, is this the aerospace engine you were researching last time?"

Ye Cheng nodded, "Yes."

"How much thrust does it have?"

"43 tons of thrust in aviation mode, 220 tons of thrust in aerospace mode."

Hearing this number, the surrounding industry leaders all gasped.

Good guy, I thought this plane was big before, but now I look at it, it's a little smaller.

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