Ye Cheng smiled and said: "Uncle Xu, you are the ones. What you conquer is the future, what we conquer is only the things that are stuck by foreign countries."

"It's because I was stuck in the neck that I relieved my anger."

Xu Kaiyang waved his hand, "Okay, I won't tell you too much. I came here today just to see you. I saw that you were still a child, and now you are so promising."

Ye Cheng said modestly: "My praise, my praise."

Xu Kaiyang laughed.

At this time, Ye Guo looked at Ye Cheng again: "So, you haven't told me, where did you get your lithography machine?"

Ye Cheng still interrupted: "Dad, you didn't tell me why you arranged for Zhang Kun'an to work in our company."

Ye Guo stared at him, and finally laughed: "Okay, you're doing well now, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Ye Cheng avoided talking about it twice, and he, as a father, of course knew that Ye Cheng was unwilling to talk about it in detail.

The son didn't want to say it, and of course he couldn't force him to say it.

Ye Cheng frowned: "Then, Dad, what do you mean, you don't need me to go to your company in the future?"

Ye Guo said angrily, "What do you think?"

Ye Cheng chuckled.

"That's good."

Seeing his appearance, Ye Guo still couldn't bear the face of his father, and said again: "Anyway, if your company can't continue, you should come back to me honestly."

Ye Cheng shrugged.

At this time Xu Kaiyang said: "Old Ye, you see that this is not good for you. Xiao Cheng likes to start his own business, so you can let him do it. Look at it now, isn't it better than you?"

Ye Guo complained: "How did I know he could do this?"

Ye Cheng and Xu Kaiyang looked at each other and laughed.

At this moment, the door was knocked again, and Xu Xin's voice came in: "Dad, Uncle, Aunt told you to eat!"

"Okay!" Ye Guo responded, then got up and said, "Then let's go eat."


The three big men got up together and left the study.

Xu Xin was still standing outside, and Ye Guo patted Ye Cheng on the shoulder and said, "This is you, Miss Xu Xin, she is a doctor of business administration who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Do not?"

Ye Cheng pouted: "I know."

He is a Ph.D. in physics from Mizuki University. Can the two be equal?

Xu Kaiyang glanced at his daughter, and asked with a smile, "Xinxin, have you met Xiaocheng just now? Have you met?"

Xu Xin nodded lightly: "I know."

"Hehe, if you young people communicate more, the world will be dominated by you young people in the future." Xu Kaiyang said with a smile.

Ye Guo patted his son's arm and said, "You too, did you hear that?"

But Ye Cheng said righteously: "That's impossible, we have to rely on Uncle Xu to support the nuclear fusion in Huaguo."

Both Ye Guo and Xu Kaiyang were taken aback for a moment, and finally looked at each other, wanting to laugh, but also helpless.

Xu Xin covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

The four of them came to the restaurant, and the table was already filled with all kinds of fragrant dishes.

Adding Chen Rong, the five of them started to eat, and Aunt Li went home after cooking.

As for this family banquet, Ye Cheng felt very comfortable after eating it.

This feeling of reunion was something he had never experienced in his previous life.

However, he was still a little unaccustomed to eating, so he ate his own meal honestly, answering a question from the elders from time to time.

Of course, he kept everything about the company's technologies under wraps and didn't reveal anything, which made Ye Guo angry and helpless.

But there is no way, his son has grown up, and now he is famous all over the country, so he can't control it anymore.

After eating, Xu Kaiyang didn't stay any longer, and after saying goodbye, he took his daughter and left Ye's house.

Ye Cheng stayed at home, planning to stay at home for the night before returning to work tomorrow.

The right is to feel the atmosphere of home, and at the same time, it is also to accompany the family in this life.



Three weeks passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang District, Ruifeng International Building, 22nd Floor.

In one of the offices with a total area of ​​more than 700 square meters, the employees of Zhiqi Technology, who have just moved here for less than two days, are working hard in excitement.

When I raise my head from time to time, I can still see the Huangpu River outside through the four-meter-high floor-to-ceiling windows.

The chairman's office has also been replaced with a magnificent large room, covering more than 70 square meters.

Behind the large solid wood desk, Ye Cheng was leaning on the boss's chair, talking on the phone.

"Have you already contacted all of them? Are you all in Magic City? Okay, I get it."

Putting down the phone, Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes.

The call was from Dianchi. In the past three weeks, he has already contacted those semiconductor technology companies in China, and he is ready to cooperate in the production of semiconductor materials. However, those people insist on seeing him as the boss before they can rest assured. So Ye Cheng decided to hold a meeting with these people.

"Well, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning... People from the Ministry of Science and Technology are coming too? It seems that the higher-ups should have also got the news."

After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision.

Now that the government has noticed it and seems to care about it, he can also let go of his speech.

When the time comes, the technology will be shown directly to them, so that it will be convenient to persuade them. In addition, the people from those companies must be reminded to call a few professional and technical personnel to prevent them from understanding.

In addition, since the technology should be displayed before the contract is signed, he also has to prepare the relevant confidentiality agreement.

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

It's not that the technology will be stolen, but that the news will be leaked. Once it is known to foreign countries, the most severe sanctions will be imposed on Zhiqi Technology immediately.

However, it will take at least three or four months for Ye Cheng to achieve mass production in their industrial chain, even in the best case scenario.

He doesn't have that much time to procrastinate.

And if the news is not leaked, those white-skinned people abroad who think highly of themselves will always be slow and take them lightly.

Even now, foreign countries have not responded to the fact that Zhiqi has a lithography machine, and they may still be arguing with each other.

He asked Xiaobai to investigate through the Internet, and finally learned that the people of the FBI in the United States are still investigating whether Asmer violated the embargo regulations. The progress is very slow, and they even have to take vacations on weekends.

This made Ye Cheng laugh and cry.

No matter how they searched, it was impossible to find out where his lithography machine came from.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about foreign affairs.

"Confidentiality agreement..."

After thinking for a while, he finally called Wang Shen to come over and ask him to help make a

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