
"Confidentiality agreement?"

Wang Shen who came to the office was taken aback: "What kind?"

"For a meeting, tomorrow I'm going to have a meeting with those domestic semiconductor companies. I need to show them some new technologies to prevent them from leaking the content of the meeting."

Wang Shen suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, I will prepare right away."

"Well, send it to Dianchi when you're done." Ye Cheng nodded: "By the way, the money has already been sent to the new company, right?"

"It's already been called."

Wang Shen nodded.

He felt a little pain in his heart.

The 10 billion that I had just held in my arms for a short time, turned out to be 8 billion immediately, and gave it to Ye Cheng's new energy company, saying it was used as start-up capital.

And let the company's newest person named Dianchi manage it.

He still doesn't know what the new energy company is doing.

Why did that Dianchi gain Ye Cheng's trust.

What kind of project is it that requires an initial capital of 8 billion!

It's outrageous.

But there is no way, he must obey the boss's order.

"That's fine."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then Wang Shen turned and left to draft a confidentiality agreement.

Ye Cheng got up, rubbed his head, and suddenly thought in his heart, is it a little overkill for the company's financial director to do this kind of thing?

This kind of small matter, in other companies, should be done by secretaries and assistants.

It's just that he never recruited.

Suddenly, Xiaobai's voice sounded from the computer: "Master, I can help you with the confidentiality agreement!"

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately remembered that Xiaobai's functions are very powerful now, and preparing a non-disclosure agreement is not a problem at all.

But now that it has been handed over to Wang Shen, there is no need for Xiaobai to do it.

"Forget it, I've asked Wang Shen to do it." Ye Cheng waved his hand, thought for a while and said, "Can you help me make the agenda for tomorrow's meeting? You should know what to do for tomorrow's meeting, right?"

"Of course!" Xiaobai responded immediately: "Master, please wait a moment, I will finish it soon."

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded and said no more.


The time came to eight fifty in the morning of the next day.

The government building in Shanghai, a large meeting room.

There were many people sitting inside, and everyone was a bigwig in Huaguo's semiconductor industry.

And a meeting related to the future development of Huaguo Semiconductor will also be held here in secret.

The oval-shaped desk was already filled with various people, including leaders from the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Industry, as well as heads of various companies, as well as technical experts. There were more than 30 people in total.

The meeting hasn't started yet, and the protagonists of this meeting haven't entered yet, so these people are whispering and chatting.

"Mr. Hu, how are you Xinsheng?"

"What else can I do? Boss Zhiqi said that he has reached a cooperation with our wafer. He said that their wafer technology is better, but why did you Changdian come here? Aren't you making mask plates?"

"Boss Zhiqi also asked us to come here. He said that they also have mask technology, which is better than ours. He wants to borrow our factory to reach a cooperation."

That Mr. Hu was taken aback: "Damn, is it true or not?"

"Well, NTU Optoelectronics and Shangjinghua Branch over there, they are engaged in photoresist, didn't they also come here, I remember they can't produce EUV photoresist, and Zhiqi's lithography machine also uses EUV lithography Glue it." The boss of Changdian pointed to a few people not far away.

"EUV photoresist? Isn't this stuff strictly covered by foreign countries? Don't tell me that they are also capable of producing it."

"Maybe, other people's lithography machines can get it...Hey, that company is not only for packaging materials, but also for sputtering targets...I guess Zhiqi is going to do it Big deal."

"The deputy ministers of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Industry are here. This must be a big deal."

"Hey, here comes someone, that should be Boss Zhiqi."

The noisy voices in the meeting room stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at the two people who came in from the door, a young man and a middle-aged man.

They all know the middle-aged people, and the person who contacted them on behalf of Zhiqi during this period is called Dianchi.

As for that young man, he is estimated to be only 27 or 28 years old this year, and they are basically all people above 40 years old, with a generation gap in between.

But no one showed contempt.

Because he is Zhiqi's current boss.

The only fifteen EUV lithography machines in mainland China are all in his hands.

Of course, in addition to this, he seems to be able to bring benefits to everyone right now, so no one will put on face.

Ye Cheng stepped into the big conference room, looked at the people present, with a smile on his face.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

The deputy minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology got up and said with a smile, "It's okay, isn't there still ten minutes left, and we are also curious about what Mr. Ye will do when he summons so many of us."

Ye Cheng nodded and signaled Dianchi to close the door of the meeting room, then he stood in front and said, "Then we should be all together, so I won't talk nonsense, let's start now."

"First of all, let me introduce myself, Ye Cheng, the chairman of Zhiqi Technology Company."

"It's a great honor to invite all of you here, and I also thank the government for being willing to provide such a meeting room with a good environment and good confidentiality for us to hold meetings."

Everyone raised their attention and also noticed the three words in Ye Cheng's words.


What happened to the confidentiality of the conference room?

Everyone suppressed their doubts and continued to listen to Ye Cheng's speech.

"Everyone here is the leader of our country in the semiconductor industry. I think it is very appropriate to call such a weighty meeting the Huaguo Semiconductor Industry Chain Strategic Summit."

"Yes, you heard me right, I talked about the semiconductor industry chain."

"For a long time, our country's semiconductor industry chain has been contained by foreign countries. From upstream raw materials to downstream foundries, almost every industry has been oppressed and sanctioned."

"Fortunately, our company has fifteen complete high-end chip production lines. As long as the power is fully activated, it is more than enough to meet the domestic demand for chips below 10nm."

"However, there is such a voice on the Internet now that chips below 10nm can only be used in industries such as computers and mobile phones, and have not affected the foundation of our country. After all, the foundation of our country cannot be shaken by foreign countries. , a complete industrial system."

"But this statement is obviously wrong. Real estate, mobile phones, and automobiles are the three most profitable industries in the world. These three industries represent the global economy, and chips are the top priority for the mobile phone industry and the computer industry. The most important thing is that once we take the lead in giving up this position, just like we gave up the lithography machine in the 1980s, we will only suffer from the risk of getting stuck in the end.”

"In fact, this risk is happening."

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