For Ye Cheng, the successful development of the aerospace plane also means that the time to go to Mars is getting closer.

New year, February.

Zhiqi Science and Technology City.

This is a city with a size of only about 400 square kilometers, which is almost equivalent to the area of ​​a square with a side length of more than 20 kilometers, but inside it can see the scene of a future city.

Superconducting empty rails, clean buildings, and various light-skinned people, neatly dressed, coming and going, are also full of harmony. At the same time, there are drone guards flying over in the sky, shuttling between buildings.

In Zhiqi Science City, there is a nuclear fusion power station that provides extremely cheap electricity, and scenes that can only be seen in movies can be seen everywhere.

Fuel vehicles are not allowed here, only electric vehicles can be used. Of course, there is no need to worry about charging piles here. Any parking space here has charging piles, and the charging power is very high, even if it is equipped with 1500 A kilowatt-hour electric off-road vehicle can also be fully charged in just two hours.

At the same time, it can also be called a garden city, with green vegetation everywhere. Living here is like living in a paradise.

Therefore, such a tiny city has been rated as the most livable city in the world.

Although, in terms of administrative planning, Zhiqi Science City is only located at the border between Shanghai and Shanghai, and it still belongs to Shanghai as a whole, not a separate administrative plan. Of course, if you drive to the center of Shanghai, there is a long distance distance.

And since this is the case, living in a country like Huaguo, where housing prices are ridiculously high, seems very expensive, right?

In fact, Zhiqi Group has restricted the maximum number of residents in Zhiqi Science City. According to the per capita living area standard of 100 square meters, it can accommodate a maximum of more than one million people here, because the per capita living area only accounts for the total area here. About 30% of the total, beyond this amount, it is strictly forbidden to enter.

Among them, only 700,000 permanent residents are allowed. At the same time, these quotas are divided. First, rich people spend their own money to buy quotas. The quota is only 200,000, and the remaining 500,000 is Zhiqi Group There are self-assigned quotas, such as recruiting talents, or as incentives within the group, and there are residence quotas for the personnel of those research institutes.

As for the non-resident quota, there are other arrangements.

Ye Cheng wants to realize his final vision for society a little bit here, so he released a part of the quota of non-residents through lottery, and those who got the lottery can live in Science City and enjoy to all legal services for a period of six months.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as you get the number, you can live here for six months without any expenses, including food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Therefore, this kind of life is also affectionately called the GCZY era.

However, the quota is only 100,000. After all, it is free to support so many people. If each person spends 100 yuan a day, 10 million a day, 1.8 billion in half a year, and 36 billion in a year.

Probably only Zhiqi Company has such financial resources to maintain it.

Of course, in fact, the daily consumption of a person is not necessarily one hundred, because the low-cost electricity brought by controllable nuclear fusion can easily reduce this part of the cost. As for the labor cost?

In fact, the new generation of robots developed by Guge are used here, and Xiaobai's quantum computer directly controls these robots to provide various services, such as cooking, sweeping the floor and other legal services.

The use of robots to replace labor is also a major standard for GCZY to achieve in the future.

The replacement of robots has also successfully reduced the labor cost of Zhiqi.

Therefore, this kind of quota has also been sought after by countless people, whether at home or abroad. At the same time, this attempt by Zhiqi has also been appreciated by many people in the world. However, there are also controversies. For example, this part enjoys six Whether the people who serve for free for a month will have an impact on their values ​​and so on after they leave.

As for these issues, Zhiqi Company did not respond.

Of course, Zhiqi Science City is attractive to ordinary people, as well as to the rich, which is inseparable from the School of Life Sciences.

Zhiqi's School of Life Sciences has become the most famous hospital, sanatorium and life science research institute in the world.

Who in the world doesn't care about his own life?

Even those who choose to commit suicide have experienced some inner struggles before making this choice.

Nobody would say no to a longer life.

Therefore, the technology in the School of Life Sciences has attracted rich people from all over the world.

In addition, Ye Cheng has exchanged several life science technologies for so long, such as drugs that can relieve Alzheimer's disease, that is, Alzheimer's disease, and two targeted drugs for specific cancers, mainly It is used to solve two kinds of gastric cancer, and it is a targeted drug that can be cured.

And these new technologies have once again shocked the world by Zhiqi life science and technology.

Therefore, this is also a major source of income for Zhiqi Science City. These rich people spend an average of more than 10 million yuan in the Science City, and what's more, they directly spend hundreds of millions of dollars.

Moreover, the resident quota of Zhiqi Science City has also become a commodity that the rich are enthusiastically pursuing.


All in all, Zhiqi Science City has attracted a lot of attention in the world today.

Today, the young city lord of Zhiqi Science City will also be born.

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