In the artificial womb chamber.

Ye Cheng and Xu Xin came here together, the scene inside is like entering the scene in The Matrix, neatly arranged artificial wombs, and babies that can be seen through the glass.

If the scene inside is exposed, it will probably arouse the fear of some people.

After all, this kind of scene often appears with the villains in sci-fi movies or anime, and there will probably be a bunch of people who will regard their Zhiqi company as an evil company.

Therefore, Ye Cheng never took photos of the scenes inside, and showed them to outsiders. Even couples who bought a cabin here were not allowed to enter.

And the people who work here are naturally laborers. With Xiaobai's assistance, these laborers can play more and more roles. Of course, in order to facilitate accepting Xiaobai's instructions, these laborers are working Every now and then, I wear a headset.

If at this time, let them put on a suit and sunglasses by the way, it will be no different from the agents in the Matrix.

Of course, inside, they all wore normal white coats, observing how the babies in the training cabin were growing from time to time.

Just like a hardworking gardener.

"Walking here always feels weird."

Xu Xin and Ye Cheng came in, and it was her first time here, looking at the fetus in the training cabin, she couldn't help but say to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Don't scare yourself, what is bred here is life, and life is noble."

Xu Xin pursed her lips. She also watched those sci-fi movies, and she still found it weird. Of course, if you think about it, every training cabin here can bring at least 3 million yuan of profit to Zhiqi Company. Quite a few people were able to grab a quota in advance after others added money, and the price was even higher, with 4 million, 5 million, and even 10 million.

Of course, the 10 million ones generally have value-added services, including but not limited to providing more nutrition to their children, so that their fetuses can develop better. This kind of customized nutrition is obviously better than women through It is better to provide nutrition to the fetus during pregnancy.

After all, during pregnancy, a woman may not be able to provide the baby with the nutrients it needs in a timely manner. There are always some accidents, but in the artificial womb, this can be achieved.

However, the biggest advantage is obviously to avoid the pain and time wasted for a woman to go through when she becomes pregnant.

And Xu Xin was very touched by this. As a woman, she certainly heard how painful it is to give birth, especially under the overwhelming propaganda of women's rights on the Internet.

Of course, she didn't pay attention to those remarks, although some feminist figures set her up as a role model and even wanted to contact her to ask her to support her.

However, she still had a sense of fear about the experience of giving birth. To her surprise, Ye Cheng suddenly told her that in order to avoid the pain of giving birth, she came up with artificial womb technology.

When she heard the news, it was unbelievable.

After all, Ye Cheng said it was "for her" and then researched this thing.

This made it rare for her to be touched by this guy, so she also said this in an interview, but it was publicized as "How a super scientist moved his wife: researched the artificial womb technology and let her avoid it. pains of childbirth".

Under the leadership of Ye Cheng, the two came to a single cabin, a single training cabin.

The shape of the training cabin here is obviously different from that of the jar outside. It is in the shape of a cuboid, and inside is curled up a full-grown baby. It is plump and has red and tender skin. It is very beautiful, and it is still a girl. .

Ye Cheng doesn't care if it's a girl or a boy, and with the current technology, he can completely control the baby's gender.

Now he resigned himself to fate and gave birth to a girl, which was just in line with his wishes. Anyway, he didn't need a son to inherit the family business. Who made him live a long life, and his daughter was obviously more obedient than his son. Year boy draws experience.

And Xu Xin looked at the child inside, and couldn't help showing warm and motherly eyes, "Is this my daughter?"

"It's ours." Ye Cheng emphasized.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him and said, "No one will fight with you."

Then she asked, "What's next?"

"Let's open the cabin."

Ye Cheng said, and then signaled the staff next to him to go up.

The staff here are all female labor force and seem to be suitable for this kind of work.

Press a delivery button next to it, the nutrients inside stop delivery, and the artificial uterus also uses the umbilical cord.

The machine in the artificial womb has the function of cutting the umbilical cord. Soon, after processing, the umbilical cord was cut, and then the hatch opened.

It is full of liquid amniotic fluid-like substances, and this substance is actually better than amniotic fluid because it has richer nutrients, thus providing a better development environment for the fetus.

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