After the baby was taken out by the staff, he cried aloud. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. It is not normal if he does not cry, and the brain may be underdeveloped.

The little one was crying loudly, which shows that she is breathing strongly and is quite healthy.

The staff found a towel and wiped his body, wiped off the amniotic fluid-like substance on his body, and then took the quilt and belt from the side, and then wrapped the baby up, that is, swaddling.

Ye Cheng took the baby, looked at this crying little guy, and felt in his heart that this is his offspring. At the same time, he had to feel the miracle of life.

As a scientist, he still marvels at the birth of a life.

If it's just the division and division of cells, it's not worth mentioning, but where the consciousness of life comes from is a secret that every scientist wants to know.

Any animal is ultimately composed of atoms, and atoms are obviously lifeless, but why can this organic whole show consciousness when they form an organic whole?

As we all know, the four forces explain the essence of all motion phenomena, such as pressure, friction, thrust, etc., are all due to electromagnetic force, their own gravity is the gravitational force between objects with mass, and the weak interaction force is the cause of The force that causes particles to decay, and the strong force is the force that stabilizes and stabilizes atomic nuclei, and it is also the force that binds quarks together.

And these forces seem to be ordinary, and have nothing to do with the formation of consciousness, so is there another force that allows consciousness to exist?

It is difficult for Ye Cheng to think of how to explain this situation.

"Give me a hug!"

Suddenly, Xu Xin's voice brought Ye Cheng back from his thoughts, he smiled, and handed the child to Xu Xin.

Looking at Xu Xin's gentle eyes when he was holding the child, he no longer struggled with his inner curiosity.

There are so many magical places in this universe. Why consciousness exists is probably one of the ultimate mysteries of the universe. As for other ultimate mysteries, there are more, such as how particles are produced. Einstein Does the subspace theory exist, whether there is an antimatter world, which is completely opposite to the material world they live in, whether the strings in the superstring theory really exist...

So for the time being, instead of being curious about these things, he might as well be curious about what is there on Mars.

In addition, he looked at Xu Xin's chest and said, "Now, let's discuss what kind of milk to feed the child in the future."

Xu Xin hugged her child and blushed when she heard Ye Cheng's words.

Apparently, she couldn't produce breast milk without the physical changes that pregnancy brings.

"Looking for... a nanny?"

Ye Cheng shook his head, he had already considered this problem and made preparations.

"The Institute has developed a new milk powder. The milk produced by this new milk powder is more suitable for babies to absorb than breast milk."

Of course, he will not let go of this kind of place that earns both money and points, and this technology is also quite cheap, only a few hundred thousand points, but now he earns a lot of points, especially in the past few days. In a month, the country finally started to build a room-temperature superconductor transmission line, and several maglev trains were also being built, all of which brought him a huge amount of points income.

In addition, the electricity generated by controllable nuclear fusion has also been coordinated, and it has officially entered thousands of households. The system also gives an exchange rate for the huge amount of energy brought by controllable nuclear fusion. If you can get a little points for the electricity, it means that he can get 100 million points every year.

Moreover, as controllable nuclear fusion power stations spread all over the country, the country's electricity consumption has also increased. The use of 100 million credits per year is only an estimate based on the current situation. After a period of time, the average electricity consumption will be about It has to increase rapidly, for example, the number of factories under construction has also increased a lot.

At the same time, the controllable nuclear fusion power station still has not been exported to foreign countries, because the World Energy Organization has just started to look good, and there is a high probability that exporting to foreign countries will not be too far away. At that time, electricity consumption will be greatly improved again.

So, all in all, now Ye Cheng can earn more than 20 million points per month, and it is no longer necessary to wait too long to redeem some advanced technologies.

As for spending some points to buy the breast milk substitute, it is quite simple.

"Is there such a thing in the research institute?" Xu Xin couldn't help being surprised when she heard the news. Of course, she wasn't surprised in view of the previous technologies.


Ye Cheng nodded. At this time, the staff next to him handed over a feeding bottle. Ye Cheng took it and put the bottle into the baby's mouth.

It contains exactly the kind of milk that can replace breast milk.

And the baby who was still crying subconsciously began to suck.

This is an unconditioned reflex that mammals will have after birth.

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