Ye Cheng and Xu Xin have not yet made a decision on what to name their daughter, and the parents of both sides have obviously not yet decided, and are still discussing.

However, for this matter, Ye Cheng can't get in the way. As we all know, he is a waste of fame.

So this matter was left to the daughter's grandparents, grandparents, and her mother.

So, after several days of discussion, Zixuan, Zixuan, Zixuan and the like were all passed. In the end, it was named Ye Xi.

This is due to the fact that there are only a few days before New Year's Eve after she was born, and the lack of water is calculated from the horoscope of her birthday.

In this way, the name Ye Xi was decided, and for the next month, Ye Cheng also stayed at home with his daughter, while thinking about how to raise her.

However, one month later, Ye Xi also had a full moon. As the little princess of the Ye family and the Xu family, she naturally held a full moon banquet. However, only relatives and friends were invited to participate, and it was not too grand.

Of course, considering the current size of Zhiqi Company, there is absolutely no need to hold a grand banquet to turn this full moon banquet originally prepared for children into a social place.

However, even so, those celebrities who heard the news still sent many nominal gifts to Ye Xi.

For example, an authentic work by Qi Shiraishi, so that Ye Xi can fall in love with calligraphy and painting in the future, or a Steinway 2 million yuan voucher, which can offset the 2 million yuan when Steinway buys a piano, I hope Ye Xi can like it Music, or send jade and jade or something like that.

Basically, not many people gave money. After all, giving money to the daughter of the chairman of Zhiqi Company was a bit of a loss.

However, the prices of these gifts are often higher. Finally, according to statistics, the total value of gifts given by those who did not come to the banquet was as high as 300 million.

In other words, such a full moon banquet created more than 300 million GDP.

If this data is exposed, there is a high probability that it will cause a lot of discussion, and at the same time, it will also cause a lot of controversy. After all, there are always haters of the rich in the world.

And this also represents the extent of the influence of Zhiqi Company in the world.

Today's Zhiqi Company has become a super enterprise empire, with influence all over the world, and has medical technology that can restrict the world's top families. It can be said that Zhiqi Company will grow larger and larger in the future .

Where Zhiqi Company will go in the end, Ye Cheng does not know, and he cannot speculate whether Zhiqi Company will encounter malicious intentions from others in the future. Of course, as far as the temporary situation is concerned, the problem is still not big, just like domestic There has been a new term, and the relationship between the new elders and Zhiqi Company is still very harmonious.


Time passed quickly. In terms of aerospace aircraft, because of the experience of Dragon God, the next research will be easier. Soon, in May 2026, Yinglong Aerospace Engine 2 will officially roll off the production line. .

This brand new engine has stronger power and stability than the No. 1 engine, and it is expected to complete the switch from aviation mode to aerospace mode within 10 seconds, making it more stable. In addition, the biggest improvement is naturally It is still its power, the maximum thrust can reach 50 tons in aviation mode, and the maximum thrust can reach 300 tons in aerospace mode.

Of course, brand new materials are indispensable here, which is also a material that is more resistant to high temperature and suitable for the production of engines, which Ye Cheng spent more than 20 million points in exchange for.

And the new aerospace plane equipped with the Yinglong-2 engine, the Kunpeng spacecraft, officially has the ability to carry satellites, that is to say, it can take over the task of launching satellites.

At the same time, the Kunpeng spacecraft is a series. In fact, there are two types of Kunpeng spacecraft, one is the Kunpeng-1 that can carry people, and the other is the fully intelligent driving Kunpeng-2.

Kunpeng 1 can carry 120 passengers at a time, and can carry 20 to 30 micro-satellites at the same time. As for Kunpeng 2, it can launch 70 to 80 satellites at a time.

At the same time, the Kunpeng sails for ten hours each time. After the mission is completed, it needs to be maintained for three days to one week, and then the next flight mission can be continued, and the expected life of a Kunpeng is 20 to 30 years. years or so.

This is equivalent to saying that an intelligent driving Kunpeng can perform at least four missions a month and send about 300 satellites into orbit.

These satellites are relatively small, weighing only a dozen to twenty kilograms, so many satellites can be launched at one time.

So soon, at the end of June, the intelligent driving Kunpeng ushered in its first flight, sending 81 satellites into low-Earth orbit.

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