However, since controllable nuclear fusion has not yet been built around the world, the World Yuan has no influence for the time being.

However, Huaguo has stated that every three months in the future, it will calculate the amount of exchange for world dollars by various countries in the past three months, and then based on these amounts, it will consider which countries will build controllable nuclear fusion power plants in the future.

This is equivalent to saying that only if you have exchanged enough world dollars, you will have the opportunity to build controllable nuclear fusion, and if you have not exchanged them, you will not be given priority to use world dollars.

As for how each country circulates this part of the world dollar to the market, it is naturally the same as ordinary currency, and the world dollar can flow into the private sector through various methods such as loans and investments, just like normal currency.

Of course, if a country does not want the world dollar to circulate in its own country, but insists on using its own currency, it can treat the world dollar as a kind of foreign exchange, and then when domestic factories use nuclear fusion power, they can continue to use their own currency as the world currency. Yuan to buy electricity, and then the government of the country will give the world yuan a preferential level, and pay the world yuan to the power company at the same time.

In this way, the circulation of the world dollar is completed. Next, countries will gradually replace the dollar with the world dollar, and the world dollar will officially become a world currency.

The organization that supervises and issues the World Dollar is naturally the World Energy Organization. Among the council members, Hua Guo is now the first chairman.

Of course, in this organization, Jinwu Power Group also has a very important position. After all, the company that can build a nuclear fusion power station is Jinwu Power Group. Jinwu Power Group can listen to the arrangements of the World Energy Organization, but when Jinwu Power Group believes that If the arrangement is not proper, you can act freely.

And Jinwu Electric Power Group belongs to Huaguo, which is equivalent to a kind of authority as a permanent member of the council. After all, Huaguo cannot always be the chairman of the World Energy Organization, otherwise, it will be difficult in name, so if the chairman After the country is replaced by another country, in order to ensure that the organization still has sufficient control, it can be realized through the Jinwu Power Group.

All in all, the World Energy Organization already has some leverage.

Just like why Xiongguo was the first to be arranged to build a nuclear fusion power plant, it was also because Xiongguo had exchanged enough world dollars.

As for the United States, although they said they refused, they honestly exchanged a large amount of world dollars, and in the foreseeable future, various countries will gradually abandon the U.S. dollar and switch to the world dollar. After all, the world dollar has The continuous supervision of various countries can no longer be supervised by everyone like the US dollar in the past, so that the United States can arbitrarily collect seigniorage from various countries, and even pass its own inflation to other countries to bear.

This is the development of nuclear fusion. On the other hand, Huaguo has also officially developed a laser satellite weapon. The room temperature superconductor inside can store a huge amount of energy, and it can be launched in a short period of time. Its power is as high as 20 Megawatt, when it touches the surface of an object, it can generate tens of thousands of temperatures, and can directly burn through a three-centimeter-thick steel plate.

The artificial intelligence of Zhiqi Company is also used in the satellite, which can control the emission of lasers and give them aiming.

This kind of satellite is named "God's Scourge". As the name suggests, it is like a sky thunder, and it is a condemnation from the sky.

After the first Scourge satellite was launched into the sky, it was used by Huaguo to destroy an abandoned satellite. The powerful laser energy directly burned the abandoned satellite to the point of melting it, and finally turned it into space junk.

The experiment of this satellite was also seen by the satellites of various countries, which deeply shocked many countries with satellites.

Obviously, Huaguo's satellite test undoubtedly shows that they already have a powerful space weapon, which means that there are satellites in the sky one by one, and they are already within the attack range of others.

Moreover, Huaguo now has Zhiqi Company, and it is cheap to launch satellites. Even if these satellites are used as consumables, it is not a big problem.

As a result, all countries in the world became more peaceful again for a while.

Of course, for the time being, the Scourge satellite cannot hit ground targets, it can only hit orbital targets. On the surface, due to the increase in the density of the atmosphere, the laser will be greatly weakened. From space to the ground, at least 9% More than ten energy will be taken away by the air.

However, this is not a big problem, because on the other hand, Huaguo has also successfully developed the electromagnetic rail gun. The first electromagnetic rail gun was built in Ludao City, directly using the nearby Jinwu Nuclear Fusion Power Station to supply electricity, and the room temperature superconductor The super-large coil formed can easily send the warhead more than 350 kilometers away in six minutes.

And this railgun successfully completed its mission during the first experiment, directly destroying sea targets hundreds of kilometers away.

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