The emergence of rail guns has once again improved domestic military strength.

The railgun is extremely fast and can easily break through various defenses. If it launches a guided missile, it can provide the missile with a longer range.

Coupled with the laser satellites in the sky, as far as the current situation is concerned, the conventional strength is completely comparable to that of the United States, and if the aerospace plane is added, it will undoubtedly be the first. The aerospace plane can easily Break through all anti-missile facilities and drop bombs directly over the White House.

Of course, this is limited to conventional forces. In the face of saturated nuclear bomb coverage, no country in the world can avoid it.

In addition to military strength, economic strength has also been greatly improved. From 2021, the GDP is 77% of that of the United States. By 2026, the GDP has already surpassed it, and it has benefited from the advanced technology of controllable nuclear fusion. development advantage, the overall economy is becoming more and more healthy.

Because nuclear fusion saves a lot of energy costs, this part of the money is used in social welfare and transfer payments in various places, including providing entrepreneurial loans for college students, with a limit of 100,000 yuan, and at the same time the bank reserve ratio is reduced. The reduction in interest rates has begun to strongly support investment spending.

Over the years, seeing that electricity has become cheaper and cheaper, and the cost of raw materials has also dropped due to the drop in electricity costs, more and more people choose to start their own businesses.

At the same time, countries in Southeast Asia have now shown a friendly attitude, greatly supporting investment by Chinese nationals, and even gradually relaxing visa restrictions, allowing Chinese nationals to come to buy houses and live long-term.

This has attracted many Chinese people to choose to emigrate, such as Malaysia and Singapore.

The government did not prevent this. With controllable nuclear fusion, the demographic dividend is no longer needed. Now it is only necessary to enjoy the low-cost energy dividend.

This kind of dividend based on science and technology is the most healthy and harmless to the economy.

At the same time, it is also the most helpful for economic development.

Today, with the exception of those first-tier cities and some first-tier cities where housing prices cannot come down, housing prices in other cities have dropped significantly. At the same time, there are relevant policies that limit the increase in housing prices.

The monthly price increase cannot exceed 1%, and the total annual increase cannot exceed 10%.

Only drop, not rise too much.

In addition, the interest on housing loans has also been reduced, and the maximum repayment period has been extended. Loans that used to be repaid within 30 years can now be repaid within 50 years, which greatly reduces people's pressure.

This situation has also become the norm. Young people basically no longer worry about buying a house. If they buy a house in a third- and fourth-tier city, they can buy a house with a monthly income of 5,000.

In addition, the personal tax threshold is mentioned as 8,000 yuan. As for second-tier cities, you can buy it with a monthly income of tens of thousands, but the housing prices in first-tier cities and super first-tier cities are still high. After all, too many people want I want to live in a big city.

However, this situation will gradually change in the future. After all, when many people start building new factories, they naturally choose places with cheap land and low labor costs. Naturally, they can only choose those small cities. Therefore, in the future, these small cities After China's economy develops, those young people will naturally choose to come back to develop.

All in all, not only has it achieved global supremacy in terms of technology and economic aggregate, but the national economy has also gradually improved. The world's largest underdeveloped country is finally getting closer and closer to a developed country.

And these situations make every Chinese extremely excited and proud.

Dreams come true.


The time point came to 2027. At the beginning of the year, Zhiqi Group officially expressed its intention to acquire Xiaotong Company. As for Gaolong Company, which was once extremely prosperous, it has been suppressed by Zhiqi since 2024. So much so that in addition to patent authorization, the former Gaolong chip has become history, and no mobile phone company is willing to buy their chips anymore.

And after Zhiqi said that it would acquire Snapdragon, its shareholders also expressed their agreement. Snapdragon has no leading technology anymore, and some of the experts raised by their company have been poached under the pressure of Zhiqi in the past few years. Some of them went for a walk by themselves, so it's better to be honest with Zhiqi. As for the president Christian who expressed his objection, he was directly fired by the shareholders.

Such an ending reminds people of what Ye Cheng, Zhiqi’s boss, said a few years ago, would bring down Snapdragon.

Although it ended in an acquisition now, the difference is obviously not big. For everyone, this can be regarded as an anecdote, and it has become a chat after tea. An open person.

However, Ye Cheng didn't think too much about this result, because Xu Xin did all these things, and he didn't give orders on it.

Moreover, what he is concerned about now is another thing, which is the moon landing plan that he has prepared for more than a year.

This lunar landing plan was named the Guanghan Palace Project, and it has one main purpose, which is to establish a lunar base on the moon.

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