Time passed quickly, and the moon colonization plan was restarted. Since Zhiqi Company showed the ability to protect the moon base, more people were willing to participate in the moon base, from the first batch of 12 people to 51 people later. Until three years later, the current population of the lunar base has reached 150 people.

Among the 150 people, there are adults, children, scientists, athletes, men and women.

Everyone can stay on the moon for a year, and then they will come back with replacements.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the cost of such a huge plan, and Zhiqi Company will support all the funds except at the beginning, but now, if you want to go to the moon, you have to pay.

Zhiqi Company will only fund and support the life of 15 people on the moon. As for the rest, some are paid by other countries, and some are wealthy themselves, so they want to pay to experience life in space on the moon.

For the rich, they only need to pay 10 million world dollars to experience life on the moon for a year.

With the establishment of controllable nuclear fusion power stations around the world, the world dollar has become a universal currency in the world. Although there are many countries in the World Energy Organization and many countries that supervise the world dollar, this will lead to the occurrence of There are some complicated situations, but it is also because of these complicated situations that the World Yuan has become extraordinarily stable, and it is difficult to be influenced by the will of any party, even Hua Guo.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that the world dollar is more easily accepted by countries.

Therefore, in less than five years, the share of world yuan in the world settlement currency has reached 57%. Because of the influence of the past, the US dollar still has a share of more than ten percent. The reason why Hua Guo's strength has become stronger is that its share has reached more than ten percent. As for the former share of the euro, it has plummeted, falling from more than 30 percent to single digits.

All in all, the situation in the world currency market has undergone major changes. The world dollar has become a veritable universal currency. Countries all over the world have begun to reserve a large amount of world dollars, and the world dollar will also change in face value as the market changes, and become The main trading currency in the foreign exchange market, of course, because of the World Energy Organization behind it, all world dollars are very stable, and basically there will be no major changes.

While the world situation is changing, Zhiqi Company has also undergone many changes. Both the market value and the scope of business have undergone tremendous changes, and it has become a veritable corporate empire. Even when calculating the GDP of Huaguo, the data provided by Zhiqi GDP is calculated in percentage points. For this reason, the central capital began to argue with the Shanghai Metropolis for Zhiqi's annual tax payment.

Zhiqi pays taxes every year, which is an astronomical figure.

In addition, the world has also entered a period of peace. For so many years, there has been no war. All countries are looking forward to the installation of controllable nuclear fusion. As for launching wars to compete for resources, it is no longer necessary Well, if you have the funds to start a war, why don’t you give money to Jinwu Electric Power Group, and let them build more nuclear fusion power stations for your country. You know, except for Huaguo, which has full coverage of fusion power, other countries don’t have it. To achieve this level, the total area of ​​those small countries in Europe is not as large as that of Huaguo, and a nuclear fusion power station is enough to provide electricity for the whole country.

Of course, the most critical factor for the absence of war is that the United States has been unable to do what it wants, and the command cannot move.

All in all, people all over the world are developing in a better direction.

At the same time, the Mars exploration project led by Zhiqi Company has also officially started. The new Yinghuo spacecraft has built a Mars base on Mars, named Phoenix, which means rebirth from the ashes. It's not a good star, so the phoenix is ​​used to give it a kind of vitality.

For foreigners, Phoenix Translation used to be a phoenix, so I have always agreed with this name.

Now that the Phoenix Mars base has been fully established, it is time to send astronauts to Mars.

Just like before the departure of Guanghan Palace, of course, a pre-departure press conference was held this time. Afterwards, everyone watched the five astronauts walk into the spaceship Yinghuo. Then, the spaceship automatically started, and along The runway ran quickly, and finally flew into the sky.

People looked at this huge aerospace plane and couldn't help but feel emotional.

An 225 aircraft is probably nothing in front of this Mars spacecraft, right?

In this way, gradually, the spacecraft Yinghuo took off successfully and gradually disappeared into the sky.

It will fly in space for about 150 days, and finally arrive at Mars.

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