Mars, a plain.

In what should have been an extremely barren realm of the dead, a neat building appeared here, surrounded by solar panels.

Solar panels power the buildings, allowing them to sustain life on Mars.

At this moment, there was a burst of rumbling sound from the sky. After a long while, a spaceship appeared in the sky. Soon, at a distance of 100 meters from the Mars base, the spaceship slowed down with the help of the vector engine, and finally It fell smoothly to the ground.

Soon, the hatch opened, and the human beings who came all the way from the third planet of the sun successfully landed on this dead land.

The five astronauts got out of the cabin successfully, and they couldn't help but sigh with emotion when they saw this strange scene.

"Oh, my God, look at this planet, it's really scary, even scarier than the moon."

"The color of the moon is not as rich as here."

"Who said that I can see the earth standing on the moon, and there must be more colors on the earth than this. Moreover, the moon is close to the earth, and it is always a good thing to be close to home."

"That's true."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's time to go back to the base." At this time, Lin Gu, who was the captain of the first batch of moon landing teams three years ago, said.

Everyone responded immediately: "Good captain."

They were all selected from the people who had participated in the Mars operation, and they were quite obedient to Lin Gu, the captain.

So next, they began to rush to the Phoenix base.

However, when the five people were walking, suddenly, American astronaut David fell to the ground without any warning.

"David! David! What's the matter with you?"

Seeing this scene, others ran to help David up.

However, after helping David, he still didn't respond.

Everyone frowned immediately.

This has just arrived on Mars, why did such an accident suddenly happen?

"The vital signs are good, the breathing is good, the heart and pulse are normal." Lin Gu looked at David's situation, and their Martian suits can check these things.

But this made them even more confused.

Everything is normal, why did this happen to David for no reason?

Lin Gu frowned, and finally said: "Take him to the base, Davis, you are a doctor, you can check him again later."

"Yes, Captain."

Then, two people went up, dragged David up, and then they continued to walk towards the base.

Everyone didn't say anything on the surface, but it was impossible for them not to think about this weird situation.

In the end, what happened to David?


Soon, they entered the base, unloaded their equipment, and quickly checked David. At the same time, they also began to report the situation to Earth.

Of course, because Mars is too far away from the ground, even if their news is sent back to Earth, there will be a delay of several minutes.

So, then they started to check David, and Davis, who was a doctor, also checked David.

The medical equipment on the Mars base is relatively sufficient, and the materials delivered here include many medical supplies, such as medicines and so on.

After a brief inspection, Davis still shook his head, expressing that he had no choice.

Just when they were at a loss, David's body moved suddenly. After a long while, he made an "uh" sound, and finally sat up again while rubbing his head.

Seeing this scene, the other four team members immediately gathered around and asked, "David, David?"

David opened his eyes, looked around, and asked in confusion, "What happened?"

"You fainted suddenly just now, do you know?" Davis said.

"I fainted?" David was taken aback.

"Thank goodness, you finally woke up, otherwise we'd all have to go back, how do you feel now?"


"Is it just a headache?"


"Then take a good rest, and I'll check on you later."

At this time, Lin Gu asked: "David, if you recall carefully, why did you suddenly faint?"

David frowned and began to think, but after a while, he shook his head and said, "No, I can't remember, I just felt like I lost consciousness suddenly."

"It's like... the brain was invaded by a virus, and the machine died?"

The other team members could only feel helpless when they heard what he said.

"Well, anyway, you woke up. However, the earth may make other arrangements for you in the future. Maybe you will return to earth for a physical examination."

Hearing what Lin Gu said, David hugged his head immediately, with a helpless expression on his face: "Oh, God, don't do this to me."



"That American fainted on the road not long after getting off the spaceship?"

When Ye Cheng heard the news suddenly, doubts appeared on his face.

"Why did you faint?"

"I don't know why, the doctor in that country also checked, but they didn't find any problem with David's body." Xiaobai replied.

Ye Cheng frowned, "Could it be related to...things that exist on Mars?"

He has never forgotten the thing that America photographed on Mars.

What was it that made that David faint?

Xiao Bai asked: "Do you want to bring them back? There may be unknown things on Mars."

Ye Cheng shook his head: "Mars is the second space base we must build after the moon base. If we back down from this, then we will be farther and farther away from the universe."

"Besides, I do so much, don't I just want to know what is there on Mars?"

"Bring that American back, we will directly conduct a joint consultation on him in space, and perform a full-body examination on him."

"Unless there is something on Mars that can imprint this American with a mental imprint, but if they even have this technology, why did Mars become like this?"

"Okay, I'll give them an order now." Xiao Bai responded immediately.

Ye Cheng stood up and looked out the window.

Outside the window was the Zhiqi Science City, but the place where he was was floating in the air like an empty island.

Such a scene is extremely miraculous, but in fact, it is an effect similar to anti-gravity achieved by using a super magnetic field formed by a room temperature superconductor.

This empty island, directly named Ye Island, has now been selected as the world's most incredible building, the world's most luxurious building, and a miracle of the new century.

This is a miracle that belongs to the age of science, so it has also attracted the attention of countless people. Yedao has also become a miracle building that many tourists want to see.

Therefore, this has also brought a lot of tourism income to Shanghai Magic City and Zhiqi Science City. .seven

Of course, Ye Cheng built this thing for the purpose of letting more people see the magic of science.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Ye Cheng suddenly asked again: "Yes, how is the completion of the 'Xiantian' plan?"

"The 'Sweeping Sky' spaceship will be completed in a year's time."

"Well, I see."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then said no more.


Ten months passed quickly.

The Mars base has been operating normally for twelve months. However, five months ago, David was picked up by the Yinghuo spacecraft, and now he has returned to the outer space of the earth.

Soon, the earth also sent a spacecraft, carrying more and more comprehensive medical equipment, to check David's body again.

In this inspection, nothing was found. Of course, David was also checked for extraterrestrial bacteria to prevent these bacteria from causing serious harm to the earth's ecology.

Of course, no problems were found either.

As a result, David was allowed to return to Earth, but he still had to undergo more comprehensive examinations on Earth. In David's words, he recalled being surrounded by a bunch of doctors when he was circumcised as a child. that scene.

But in the end, nothing was found out on him, and his body was all normal, except that his bones were a little loose because he had been in a low-gravity and no-gravity environment for a long time.

Next, as a hero returning from Mars, he was also received by the President of the United States and told people what he saw and heard on Mars.

Everything seems to be quite normal.

However, when he was in the same room with the president in the White House, the president passed out without warning!

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