"What? When the President of the United States met with David alone in the office, he also fainted without warning?"

Ye Cheng frowned when he heard the news.

what 's wrong?

They did all the checks on David, why did this happen again?

Moreover, what method is it that can actually make the president of the United States fall into the trap?

Ye Cheng realized that something beyond common sense had occurred.

"The medical team of the president of the United States has checked him, but, judging from the current situation, no problem has been found."

Xiaobai said again.

Ye Cheng frowned and said, "Both of these two people must be isolated."

Xiaobai said helplessly: "The United States may not agree. Although their current president is more friendly to us, they probably won't easily accept the fact that the president is quarantined."

"Then state the pros and cons to them. Since the cause of their fainting is unknown, we cannot guarantee whether this situation will expand."

Ye Cheng frowned, and said, "Especially, the identities of these two people who fainted are very special."

If their fainting is regarded as a virus, then why does this virus show such a directional spread?

Especially when David fainted when he first landed on Mars eleven months ago, the others did not have any problems. Then David also stayed on the Mars base for five months. After returning to Earth, he also passed One month of isolation inspection and observation and other methods, during which no second person had another accident.

As a result, after he met the president of the United States, the president was tricked?

What happened in the middle?

What is causing this situation?

Could it be that if 'fainting' is a virus, this virus can choose people to infect on its own, and even, it can recognize the social status of the infected person, and then selectively infect?

Ye Cheng suddenly said: "Xiaobai, go and check from the beginning. When that David came back, who might be...'infected' by him."

"Good master."

Xiaobai agreed, and then started to work.

On the way David came back, there was basically video surveillance, which was also a record of isolation and observation, so during this process, there were records of who David met with.

When the doctors examined David, they were all wearing protective clothing because David was in isolation, and when David and the president met separately, the two parties must have not been isolated.

Of course, it is not ruled out that David has met and contacted quite a few people without isolation during the process of meeting the president.

Sure enough, Xiao Bai quickly replied: "David did come into contact with other people, including the driver who took him to the White House, and the staff in the White House. These people may be infected."

Ye Cheng's heart sank, and he said immediately: "Call, now call the president of the United States who is the closest and most powerful person."

Xiaobai didn't say much, just called him directly, and the call was connected quickly.

The Secretary of State of the United States was on the other side of the phone. He knew Ye Cheng's phone number, so he said respectfully, "Mr. Ye, what can I do?"

Ye Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Now, isolate David from your president."

The Secretary of State was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Mr. Ye, what are you talking about? Quarantine our president?"

"I know that your president fainted. It's the same as David's situation on Mars. You must be vigilant now. This may be the first time that we humans on Earth and outer space... have confronted each other!"

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, the Secretary of State was startled, Ye Cheng, could what he said be true?

Their first confrontation between humans and outer space?

But soon, the Secretary of State said: "Mr. Ye, although what you said...is terrible, but I have no right to ask for the isolation of the president. By the way, don't you know the patriarchs of the Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild families?" ? If they agree, then it should be fine."

Ye Cheng frowned, and then asked again: "Are you next to your president now?"

"Yes, the President is in the hospital..."

Suddenly, Ye Cheng heard another noise coming from over there.

Finally, the Secretary of State said again: "Our president has woken up, sorry, Mr. Ye, I have to hang up first."

Hearing that the phone was hung up, Ye Cheng frowned.

woke up?

Is it the same as that David...

After thinking for a moment, he finally called the real rulers of the United States, the big capitalists.

He needs to use these people to isolate the two 'infected'.

As for exactly what was infected, it remains a mystery.

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