Ye Cheng was in contact with those big capitalists. When he just finished making all the calls, those people said that they would ask the White House to quarantine the president.

But at this moment, Xiaobai's voice sounded again: "Master, the President of the United States is crazy!"

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment: "What? The thing they infected actually has such symptoms?"

Xiaobai said: "Ah, no, I don't mean mentally insane... Maybe it's not too bad, because after waking up, he called the media reporters directly, and then claimed that we used some unknown means, Wanted to frame him, that's why he fainted, and now says we're an evil company that wants to rule the world."

Ye Cheng frowned: "That seems really crazy."

He said that, not scolding the other party.

His thinking is affected by the evolutionary virus, and he will always remain rational. Even if someone points at his nose and scolds him, he will not be angry, but will only think about the situation and purpose of the other party before scolding him.

And now, he thinks the same way.

The other party obviously said something that would be impossible to say under normal circumstances. In a way, there is a problem with the other party's thinking now.

Otherwise, with the influence of Zhiqi Company in the world, it is impossible for any country leader to directly criticize Zhiqi publicly.

Therefore, he can judge now that the other party's thinking ability is likely to have changed.

Influenced? Controlled? Or was it replaced?

Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel absurd, as if he had crossed into this world from another world?

At this time, Xiaobai said again: "David also started to scold our company!"

Ye Cheng's face suddenly sank.

"Did it start to attack when you came to the earth?"

"Some special means must be used, otherwise, it is not difficult to ensure that more and more people will be affected."

However, Xiaobai's voice came again, "Master, it's not good. After the interview with the President of the United States, two people fainted in the room again! They are journalists from CCN and Fusk!"

At the same time, a video was released on the computer screen in front of him. It was the scene of the interview. There were two reporters lying on the ground, and the people around were shouting, and the president was still shouting: "Look! Zhiqi Company is attacking us again! Everyone, go and expose how evil Zhiqi Company is! God bless!"

Ye Cheng's complexion became ugly this time.

He immediately said: "Send a warning to all my family members and tell them not to go out as much as possible in the last few days."

"Let Thurstrom Company prepare for action in the US branch. Once this 'infection' spreads, when there are too many people, arrest a few people and conduct psychological tests. I want to make sure they can know that I am myself. .”

"Okay, master, don't you need to hide for a while?"

Ye Cheng said: "Line up a few labor and Type I guards to see if they can be infected. If they can't be infected, there is no need to hide."

He had tested the genes of the labor force and Type I guards before, and compared them with his genes, and found surprisingly that in some parts, they were actually very similar.

From this aspect, it can be inferred that these labor force and Type I guards have undergone similar genetic enhancements.

Maybe, the evolutionary virus was improved based on these labor force and the genetic enhancer of type I guards.

So, from this point of view, as long as they can break through, Ye Cheng certainly doesn't have to worry about this problem. .seven



America is in a strange situation.

Because, at the beginning, many people would faint inexplicably, but these people who fainted would recover quickly. After that, these people would respond to the president's call and start to scold Zhiqi Company, saying that Zhiqi is an evil company of.

The root of this situation is the presidential interview in the White House.

Starting from the president, spread to the two journalists who participated, and then fainted 4 people, 8 people...

In this way, it is almost exponentially raised.

In just a few days, Washington could be said to be falling.

But since those people just fainted and didn't show any problems afterwards, it didn't seem like a big problem.

However, for some reason, these people took to the streets together and began to protest Zhiqi Company.

They didn't have any appeals, they just kept declaring that Zhiqi Company is an evil company, saying that Zhiqi Company caused them to faint because Zhiqi Company has mastered an incomprehensible weapon, but because this weapon is not advanced enough, So there is no danger to their lives.

Other cities in the United States who have not been infected feel that they are outrageous. How could there be such a weapon that makes people faint inexplicably?

Besides, don't you want to live against Zhiqi Company?

Many people expressed their incomprehension.

However, as the fainting situation spread from Washington to other places, people who did not understand at first joined the ranks after being infected.

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