"Punish Zhiqi Company!"

"Punish Zhiqi Company!"


Downstairs of Zhiqi Building, a group of people blocked the road. Everyone looked up at the 500-meter-high building, shouted, and protested to Zhiqi Company.

And these people are obviously also infected by the heart thorn.

Moreover, their demonstrations were even approved, because even those leaders who have the power of approval have been completely controlled, if it is not that Zhiqi Company is not controlled by these levels of departments, but is controlled by the highest leadership, otherwise, Whether Zhiqi Building can operate normally has become a problem.

The crowd downstairs didn't just yell and shout, but tried to charge the gate several times. If it wasn't for the security force composed of i-shaped guards downstairs, otherwise, they would have been arrested These people rushed in.

In the building, all employees of Zhiqi looked at this scene and felt panic in their hearts, praying that there would be no problems. If there were not enough food reserves in the building, otherwise, as long as these people went out, they would inevitably be attacked. attack.

In fact, some employees of Zhiqi have been beaten and seriously injured.

Upstairs, Xu Xin was in her office, looking at the situation downstairs, the black hair and the signs all made her feel powerless.

If so many people were able to resist the exploiters and oppressors in the world, would there still be so many unfair things in the world?

It's a pity that now they are gathered here to oppose Zhiqi Company together, and all the pressure will be borne by Zhiqi Company.

It is obviously difficult for Zhiqi Company to bear.

The premise is that Zhiqi Company has its own violent organization in order to protect its property. However, it is obviously impossible for them to have that kind of violent organization except for a group of security guards who look very strong.

Of course, Xu Xin also felt strange, why these security guards were not affected by that heart thorn?

According to past cases of heart thorn infection, it is impossible for these security guards to avoid heart thorn infection.

And at this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It's Ye Cheng calling.

Her eyes lit up and she quickly connected the phone.

"Ye Cheng, where are you?"

"Come to the airport on the roof, and I'll pick you up."

"Go? Where are you going?"


"But... there is nowhere to hide, right?"

"After you get on the plane, I'll tell you that you come here alone, you don't need to bring others, and you don't need to bring anything else."

"Okay... okay."

Xu Xin responded, hung up the phone, hesitated for a while, went to another office, and said to Yu Ying: "Yu Ying, go to the airport on the roof, let's get out of here."

Yu Ying glanced at Xu Xin, then smiled and waved her hands, and said, "Thank you Mr. Xu, I don't need it, just go up."

Xu Xin was taken aback: "Then you?"

"Mr. Ye later arranged for a skyship transport helicopter to take us all away. I will also be responsible for this matter in the future."

"What about the company?"

"Don't worry about the company. In the face of such a situation, it is impossible for us to protect the company."


Xu Xin couldn't believe it, the huge Zhiqi Group, the world's corporate empire, just gave up like this?

She has put in so much effort over the years.

But thinking of being surrounded by people downstairs, the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

She could only say: "Then... okay, I'll wait for your news, and you must send me a message when you leave."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we will meet again later."

Xu Xin nodded, then left here, took the elevator, and headed to the roof.

Soon, she reached the roof and walked to the helipad.

However, no helicopters were seen around.

She was a little puzzled, and wanted to take out her mobile phone and call Ye Cheng again, but at this moment, she suddenly heard a rumbling sound from the sky, and then she saw a black figure appearing in the clouds.

It was a fixed-wing aircraft, but it used a vector engine, so it just stopped on it steadily.

Seeing this guy who was two or three times bigger than a helicopter, Xu Xin couldn't help being stunned, what is this thing?

But at this moment, the hatch opened and Ye Cheng appeared inside. He jumped down, ran to Xu Xin, took her hand and ran towards the plane.

Xu Xin asked in shock while running, "What kind of plane is this?"

"We are secretly developing an all-terrain aircraft that can also be turned into a fighter jet," Ye Cheng said.


"Okay, let's talk about this later, it's time to go now."

Afterwards, Xu Xin and Ye Cheng got on the plane.

On the plane, she saw that both of their parents were on the plane.

"Xinxin, come and sit down."

In the seat of the plane, a middle-aged man who looked about forty years old waved to Xu Xin.


Xu Xin yelled, then looked at a woman next to her who looked to be in her thirties, and shouted, "Mom."

Then she called out to her parents, a couple in their forties on the other side.

Obviously, she and Ye Cheng's family members naturally received the most advanced recuperation from Zhiqi Company, so they all looked younger.

Of course, Xu Xin is now thirty-seven or eighteen years old, and she looks no different from a young man in her twenties.

As Ye Cheng's relatives, of course they can enjoy all the technology of Zhiqi company first.

Xu Xin found a seat, then looked at Ye Cheng, and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"To the high seas of the Pacific Ocean."

Ye Cheng said.

Then, the plane accelerated and rushed into the sky again, entering the clouds.

Xu Xin looked at the Zhiqi Building which was getting farther and farther from the porthole, and couldn't help asking: "Will our company be rushed in? Will they destroy our headquarters? And our employees?"

"Don't worry, I will arrange for our employees to leave in the future, and then I will arrange for them to leave here. As long as he does not disclose to the outside world that he is from Zhiqi Company, he will not be attacked. I will arrange defense in the company At the same time, all passages will be blocked and security guards will be arranged.”

"Then the company ceased operations?"

Ye Cheng shook his head: "There is no way to do this. If you stop the operation, stop the operation. You can't be attacked."

Xu Xin showed frustration on his face: "What the hell is going on, what happened in this world?"

Ye Cheng shook his head and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, he wrinkled his face, gave a signal, and rushed into the cab, closing the door at the same time.

He said, "Where is the other party?"

"Just took off from the space army base a thousand kilometers away, and there are still more than 900 kilometers away from us. Do you want to get rid of them?"

Xiaobai's voice sounded.

Ye Cheng frowned and said, "Is the other party a normal person or an infected person?"


"Then get rid of him."


Ye Cheng sighed. The other party was the space combat force established by Hua Guo in the past three years, the "Qian Kun Army", and the Tianxuan space fighter piloted by the other party was equipped with the engine sold to them by Zhiqi Company.

Unexpectedly, this thing was going to be used against him.

The Qiankun Army has the strongest global surveillance capability on Earth. Even though the all-terrain aircraft he is flying now has the strongest stealth capability on Earth, it is invisible to radar, not optical, so this aircraft flies The scene of entering the Demon City and landing on the Zhiqi Building must have been seen, so the other party reacted immediately.

But now the other party is also sending out heart-stab infected people, which means that the Qiankun Army is basically infected as well.

That is to say, those infected with heart stabbing will still follow the social order, otherwise, once these violent organizations start to attack, then Zhiqi in Huaguo really has no ability to resist.

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