"The opponent is chasing us! They have sent three more planes, and now there are a total of four Tianxuan fighter jets chasing us, and they are coming from three directions, forming a triangle encirclement around us. Our engines are quadrilateral engines. , the power is not as good as their aerospace engines, and the speed may not be comparable."

Xiaobai's voice sounded.

"The only way to avoid it now is to enter the Pacific Ocean, and aerospace fighters cannot enter the sea with us.

Ye Cheng said: "Then enter the sea."


Afterwards, the plane that had already flown into the stratosphere began to lower its altitude, and below it was still an endless sea level.

However, when they were descending, two sci-fi-looking fixed-wing fighters rushed over hundreds of kilometers away. The speed of these fighters was as high as Mach 6, which was equivalent to two kilometers per second, hundreds of kilometers The distance is only a few minutes.

Moreover, it is equipped with more powerful weapons, such as strong microwave transmitters, which can emit high-power microwaves in an instant, thereby burning the target's electronic devices, because the principle is that a strong magnetic field is generated in an instant, which can generate a huge power in the circuit. Instantaneous current is extremely threatening to circuits with resistance, just like emp weapons.

Of course, the plane that Ye Cheng is on, because all the electronic devices in the whole body are made of superconductors, so this situation can be completely avoided, and the instantaneous strong current will not affect the internal circuit at all.

In addition, microwaves are also harmful to the human body. Strong microwave weapons like this can also penetrate the surface and cause harm to people inside. However, Ye Cheng's aircraft can still avoid this situation because it forms a nearly sealed Faraday inside. A Faraday cage blocks all electromagnetic waves, even microwaves.

So their fighter jets are not afraid of such strong microwave weapons.

In addition, the Tianxuan fighter jets are also equipped with ultra-long-range hypersonic air-to-air missiles, which can target and launch more than 2,000 kilometers away. However, since they cannot achieve long-distance locking through radar, they can only rely on thermal imaging of missiles after approaching technology to achieve lock-on aiming.

As for thermal imaging technology, Ye Cheng's all-terrain aircraft, there is no way.

However, these problems are actually not a problem, because Xiaobai has a backhand.

Of course, this backhand cannot be used casually, so when Ye Cheng and the others were descending, they were inevitably approached.

In the public channel, a Tianxuan fighter jet sent them a warning: "This is the Qiankun space force of Huaguo, please report your identity, and then land at xx airport after returning to accept interrogation, otherwise we will not guarantee that we will not take extreme actions." measure."

Ye Cheng didn't respond, just watched the sea level getting closer and closer.

If it wasn't for the worry that the family members behind would not be able to withstand the acceleration of gravity during the extreme descent, otherwise, the plane could dive down vertically and then enter the seabed in parallel.

As for Ye Cheng, his current physical fitness can easily withstand the acceleration of gravity of 25 g, so there is no need to worry at all.

However, if they don't respond, the other party will obviously not let it go.

"Please answer if you hear it, please answer it when you hear it, this is Huaguo Qiankun Space Force, please report your identity and accept control, otherwise we will attack you with engine guns."

Ye Cheng still didn't answer, just looked at the indication of altitude, they were still 3000 kilometers away from sea level.

But at this moment, Xiaobai said: "Master, the other party launched a powerful microwave weapon."

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said, "It was said to use machine guns, but it turned out to use microwaves. My heart is a bit dark."

However, what their planes are not afraid of is microwave weapons, and they still have to be wary of machine guns.

Then he said, "Start the turtle breath mode and pretend we hit it."


Next, the entire aircraft turned off the communicator, and at the same time the engine seemed to be turned off, losing all kinds of power, as if the internal electronic equipment had been destroyed by a strong microwave weapon.

Seeing this scene, the Tianxuan fighter pilot who fired a strong microwave naturally thought that the opponent would fall into the bottom of the sea, and then he said: "The opponent has been hit by the microwave weapon."

"Got it." Another fighter pilot responded.

There is a high probability that this plane is boarded by the top management of Zhiqi Company, maybe even that Ye Cheng, which also means that their mission has been completed.

And they are all infected with heart stabs.

Next, they watched the plane glide through the air before finally crashing into the sea.

And entering the sea at its current speed, I am afraid that the only result is the destruction of the aircraft and the death of people.

They just need to note where it fell, and then the Navy will come and salvage it.

They want to see with their own eyes who is dead.


However, when the all-terrain aircraft was already approaching the sea surface, the two pilots of the Tianxuan Sky Fighter were puzzled to find that the speed of the other unknown aircraft suddenly slowed down inexplicably and did not fall straight into the sea .

This made them a little confused about this scene, and finally guessed that the opponent operated the joystick again when he was about to fall into the sea, and then used this method to reduce the speed of rushing to the water.

But so what?

In the end, it doesn't have to fall to the sea.

Sure enough, as they expected, although the speed of the plane decreased, it still fell to the ground in the end.

However, an accident happened, and the plane actually got into the sea water just like that, as if the sea water was less dense than this plane.

And this should be impossible. Due to the structure of the aircraft, the chance of sinking into the sea is relatively small, not to mention that there is still a lot of air in it.

Unless the plane leaks and sea water pours in.

Could it be...

Is it really sea water poured in?

Doubts arose in the hearts of the two drivers.

But apart from this explanation, they couldn't think of any other reason.

As for the plane being able to turn into a submarine?

Just kidding, Zhiqi Company didn't tell the military about this technology.

"Reply to the headquarters, the crash coordinates of the opponent's plane are..."

"Well... I replied, the headquarters told us to go back, and the navy will be responsible for salvage later."

"Then go back. I really hope that after salvaging, I can see Ye Cheng lying inside."

"Zhiqi is an evil company, I hope it is."


The two aerospace fighters turned their heads and flew towards the base.

However, the plane that sank in the sea did enter the water as they thought.

However, it enters the water because it rises and descends by pouring in seawater like a submarine, not because it leaks water.

So, it entered the sea quietly like this, the aerospace engine at the tail retracted automatically, and then switched to the magnetic fluid propulsion, and then it moved forward silently in the sea, and at the same time, as the internal water increased, It also sank deeper and deeper.

Its maximum dive depth is 150-200 meters, which is not too deep, but at this distance, it is basically impossible to find it on the sea surface, and the various anti-detection equipment it is equipped with can make any equipment in the world detect It is impossible to find him under the seabed, even detection equipment such as magnetic anomaly detectors or sonar cannot find his whereabouts.

This is the four-seat aircraft, the sky, land and sea, there is no place it cannot reach.

So Ye Cheng named it 'Xianzhou'.

At this moment, except for Ye Cheng, everyone else was terrified.

They watched the plane rushing straight into the sea, and of course they even thought it was going to be over.

But looking at it now, not only did they not have any accidents, but they were still moving forward in the sea, which made them feel surprised and unbelievable.

Didn't they get on the plane?

How did it become a submarine?

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