As this carriage drove farther and farther in this deep tunnel, after about half an hour, they finally arrived at their final destination.

It was a place full of surprises just like the super underground base that appeared in the movie.

Seeing this, Xu Xin and the others were shocked.

This underground base... Has Ye Cheng already prepared for a nuclear war?


At this time, a little girl who looked about 5 or 6 years old suddenly rushed over.

It was Ye Cheng and Xu Xin's daughter, Ye Xi.

Seeing her daughter approaching, Xu Xin suddenly showed surprise on her face. She hurried up and hugged her daughter: "Xixi!"

She was always worried about her daughter's situation along the way, because before the incident, her daughter had been with Ye Cheng all the time, and because her daughter had shown interest in Ye Cheng's career since she was a child, Ye Cheng often took her with her. She went to visit some experiments to cultivate her interest, and maybe she could become a female scientist when she grows up, even though Xu Xin wanted Ye Xi to help her share some affairs when she grew up.

Seeing that Ye Xi was safe and sound now, she felt relieved.

"Grandparents, grandparents!"

Ye Xi hugged his mother's neck, then looked at the four adults next to him, and called out sweetly.

The four elders immediately showed loving expressions, there was no way, they were all intergenerational relatives.

The adults of the two generations surrounded the third generation and greeted them well. At this time, Ye Xi jumped off Xu Xin and ran towards Ye Cheng.


Ye Cheng was talking to the staff next to him, when he heard his daughter's voice, he hugged her up, with a smile on his face: "Xixi, how are you doing here these days?"

Ye Xi said, "Well... Uncle Aunt is fine, but I can't see Dad."

"Hehe, Dad won't leave you after that, let's stay here and play, okay?"

"it is good!"

Ye Xi responded.

Seeing Ye Xi and Ye Cheng being so close, Xu Xin couldn't help but pouted. This little cotton padded jacket is just kissing her father, and she doesn't know what ecstasy soup Ye Cheng has poured into her.

Needless to say, Ye Cheng brought his family to the residential area. You can take the elevator to the residential area. There is a beach above it, which is private. You don’t need to worry about being intruded by others. Once the sky and earth nets are covered, not even an ant can get in.

In this regard, the security aspect is completely solved.

Time also passed quickly.


on Mars.

The four team members looked at the thing dug out of the ground, and their eyes showed shock.

"My hair??"

"What is this?"

"I bet David would regret going back if he found out."

The team members representing each country looked at this thing in disbelief.

This is an impressive metal building that is definitely man-made.

It looks smooth and flat on the surface, but now they have only dug out part of it, and there is still a large piece of ground on the ground. They also notified the earth that a more powerful digging tool is needed, but it takes time for the earth to reply. For the time being, they will test manpower digging first.

No way, they can only rely on themselves, limited by the oxygen supply, they can't go out of the cabin for too long each time, as for physical strength, they don't have to worry, because they are equipped with exoskeleton suits this time, so there is no need to worry about long-term physical labor .

"Dig again."

Lin Gu pointed to one side: "Dig here."

"it is good."

The other team members responded one after another, and then lifted the drill bit next to it, and continued to drill the soil around the metal object. After the drilling was loose, they would use the shovel to shovel it away.

At the same time, they also had to say a few words of emotion.

"Are there still aliens on Mars?"

"Ghost knows, don't get a Sadako out of here."

"Don't be scary."

While chatting, suddenly, one of the team members said "Ah", and the others looked suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The drill accidentally touched this thing, and now my broken?"

"What? Broken? Just touched it?" The other teammates asked.


The team member nodded, then took out his drill bit and showed it to everyone, and sure enough, it was broken.

Fortunately, the broken piece of iron didn't pop out, otherwise it might have caused considerable damage.

Then the team member dug out and removed the drilled soil, but was shocked to find, "The drill bit is broken, and there is no mark left on it?"

"There are no marks?"

The other team members couldn't believe it, they walked up one after another, took a look, and it turned out to be so.

I saw the drill bit lying on the side, but there was no gap on the smooth metal wall.

Logically speaking, if the drill bit is broken, even if the iron block has to leave a gap, right?

As a result, there was no trace left on this thing.

This shows what?

The hardness of this thing is unimaginable to them!

"I will report to the earth now, and you continue to dig."

Lin Gu next to him looked serious, took a picture immediately, and then rushed back to the base.


Earth, in an underground base in Africa.

Ye Cheng received the news from Mars, and seeing the photo taken by Lin Gu, his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

"No marks left?"

Such a hardness, what is this thing?

He felt a familiar impression recalled in his mind.

But soon, his eyes became serious. The technical content of this kind of thing has surpassed the earth's technology for many years.

This undoubtedly proves that there are really so-called Martians on Mars!

Then, there is also a high probability that the heart thorn was brought by the Martians.

He was lost in thought.

"We have to continue sending people to Mars. It just so happens that Mars also needs to transport supplies."

As for the headquarters on Earth and Mars, because they have no way to use the Mars spacecraft of Zhiqi Company. turned into scrap metal.

So if they want to go to Mars, they can only rebuild the rocket.

Then Ye Cheng needs to prevent the earth from contacting Mars first, and if the earth wants to launch a rocket, he will stop it at that time.

After making a decision, Ye Cheng immediately called his subordinates and issued an order: "Transport supplies to Mars, and in addition, arrange three more people to go together!"

Half a month later, on a small island on the earth, the soil on the surface suddenly parted, and a spaceship appeared from inside. Then, the spaceship rushed into the air and flew towards Mars.

The satellites on the earth, of course, all saw the spacecraft.

Suddenly, Qiankun Army Headquarters.

"Shoot that spaceship for me!"

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